In front of the restaurant in the high-end area of Yinhai market.

Avoiding the planned siege of the mechanical killer, Tong Liya clenches her teeth and makes an elegant climb in the air, rushing to the mechanical killer. She has only two forks in her hand. Since the ionp chip in her hand has been taken out, he can't feel the intention of the mechanical killers, and Li Xinyan's situation is even worse. She can only try to control the leader of the mechanical killers by force.

After all, she is a human body. If the other party is a human, there is still some chance of winning. However, in front of them are steel robots. When the two fight, the difficulty goes up a step.

I know I can't fight, but I still have to try hard!

Tong Liya on the ground a dragonfly like light floating point, a steel fork toward the eyes of the mechanical killer leader. The eye of mankind is crucial, the electronic eye of mechanical killer also is crucial. It is almost impossible for Tong Liya to destroy their eyes if she is the guardian of the mechanical City, but these mechanical killers are the local products of Yinhai, so the natural quality is not so high.

After Li Xinyan captured the mechanical killer who attacked Li Xinyan last time, Tong Liya disassembled it. From the shell, the eye part of these mechanical killers had the weakest protective shell, so Tong Liya naturally chose here to make a breakthrough.

Sure enough, the leader of the mechanical killer didn't hide. He reached out and grabbed her left arm.

Tongliya stabbed his eyes, but it was a false move.

Another steel fork in her hand, but it accurately wedged into the gap under the jaw of the mechanical killer leader!

The steel fork wedged into the gap under the chin of the leader of the mechanical killer, but Tong Liya's strength was not strong enough to completely insert it, and touched the circuit in the neck of the leader of the mechanical killer, so the leader of the mechanical killer didn't care, and grasped her right hand with her other hand!

The advantage of killers is not strength, but flexibility. Tong Liya knows, but the leader of the mechanical killer doesn't know. He is about to hit Tong Liya face to face. In front of his eyes, he sees Tong Liya's legs protruding from her chest and cross wrapping his neck!

When the neck was trapped, the leader of the mechanical killer released her arm to grab her leg. After all, this leg is better. After catching it, she can control Tong Liya.

Mechanical killer leader let go of Tong Liya for a moment, but everything in his eyes is dazzled with the swing of Tong Liya's body!

It's not just the things in front of him that are shaking. In front of the mechanical killers who are besieging Tong Liya, Tong Liya is like a top wrapped around the neck of the head of the mechanical killer. She turns her body, and with the head of the mechanical killer like a big top, she quickly turns 360 degrees, then loses her balance and falls to the ground together!

The next moment, Tong Liya is like a landing butterfly and a carp. She turns up from the ground. When she gets up, she uses one foot to turn her body on her left foot and steps on the fork inserted under the jaw of the head of the mechanical killer!

With a hiss, a cremation appeared on the neck of the mechanical leader, and the red light in his eyes went out!

But Tong Liya's body didn't stop. Instead, she rushed to the mechanical killer who was chasing him.

Just a moment before she collided with the mechanical killer in front of her, Tong Liya suddenly got short and slid close to the ground. Her left hand fell on the ankle of the mechanical killer!

With a bang, the third bullet from a distance passed the original flat running position of Tong Liya, hit the back of the mechanical killer, penetrated the shell of the mechanical killer, and stayed in the body of the mechanical killer!

The mechanical killer's body explodes. I don't know what circuit is damaged, so he has no action ability.

Although Tong Liya evaded the double attacks of bullets and mechanical killers in front of her, she also put herself into the encirclement of mechanical killers again! Moreover, she is on the ground now, and the mechanical killers immediately find this good opportunity and trample on her from six directions!

Because of the top-down attack, the mechanical killers don't need much fighting skills at all. They just need to surround her and keep her from going out. Then they can step on her to make a meat cake with their feet!

At this time, one hand grabbed her leg, while the other hand grabbed the fallen mechanical killer who was sniped / hit / shot, threw forward the body of the mechanical killer, hit a mechanical killer, at the same time, dragged her out of the broken encirclement gap!

Tong Liya looked back and saw that her hands were not others' but Li Xinyan!

"They are mine! Go to the restaurant! Go

With that, he hugged Tong Liya like a chicken and got into the restaurant.

This time, the sniper / sniper / gun 100 meters away from the house immediately lost its function.

But the mechanical killers chased forward two steps. They didn't know whether to go in or to wait for the prey to reappear. They looked at each other for a moment and finally disappeared in the crowd on the long street.


The VIP hotel of thousand bird Pavilion.

The night is deep. The hotel specially opened a blank room with a metal table. Above the metal table are various repair equipment. Li Xinyan is lying on the metal table. Tong Liya has changed into a nurse's uniform and is slowly cutting Li Xinyan's middle abdomen with a cutting machine.

At the moment, there is no strog or magic knife beside the metal table, just a bewildered Witt, good at seeing, good at remembering and good at keeping.

Tong Liya turned to Vitter and cried, "water!"

Witt quickly picked up the glass and gave Tong Liya a drink.

"Wipe the sweat." Shan Jian takes white gauze and wipes Tong Liya's sweat. Tong Liya's hair is wet through and clings to her temples.

Li Xinyan indifferent way: "not urgent, you have a rest."

But Tong Liya said: "no, the X-ray detection results show that the bullet has broken your stomach, and the digestive juice has leaked. If you don't repair the digestive tract quickly, they will enter your abdominal cavity and cause corrosion to the current storage module. Once the corrosion is caused, the body's ability will be reduced!"

Li Xinyan light smile, said: "down afraid of what? Why don't you just go back to Elena and change your body? "

Tong Liya stopped her work, looked at Li Xinyan, frowned and said, "go back? We've only been out for a few days. Shall we go back? "

"Then we won't go back. Let's leave here and continue to wander." Li Xinyan said with a smile.

He took her hand. But it was a cold feeling.

Tong Liya said with a bitter smile: "continue to wander? You don't care about the bottom robots struggling to survive here? "


Li Xinyan looked at her and did not answer.

Tong Liya pushed his hand away, lowered her head to continue cutting her body, and continued: "I know you think I'm hard, but I tell you, I'm not hard, I'm very happy! In the month I came out with you, I felt more happiness than I have felt in the past 27 years! "

"In this month, I have never lived like myself. I can do whatever I want, shopping, visiting people, even chatting with robots. I don't have to worry about who will read my memory. Those things are my own!"

"When Elena first taught me how to read and read, she began to think of ways to let me accept those things from the mechanical city. Do you know how hard it was? Although I didn't get rid of her temptation in the end, my happiness in exploring the world has never been erased. "

Tong Liya was working quickly under her hand, but Li Xinyan sighed and asked, "this is just the beginning. If you want to fight for something for the lives of these people at the bottom, you have to give up something, such as security. If you go back, there will certainly be such a crisis as today. I am a mechanical life body. As long as my brain is not completely destroyed, there is still a way to survive. Your body is an organism. Aren't you afraid? "

Tong Liya's face was a tearful smile: "that's your fear, not my fear."

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