Midsummer has passed, the autumn wind with some cool, and this cool day thick like a day, finally in the night gave birth to some chill. Because of the existence of mountains, the chill is more obvious in the night wind. The distant plain Castle No.5 is in the middle of the mountain. Due to its unique geographical location, it can be seen from afar. At this time, the castle is shining lonely in the cold night, just like a candle that will be extinguished at any time.

A metal foot gently avoided a skeleton with some carrion, stepped on a rocky mountain with some grass, and stopped. In the night wind, strog raised his head, staring at the distant Castle No. 5 in the plain with his red electronic eyes. There was no movement for a long time, just like a frozen statue in the night. Although this moment is a little long, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally moved and slowly moved towards the castle.

In the castle, it was midnight, snoring came and went. Except for the sentry on duty, everyone was asleep. Although 10 days have passed since the mechanical attack, no one in the castle is free. In addition to the endless fortification work, the repair and replenishment of firearms, all kinds of ammunition and logistic equipment must also be completed immediately. Although the members of the action team are not responsible for these basic work, Wu Kun really has no reason to shirk the request of Liu keting to train middle and lower level sergeants, from military theory to combat skills, Each member of the action group has become a ready-made instructor, and dozens of people are listening attentively around each person. Liuketing's regiment is a special case in terms of personnel structure. There are very few intermediate officers, only two battalion commanders and few company commanders. This kind of structure is not specially designed by liuketing, but a matter of no solution. From the perspective of ability, there is basically no way to play castle defense. When the enemy comes, he just pours out a shuttle bullet, and few people can exercise any command ability. Moreover, the battlefield is so big that liuketing is basically dictatorial with a trumpet, and there is no need for intermediate commanders at all. The most important reason is that, It's also a place that has not been paid much attention to for a long time. The trained commanders are either transferred or sent to more places to fight. The middle-level commanders simply can't be retained. As time goes by, there will be no one to train junior officers.

Every person trained is helpful to reduce the positive conflict with mechanical soldiers, which is a principle engraved in the consciousness of everyone in the action team. Therefore, Wu Kun had to organize batch training and drills. There are more trainees and fewer instructors. In addition, the action team has more and more important things to complete. We must compress our time. After all this, both instructors and Sergeants are exhausted and snore very loud when they sleep.

When the moon climbed to the top of the mountain, Li Xinyan was in a state of sleeping rather than sleeping. I don't know why, since seven days of coma wake up, it seems that every day when he goes to bed, he is not in a complete sleep, but in a half awake. Under normal circumstances, this kind of feeling indicates that people do not enter deep sleep, which will affect the sleep of the human body and cause the feeling of not waking up. However, Li Xinyan does not have this feeling. When he wakes up every day, his energy is as good as ever. Even if he teaches soldiers hundreds of rock climbing every day, he will not feel that he can't wake up in the morning. When he fell asleep, he seemed to be in a state of being out of the body. In his ears, there were purrs all around him, but his body was like a soul out of the shell. It seemed that he was not lying down, but floating in the air. From the air, he looked at the soldiers sleeping together.

With the experience of a few days ago, Li Xinyan was not surprised. He guessed that this might be the impact of electric energy on his nerves after he got an electric shock, which made his body appear a kind of hallucination. Maybe there was something wrong with his nerves. It's an extraordinary feeling to be able to see your own body. After a period of time, maybe this situation will not exist. But this night, the situation was slightly different from the previous nights. In addition to myself, there were more than 20 light groups floating in the mid air. The light masses are of different colors, and even black, but they are all translucent, floating slowly around their bodies.

Li Xinyan tried to see a light ball. The light ball was rolling slightly. The surface of the light ball looked like a soap bubble. But when he looked at it attentively, it was not water or fog, but countless tiny symbols. It turned out that those light balls were composed of countless tiny symbols! The symbols are rolling back and forth in the light group, but the order between them is constantly changing, as if some rule is splicing itself, not forming completely.

Li Xinyan reaches out his hand and touches one of the light balls. The light ball is very elastic. It collides with his transparent finger, slightly changes its shape, and then bounces away like a ball. Li Xinyan grabs a light ball suddenly, but it looks like a rubber ball coated with grease and slides out of his fingers. This is a red cluster, slightly larger than the others. Li Xinyan made his strength a little stronger. Guangtuan bounced away. He had a distance of two or three meters, which was far more than other guangtuan. Then he came back to him slowly. Although he did not know what these things were, instinctively, Li Xinyan knew that they could not be separated from him. In other words, these light groups were originally a part of him, a concretization of some part of him, but for some unknown reason, he was not sure that these things were a part of him.

It's also interesting. Li Xinyan touched several light groups again. They seem to be of the same nature. They are all slippery. One was not well controlled, and the red light ball was pinched again. It bounced out four or five meters away.

Originally thought it would be like before, after pop-up light ball will come back, but did not expect this red light ball did not mean to run back, straight out of the window!

This is a part of myself, how can I run away!! Li Xinyan was surprised and immediately ran up to catch it. In a hurry, he suddenly woke up. There was no light ball in front of him, but he squatted and looked at himself in surprise. Li Xinyan's hand was holding his arm tightly.

"Is that your instinct?" Yang Botao's face was slightly surprised. The arm he was going to clap on Li Xinyan's shoulder was tightly grasped by Li Xinyan. He thought Li Xinyan was alert when he slept.

"Oh... No." Li Xinyan is in a daze. Inside the room, the members of the action team are all awake, and are picking up their handy weapons one by one, ready to go out. You can see that everyone just woke up“ There's someone coming from outside. Just now the radar soldier sent a signal Yang said. Liuketing's management of the castle is very bold. There are telephones everywhere in the castle. Although the castle almost empties the interior of the whole mountain, the transmission of information and orders is not a problem at all“ From the radar, this man is not an ordinary human Yang Botao's look was a little cautious, and his voice was lowered by three points. It seemed that he didn't want to disturb the sleepy soldiers. They were miserable enough during the day.

Non human? Is it a humanoid mechanical warrior?

The humanoid mechanical warrior, is this a solo attack? Mechatronics has long known the means of human beings, and it is not difficult to find a moving target. But in the face of so many people, does a mechatronics soldier want to sneak attack? Is he crazy?

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