"Your Highness! His Royal Highness the son did not appear alone. Her royal highness Tong Liya is with him! " Araruowan raised his voice a little, and finally interrupted the reading.

Then Kevin rowed hand in hand, as if he had been fixed, and said word by word: "you - yes - say - Saint - son - Temple - lower - and Saint - daughter - Temple - lower - all - in - Silver - sea?"

Kevin's whole body is stiff, a face of smile solidification in the face, these words are completely squeezed out of the mouth!

Alan ruowan said respectfully, "yes. What's more, the problem you are worried about should not be the problem. His royal highness is not the human body, but the body of the mechanical warrior. As far as we know, the body of his Highness the son is not made with the technology of others, but with the technology of his highness tirathmis. The producer is probably none other than her highness Tong Liya

Kevin shook. This time, he couldn't speak. He was stiff for a long time before he recovered. He nervously stood on tiptoe and cried, "ha ha! The body of the guardian? His Highness the son was put in the body of the guardian? Your highness Tong Liya is really daring to do anything

Suddenly, he turned around again and asked, "does anyone else know about this? Especially the prisoner bird and Haijiang, do they know the real identity of his Highness the son? " Kevin's face changed dramatically, and his smile turned cold. If Alan jowan didn't answer right, he seemed to have an attack immediately.

Alan jowan shook his head slightly and replied, "they don't know yet. I wanted to tell them, but I always thought there would be some problems. I didn't know what the problem would be, so I didn't dare to tell them in the end. "

After listening to these words, Kevin regained his original spirit style. He walked up to Alan jowan, looked at him with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry you didn't say it. If you do, I'm afraid you will be broken into modules right now."

Alan ruowan was shaking all over and almost knelt down.

"You are smart. In those days, he exiled His Highness the son without telling everyone. Because of this, he even closed himself. Until now, no one can find her. Therefore, if this secret is disclosed by you, even if I want to keep you, it is impossible..." So that's rotten in my stomach, understand? "

Alan ruowang was on the verge of amnesty and said respectfully, "yes! Your highness. "

"Ah, they are both here! Both are here! " Kevin regained his nervousness. "That's the safety thing to do. Well, you'd better call Lu Xing back to me. With you two authentic guardians guarding, the safety of his highness Shengzi and his highness tongliya will not be any problem. After all, Haijiang and guanniao are not the real guardians recognized by the holy city. They are just pieces of garbage from the hall of glory. Naturally, they are not as strong as the original guardians, so I still can't believe them very much. "

"In addition, if the gods know their existence, they may also question me, so you two should rest assured."

After that, Kevin walked back and forth two steps with his hands on his back, and then sat down again in his chair. He said to himself, "ha, cool! Tirathamis, you fool, you have so much divine power, but you have been controlled by onomia and vasetti. Even her highness Tonya sent out of the holy city through Ares' hand. Now that Her Highness the son is in my hand, I'll show you my skills! "

After thinking about it, he turned his head and told Alan ruowan: "the silver weapon channel has to be opened, and the available independent consciousness in the silver sea consciousness bank has to be accumulated. The number of mechanical animals on the side of the holy city is all spread out, and there will be millions of them, so no matter what, we still need to prepare more for the number of consciousness. I'll send some Templars to guard the silver weapon passage. You don't have to worry about that

"Well, originally my idea was just to let the prisoner prepare, and it's a pity that so many consciousness of being eliminated will be destroyed. But now that his royal highness is in the silver sea of the prisoner, he will certainly make some moves, so the silver weapon passage may be helpful to his royal highness..."

Alan ruowang interposed: "Your Highness, do you want to tell your Highness the son about this?"

Alan jowan has a good eye. When the Lord hesitates, giving him a choice sometimes gives them a clear decision.

Raven denied, "no! His Highness the son has a different way of thinking. It may not be our best choice to tell him something. Now that his Royal Highness has changed his body, it shows that he has understood the meaning of his existence. In this way, he naturally knows what he should do. We tell him that what we have may not be his final choice. Let it be. If these forces are used in his next development, let the prisoner give it to him. If we don't use... Then we don't have to get involved in this mess. "

"Into the muddy water of..." Alan ruowan suddenly seems to understand something and looks at Kevin in surprise.

From his face, it could be seen that he had never thought about the position of this vein in the confrontation between onomia and tiratimus.

Of course, this does not seem to be the issue he should consider.

But at this time, Kevin Rui suddenly put this sentence to the light. Isn't it the feeling that there is no silver here?

What's more, I'm afraid that his behavior is not "not stirring up the water", is it?

Kevin seemed to fully understand Alan's surprise and said with a smile, "don't worry! As far as the present situation is concerned, the whereabouts of tirathamis is unknown, but it must be hidden somewhere. His Highness the son of God has arrived at the silver sea, and they still seem to have two skins, each with its own skin. In this case, there is no need for onomia to be cruel to his Highness the son of God. "

"If his Highness the son has any action against the holy city in the next step, it's just the problem that onomia has to face. Because even if his Highness the son attacked the holy city, he and vasetti were the only ones he faced. And we, the other gods, are not his son's face-to-face helpers at all, so there is no need for onomia to involve us. This may make the situation easier. "

"So even if his Highness the son uses the sea of silver to fight with onomia, I will say that I don't know anything. In this way, I will open my eyes and close my eyes and think that the son is a child and make a whole deal of it. After all, when he saw his Royal Highness the son being taken captive by human beings, he owed him justice. "

Alan jowan understood what Kevin said. This is a balance between the powers of the gods at this stage.

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