For all these changes, the prisoner should be the leader, but everyone's eyes did not fall on him, but on Li Xinyan, because from the beginning to the end, the prisoner looked like a mere superior observer. All the changes seemed to be initiated by Li Xinyan. The prisoner just complied with his disturbance and pushed the boat along the water!

This afternoon, after finishing the work of maintaining the silver weapon passage again, Haijiang dragged his tired body back to the prisoner's office. It's not hard to work outside the consciousness bank, but it's time-consuming. Because the velocity of time in the virtual space of the silver sea is much slower than that in the real world. The velocity ratio of time is about 100:1. That is to say, after 100 hours in the real world, only one hour has passed in the virtual space of the silver sea. Therefore, the consciousness of chasing and swimming in that space is similar to that of swimming in a pool of mucus. I think fast, but I can't.

Generally speaking, when setting the time velocity of the virtual space, the time velocity of the virtual space will be faster than that of the upper plane, which is conducive to the management of the virtual space. However, the setting of the virtual space of Yinhai is different, which is the opposite. There is no other reason for this. When they store their exile consciousness in the online virtual space under the silver weapon channel, they are allowed to freeze temporarily to prevent the group war between independent consciousness. The consciousness stored in the silver sea virtual space is the first strong people who have seen the world in the mechanical City, and they manipulate the speed of time, Obviously, it is the most difficult way for these strong minds to crack and the safest way for the virtual space of Yinhai.

"It seems that the current silver channel should be stable." Haijiang, sitting in front of the prisoner, is very successful.

However, the prisoner said with a smile, "how can I manage a few exiled guys and be satisfied?"

Haijiang originally just wanted to have a rest. When he heard this, he came to the spirit: "do you mean... Something bigger is about to happen?"

There are too many arrangements for prisoners recently. It's normal for outsiders to be dazzled. After all, prisoners are the decision-makers of Yinhai. It's a dangerous thing for them to feel their pulse. But Haijiang will be too busy in the future. He didn't understand the meaning of prisoners for a while.

The prisoner laughs: "now the consciousness in the silver sea consciousness bank has reached more than 90000, and it will be full soon, but the mechanical city is not finished, and the exiled independent consciousness is still jumping down in line. Therefore, we must consider how to evacuate these independent consciousness now. Otherwise, don't say we can't make it for a month or a week or two, we'll have to kill. "

"So... How do you want to evacuate them? How can we evacuate them at this stage? Is it difficult for us to build another virtual space? And then transfer those guys who have been put in storage? "

The prisoner shook his head and said with a smile, "if I put it before, I really don't know what to do. Maybe I will just invest a lot of money to build a new virtual space as you think, and then transfer those guys who have been put into storage. But now I have already thought of another plan."

"What plan?" Haijiang is a well-developed country, not good at strategy and planning.

"Put them into Yinhai's own mechanical life!" The bird is half mysterious, half cunning smile, a wolf mouth, tooth tip is still shining.

Haijiang was still confused: "but, do we have so many mechanical life?" He knows what a mechanical life is, because all intelligent robots can be called mechanical life. But if these over powerful consciousness is transferred to the brains of robots below PS level, it is tantamount to letting them die. Let's not say anything else, just the storage space needed by complex consciousness, you don't need to think about it, you will immediately burst the storage space of those simple robots!

"You come with me." Prisoner's way.

Half an hour later, Haijiang followed the prisoner to his laboratory at the bottom of the west mountain.

After seven turns and eight turns, Haijiang entered the prisoner's laboratory. In the deepest part of the laboratory, a new laboratory was opened. As soon as Haijiang entered the room, he was stunned: "is this it?"

On the ground of the laboratory, there are seven bodies of mechanical killers, while on the metal experimental platform in the center of the laboratory, there is a disassembled body of mechanical killers. At the side of the test bench, a human researcher was holding a notebook, editing and numbering these body modules while recording something in the notebook. As soon as the bird entered the laboratory, he looked up and said with a smile, "general prisoner, the registration work has been basically completed. The structure of each module has been fully analyzed, and I have input all of them into the host computer of our laboratory. We can provide technical support at any time. "

The prisoner nodded happily and asked, "has the program been decompiled?"

But the researcher replied: "not only the decompilation process has been completed, but also the program regeneration has been completed."

"So fast?" The prisoner was surprised.

The researcher also said: "a few days ago, shinjian, the original ps543, came to contact the business and we had a chat. It happened that he saw these PS class robots, and I thought they were not civil servants, so I let him have a look. As a result, he said that he had a new version of software for these robots, so I tried it and it could drive them completely. Moreover, ps543 also provides the source code. I made a comparison with the decompiled program. The program he gave me was even more advanced than the original program, so I used the new version of the program. "

"Oh?" The prisoner bird was even more surprised, but he thought about it, turned to Haijiang and said, "there's no hope for Alain ruowang. It seems that you have to arrange the rest. These days, the silver weapon channel has stabilized. It seems that araruowan has reached an offensive with someone above. Just when you have free time, you can take charge of the manufacturing of these new mechanical fighters here. "

Prisoner bird pointed to the human researcher, "this is Ren Jiaxing. He is responsible for the research. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

"No problem!" Haijiang seems to be very interested in this matter, excitedly agreed, and then turned to shake hands with Ren Jiaxing.

"But... This place is so small, where do I put these mechanical warrior bodies after I make them?" Haijiang asked again. The question Haijiang asked is unnecessary, but it is also reasonable. For the outside world, the prisoner bird is a ruler who does not like to expand the population. If he suddenly starts to expand the population size of Yinhai, it is bound to attract the attention of all parties. Although the nobles of Yinhai can also make their own private soldiers, it's not a large-scale production. Hundreds of them are produced in a month. Even some robots are not even private soldiers, they can only be regarded as low-grade machine toys. So if the large-scale manufacturing of these mechanical fighters is exposed, it will certainly cause the imbalance of power in all aspects again.

This is a problem for Li Xinyan and prisoners who have just gained some advantages.

The prisoner said with a smile, "isn't the cave that Alan ruowang opened there?"

"But... Don't you want him to be a part of it?" The frontier question.

The bird said, "I didn't let him in, it doesn't mean I didn't let him know. His original purpose here was to look at the garbage dump of the mechanical city. If there is no accident, his current task is still this, so we put some things there, and he will not object. Well, have you seen him oppose anything over the years? "

Haijiang shook his head.

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