"Do you know your destiny?" Li Xinyan stood up again, went back to the window, put his hands on his back, and continued to watch every move of the dump. He was thinking about new problems in his mind, but he asked absently.

With electricity, especially the charger, the humanoid robot recovered a lot and said, "I see. General Lee. To facilitate communication, you can call me "Huaxin."

It seems that the humanoid robot knows very well that if he wants to join Li Xinyan, he will succeed.

What Li Xinyan said is not a lie. If there is a special requirement, it is necessary to pay the price of intensive care, which is the principle brought to him by the training of the operation team.

If this humanoid robot can't complete his task, then according to the logic of Wu Kun and lieri, he really shouldn't exist in this world any more. Because what Li Xinyan is going to do next is to move forward, and there is no turning back at all. If he turns back, he will only see countless corpses behind him. Among them, what the humanoid robot wants to do, or what Li Xinyan wants to accomplish through him, will be an important part. If he fails, Then his existence will cause the sacrifice of many robots, so Li Xinyan did not give him a way out, and Li Xinyan himself did not.

"The heart of painting?" Li Xinyan was a little surprised, but at the same time he felt funny, but on the surface he didn't seem to be in any mood“ As far as I know, these robots in exile in the mechanical city are not in the habit of naming themselves. Well, that's not right. The mechanical city also has numbers for you. These numbers are your name. Why don't you use the number of the mechanical city and give yourself a name in a human way? "

"General... Aren't you human?" Asked the robot.

Li Xinyan was asked. It's a bit out of his expectation. Don't look at this short sentence, it has three meanings!

First, this little robot is familiar with human habits!

It's true that it's hard to remember the numbers in the way of human memory, but for the names of some special syllables, they can be remembered for a long time, and they can easily correspond with specific things,... But, he is a robot, a robot from the mechanical City, how can he understand this way of behavior?

This is a strange question.

Second, how does he know that Li Xinyan is human?

According to Li Xinyan's current situation, there are streamline on his body, and there are a few of these streamline on his face. The lines on his neck are exposed and emit a light cyan light. It's easy to see that he is a mechanical life body, and the little robot even says that he is a human!

He looked back at the humanoid robot and asked, "how do you know I'm human?"

"Human beings are good at creation. General, your way of doing things is no different from that of a human being." Humanoid machines are humane. The humanoid robot is very simple.

"Ha?" Li Xinyan couldn't help laughing. This reason is far fetched, but the result is right. Li Xinyan doesn't know how to evaluate his answer.

"In my name," Xin "is" Xin "with a cursive head, not the heart of the heart." The humanoid robot added.

But Li Xinyan's mind still stays in the third meaning of his previous sentence: is this robot so determined to join his territory for what purpose? Is he willing to serve a human being?


At noon, Shanji brought a version of the statistical data. This is the information of the registered robots that have been collected and numbered by the Municipal Administration of citizens in the garbage places of the machinery City in the past 20 days and meet the standards of Yinhai citizens.

Li Xinyan woke up from his meditation and focused on the data on the electronic screen.

In more than 20 days, there were 15744 numbered robots newly entering the Yinhai citizen registration system!

Li Xinyan raised his head and was very surprised to ask: "before your registration is so much?"

Shan Ji shook his head“ No, we're weird, too. The registration volume in the past 20 days is about the registration volume in the last four months! Naturally, there are no robots that have not passed our inspection. If there are no robots that can pass the inspection and rating, the number will be doubled! "

And double that, that's 31488!

If we add those robbed by the other three nobles, the number will have to be further increased.

And if you add in the garbage

What happened to the mechanical city?

Li Xinyan closed the electronic screen, leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath.

Meanwhile, in the banquet hall of the N45 family in Yinhai, the dinner that lasted for one night has been held for 13 hours. In three hours, the original dinner will become a standard lunch.

The banquet hall of N45 family is totally different from that of n34 family. The style here is fast and modern, which is quite similar to the thousand bird lattice of prisoner bird. The banquet hall is located in the middle of a steel building, and its decoration is mainly gold and silver. The application of glass materials makes the lighting full of luxury, while the unique blue decoration brings a little elegance of blue and white porcelain, Let everything in the light and a lot of connotation and deliberate insipid, just like the finishing touch, let the brilliant feeling in a lot of cultural charm, but also highlights the taste of the host here extraordinary.

The N45 sits next to the head of their family, while the N45 sits flat in the middle, very easygoing.

N223 family and n2453 family sit on both sides. For a moment, the banquet hall of nearly 500 square meters seems to be a little crowded.

It's not so much a chat as a quarrel.

There's a robot in the n223 family speaking out.

"... what reason! Why! Who doesn't know that those guys of n34 family are used to by you two families? If you had not allowed the n34 family to stay in the freight department on the left side of the airport as we did, could he have a foothold in the freight department? Did the three of us kick him back into the middle class long ago? "

"You can't say that!" *** The location of the freight department is under the management of the franchise Department of qianniaoge. Without their licenses, who can set up a warehouse and a location there? N34 family can make money, there are some high-performance killer robots, this is not a secret, people will not make small moves behind? Prisoner bird also has its own enterprise. It's hard to guarantee that there is no transaction in it. Can we blame it on us? Damn it

When the n223 family heard what the N45 family said, they were even more angry and cried, "don't talk so much nonsense! Who can't see that the n34 family has joined the s11112 family? Hum! The fifth aristocrat, a new comer, how can he become the fifth aristocrat of Yinhai so soon? Isn't that backed up by prisoners? They are all S-class robots. Naturally, they all wear the same pants. But if they develop, I think we should all go to the dismantling factory! "

N45 looked numb. It seemed that he had fallen asleep. After hearing this, he lazily picked up a carved knife, nailed it to the table in front of him, and said, "shut up

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