The valley of life.

Winter is slowly losing its power. The ice and snow begin to melt on the Bank of the river. The ice in the river first breaks into pieces of ice, and then breaks into smaller pieces of ice under the scouring of the river. They collide with each other, turn over and flow towards the periphery of the valley of life. So the river scrapes and cuts in the breaking of a piece of ice, and makes a gurgling sound, With the flowing water, it is like a living creature swimming in the river, which brings out the sound of the turbulent power of life.

On the river bank, where the ice and snow melt, the green grass has begun to sprout. Although the spruce forest has not sprouted yet, the pine trees are still green, covering the space under the forest very well. From the open space paved with stone slabs cleared from the Bank of the river, you can see the sudden light and hear the heavy impact, but you can't feel the danger at all.

Ning Ding, Li Xinhai, Xifeng and others are leisurely eating grilled fish on the Bank of the river. Looking into the forest, they say, "well. It seems that the fighting is very fierce today. The fighting lasted nearly an hour. I don't know the origin of that little thing. It can even draw with tiratimus

Li Xinhai picked up a bunch of roast vegetables, added salt to them, shook his head and said, "do you care about that? Is it unnecessary to worry? The fight between their mechanical fighters is not something that we ordinary human beings can intervene in. Their bodies are either steel or iron, and whether they can release energy. We are just a dish in front of them, so it's good to eat and watch the excitement. "

Just then, on the barbecue stand of more than 40 people from the action group not far from the river bank, someone came over with a roast deer leg and said with a smile, "the excitement needs to be seen, the meat needs to be eaten, and the unknown Magic also needs to be explored. I really appreciate Miss Ning Ding's attitude. We can't stay away because we are afraid. Well, this is really the valley of life. Deer are fatter than others! Well, it's delicious! "

Li Xinhai curled his mouth, took the venison, and said: "if my brother is here, he may have a fight with them, but we are in danger of life even before we go in. So, it's better not to be curious. It's said that Curiosity Kills cats. Now it's normal to kill people. "

Liang Long cooperated with Li Xinhai and began to cut the legs of the deer. He grinned and said: "people are all God level mechanical life of the mechanical city. How can we have the strength to compare with others? I think Li Xinhai's words are right. It's better not to be curious if he doesn't have the strength. He doesn't know how to lose his life. By the way, what's the name Elena gave them? "

Li Xinhai tore a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, saying: "alliance of fallen gods!"

"Ah, yes! Alliance of fallen gods! It's called depraved God. Naturally, it's not a good man, so... Considering our lives, it's better not to be curious. Hey, hey... "

Ning Ding sneered, then looked into the woods, threw away the wooden sign in his hand, and said: "although the name is more powerful, it may not be invincible. If the leader is here, I want to unite the strength of so many of us, and they may not be able to beat us all down!"

"Hey, hey!" Wu Niu said with a smile: "we admire your spirit, but although our lives are not worth money, we can't send them like this. We can't just talk about force and ignore it when we talk about too strong single combat opponents! " He pointed.

Li Xinhai laughed: "I don't believe you, Wu Niu! They are all electronic brains! Together, their total computing performance is better than that of a supercomputer. We are just dozens of ordinary people's heads. How can we compare with other people's supercomputers? "

"Not necessarily!"

Wu Niu's words just came out. His numbness swept everyone's nerves. No one knew what had happened. He looked up into the forest. Suddenly, he heard a burst in the forest, and a band of light burst into the sky. Then the trees in the forest burst out from the explosion, and a shock wave rushed out from the middle of the explosion, just like a strong wind sweeping the river bank, With countless broken branches and withered leaves flying over the crowd.

As the wind passed, it was clear that the trees in the center of the explosion in the forest were falling down. In addition to the trees with a diameter of more than half a meter standing in the local area, other trees were basically cut off by the explosion and scattered around.

How could that be?

Just training each other. How could there be such a big explosion?

The wind was blowing, the dust and the flying leaves were dispersing, the original fire had been blown out, and the barbecue was covered with sand, which seemed inedible. From the river bank, you can see the trees in the forest, like smoke. You can't see everything clearly in the forest, but you can feel that the battle that was going on has stopped.

Now that the fighting has stopped, the danger of the natural mechanical warriors to human beings will not exist, and the people on the Bank of the river immediately grope for the way through the forest.

As we slowly approached the explosion site, six mechanical fighters appeared in the smoke.

The first one that appeared was Nether. He heard the movement behind him and turned slowly. The wolf's mouth grinned slightly as if he were smiling. Because of the smoke and dust, he couldn't really see his appearance from a distance. He cried to all the human soldiers from a distance: "sorry, some of our team members didn't control their strength well. They accidentally made an explosion, which scared you?"

Li Xinhai cried: "I'm not scared, but you have too much power. Fortunately, it's daytime, otherwise those guys in the sky can see the explosion."

Not far away from Nethersole stood strog and Alex, both grinning slightly. In the middle of the explosion, they were still looking suspiciously at kuiyin's body and hands.

The two figures in the distance are tirartemis and Irina. They seem to have finished their training. They just watch over there, while kuiyin is standing in front of them

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