After N45's uproar, the nobles who had just been mobilized suddenly calmed down. In addition to n223 nervously pulling the waiter to fill in the information, the others basically stood in the same place and turned their eyes to Li Xinyan to see what the new fifth among the nobles could say.

But Li Xinyan scolded in his heart: "it's a ghost. I can't stay here at last. It seems that we still need to show our skills to let these guys rest assured to invest! "

But he suddenly flashed in his heart and said in secret: "is the gun behind him put by this guy?"

Just as he was about to throw out a ball of electricity, someone at the door of the banquet hall suddenly replied, "why do you need to demonstrate such a simple thing in person? If N45 wants to know the characteristics of this body, I can show it to you!"

Looking as like as two peas, Li Xinyan stood at the door of the banquet hall.

As like as two peas, Alan is not a prison bird or a coastal area. Not even a "Wang" Wang, because the streamline of their bodies is basically different from Li Xinyan's, and the mechanical warrior who appears at the gate is shining all over with green and white light, which is basically the same as Li Xinyan. Unlike Li Xinyan, there is only one more sign on his chest, which is a smiling face!

“N34?” Li Xinyan asked.

As the mechanical warrior came in, he showed his body to everyone: "that's right! It's me The n34's heroic voice is full of power. With a wave of his hand, he passed a nobleman at the bottom and smashed him on the wall. However, he seemed to have no effort but to wave his hand gently! The other nobles were two steps away from him. For an upstart who stresses force, it is safer to stay away from him.

But what happened next was beyond Li Xinyan's expectation, "boom" in an uproar, and the nobles immediately surrounded the waiters.

"I want a complete set of information about the mechanical warrior!" Cried a medium nobleman.

"I want it too, I want it too!"

What else is the explanation?


The battle on the garbage dump of mechatrocity began to take on a one-sided form. After the numbered robots joined the battle, the balance of power had already produced an overwhelming victory. Although the mechanical guards were fighting in the front line, these numbered robots went crazy and directly crossed the line of fire, and collided with the private soldiers of the nobles by themselves. PS100's words are like a shot of stimulant. With his promise, these robots are simply deadly. They press the private soldiers who used to press their heads under their bodies. They are frantically beating. When panic turns into hatred, some private soldiers are quickly torn into pieces of metal!

Perhaps these private soldiers have long forgotten that they are also such numbered robots!

Standing on the roof of Li Xinyan's private property, you can have a panoramic view of the situation in the airport. Although there are light snowflakes floating in the sky, the distant scene is not blocked by the wind and snow.

The light on the bird is dim, but the bird is not eager to add energy. Looking at the scene in the airport, he sighed: "it seems that we don't need to do anything. With General Li, the PS100 will not die. Oh, this guy has never been so tough in front of me. You see, with the stimulation of General Li, he can do much better than under my hands. Do you think I should teach him a lesson? "

Standing behind the bird, Haijiang also silently gazed at the situation in the airport and said with a smile: "the best punishment is to build a mechanical military police team for him according to General Li's plan. Let him take charge of the police car team and the mechanical military police team at the same time and make him more busy!"

"Well. That makes sense. " Prisoner bird agrees with the plan“ But his body is not good. You can arrange it later. You can buy a body plan from General Li, and then change it for him. "

Haijiang was surprised and said, "shall we buy one? With our relationship with General Li, we still need to "buy"

The prisoner said, "yes, buy it! Take out two tons of gold from the vault and give it to him. It's the money we pay for a program. Don't give it to General Li. Give it to Mrs. Li directly. "

"To Mrs. Li?"

The prisoner turned and nodded, "yes! In this round of fund-raising, I estimate that General Li can raise about 100 million shares, which is enough for him to start the production process of Li's group, but the follow-up funds need to be generated by circulation. There are too many problems that General Li needs to solve, and the next thing is actually a real challenge. The investment of these two tons of gold is not to start the industrial production of Li's group, but to set up a bank belonging to Li's group. With the bank to do the cycle, his power can really play out! "

"The bank?" Haijiang doesn't understand“ Yinhai's funds were all completed by Yinhai Finance Bureau before, where people are operating, and the effect is good. Why let them open one by themselves? "

The prisoner shook his head: "every move of Yinhai bank will affect the nerves of the nobles, which is too restrictive for General Li. If the nobles want to withdraw funds one day, General Li will be affected. We support him to set up his own bank and use the gold as a deposit, then he will have great initiative, In this way, no one can restrict his action in the operation of funds. "

"What silver sea lacks now is time. General Li is fighting for time for silver sea, but we have to clear all obstacles and cooperate with him. Otherwise, we are holding him back! "

Haijiang nodded, seemed to understand, but did not seem to understand. After thinking about it, he raised his head and asked, "general prisoner, I've been wondering a question. We are a mechanical life body. The enterprise we built, that is, Yinhai, is also a mechanical city dominated by robots. We can fully implement power management, all the people are soldiers, and we can produce complete fighters. In this way, we can fight with all our strength no matter whether it's human or mechanical city. "

When the prisoner heard the words of Haijiang, he burst into laughter and asked, "power management? You don't understand the recent situation? Why do so many robots escape from the mechanical city? If the robots escape, it's because they are old and choose to escape in order to survive. Then those independent minds have to escape from the mechanical city and come to the silver sea through the silver channel. Why

"These robots and independent consciousness are on the run day by day. Isn't it because power politics has destroyed their lives, even their way of life? Power politics has its powerful side, but it is a form that cannot exist for a long time! "

"No matter what kind of society it is, as long as it is an intelligent society, it can not exist forever in the form of plunder, but must have the function of self hemopoiesis. Just like a person who has no blood, no matter how much he eats, he will die. Moreover, he may not starve to death or be killed. I'm afraid he will be "killed" in the first place Don't believe that the fantasy films made by human beings in the past are all made by human beings themselves. "

The prisoner bird is talking, while Haijiang's eyes stay on Tong Liya. At this time, Tong Liya's battle is in full swing. She has not only directed the two mechanical killers to complete the installation of the signal jammer, but also successfully controlled the other three mechanical killers stationed in the airport by the nobles, pressing them on the ground.

"What a tough woman Haijiang commented.

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