"Palace... Your highness?" Strog's voice trembled, some didn't believe his ears, and he asked, "resurrection? what you were saying? Those human beings have moved your body? " Strog looks a little shocked. The wolf's mouth is slightly long, and the light in his red eyes is dim. It is similar to human depression. There are some repressive things in it, but it's not clear that his face is mechanical, and he can't see any other inner activities.

When he asked this question, he did not expect that Li Xinyan's tone suddenly turned into a rage: "it seems that I guessed right. Sure enough, you are with them. You even know this!? I said, how can you fight against the mechanical city and kill many of their soldiers? It's very good! It seems that things in the underground city are not as simple as I think! "

Stroge is a bit of a monk. Of course, he doesn't know what Li Xinyan has experienced, what happened in base 766, what's more, he doesn't know what Li Xinyan has encountered in the human side. Why is he so angry with himself?

"Your Highness!" Strog cried with some pain, but Li Xinyan was already angry. He suddenly raised his foot and stamped it on his wolf head. Strog got half a word stuck in his throat and rolled down the hill.

Li Xinyan's eyes almost spewed out fire. The metal stick was inserted into the ground, and a quarter of the metal stick fell directly into the ground. He slowly stood up and walked to the place where stroge rolled down. For him, the pain of his body was nothing. When he was injured in base 766, he didn't care. This injury was just a small thing. What made him angry at the moment was that all he had experienced was a conspiracy, just a plan for Li Xinyan, What do they want to do? I'm a test object that I've been kept in the dark, so who is the ultimate goal of their plan? What is the goal?

Strog rolled twice, stabilized himself and got up from the ground.

"Your Highness!" Stroge raised a paw and extended it far to Li Xinyan. It seemed that he wanted to stop Li Xinyan's temporary impulse. Although Li Xinyan was a little inconvenient, he was black faced, biting his teeth, hitting the ground one by one, and hobbling towards him. Strog bit his teeth, sat down, looked away for half a moment, bowed his head to think, and said: "Your Highness, it's not what you think. You don't remember who I am. I can guess why, but I'm not with those human beings. My previous behavior just wants to see if you are your highness, and make sure..."

"What, more conspiracies?" Stroge's words in Li Xinyan's ears mean something else. There is nothing to say, Li Xinyan swung the metal stick, black face on strog's head swept past? Fight!

Stroge looked helpless. Li Xinyan's leg was injured and his speed was obviously slow. Stroge bowed his head, stepped back two steps, sat down on the spot and said, "Your Highness, listen to me!"

Seeing that Li Xinyan couldn't take back the stick, he just fit himself and jumped on it. The stick didn't support his body any more. He dragged it behind him and bumped into the rocks, banging“ Listen to you? well! It's all in your calculation. What else can I say? Anyway, I've been dead once in base 766, afraid to die again? Oh, you see, inadvertently, I found a loophole in you. When others died, they didn't survive. But when I died, I didn't die, but I was revived. You see, I watched myself torn to pieces by the mechanical beasts, but when I woke up, my body was intact. What's not a conspiracy? Where can a medical rescue team arrive at the battle scene so quickly? "

Strogka was there and couldn't find the following words for a long time. If what Li Xinyan said was true, it would be a painful experience. In the face of such experience, it seems that all words are powerless.

Li Xinyan was even more furious with his card. He swung the stick and smashed his head at stroge.

Stroge did not retreat but advanced. He raised his paw against the stick and pleaded to Li Xinyan: "calm down!"

Li Xinyan raised his knee, put it on the chin of the wolf's head, pulled the metal rod from strog's paw, and hit strog's cheek with his head, which made strog turn to one side and tumble on the ground again.

"I'm calm already!" Li Xinyan roared. Just now the force was too strong, Li Xinyan's roar affected the wound, and some blood oozed from the wound on his leg.

"How could that be?" Strog touched his head on the ground twice. It seems that he has the same headache as people, and his explanation is invalid. Li Xinyan sat down dejectedly. Stroge got up from the ground after a long time. The red light in his eyes was a little brighter.

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you to a place." Stroge said that he took two steps to Li Xinyan.

"Where? Your lab? " Li Xinyan said coldly.

Strog was pushed again. He shook his head and said, "you can think whatever you like. You should be able to recall some things when you go to see it."

"Go back and do your experiments?" Li Xinyan asked.

Strog's head tilted slightly, and the resistance seemed to suit his heart: "er... Since you think so, take it as it is."

"Beautiful idea!" Li Xinyan swung the metal stick and knocked it down at stroge. But because of the leg injury, the stick was knocked down by sitting, and strog had no strength. Strog raised a paw and resisted it easily.

"Offended!" Stroge said, and then his chest lit up a blue light, an electric light. The blue stripes on his body climbed up Li Xinyan's metal stick. In the war between Li Xinyan and strog before, there was still a stumbling block to counter. Now there is no counter force. Li Xinyan fell to the ground without humming and shaking.

Crystal world.

The golden sun in the sky, which was originally yellowish, has now added a purple color. Although the size has not changed, the color has become more white and brighter.

After the sunshine changed, the scenery on the ground also changed, and the chanting temple under construction is even more spectacular. I don't know which master designer has ingeniously designed the temple. When the light from the sun in the sky passes through the top of those unique and beautiful temples, it will break down into several colors and form a net of different light at the top of the temple. Because the decomposed light is very thin and the angle deviation is very small to close to zero, part of the light will recombine into new colors in the process of interleaving. Too fine colors converge into fine light points, and different light points will weave into a picture composed of light.

When the faint steam in the temple rises to the top of the temple, a picture composed of pure light will emerge.

That's the view of Fengling temple.

In the scenery, on the broad Temple Square, there are six 100 meter high altars. On the top of the altars, there are six statues of different colors.

One is the golden goddess with her heart cut open and her hand stretched forward, with firm eyes; The second is a golden ball; The third is a staggering goddess with ten diamond crystal slices embedded in her body; The fourth one is a fleeing goddess, whose instantly solidified lightning turns into golden snake like lightning branches and blooms around the goddess; The fifth is the goddess looking up at the sky, trapped in it by several pieces of light. There is only the sixth altar. The goddess covers her chest with her hand. Her face is soft, and she seems to be looking at the people on the ground and sighing.

There are two people standing in the temple. The priestess looks at the picture of light, points to the male priest on the opposite side of one of the statues and asks, "how can this sphere be explained to future generations?"

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