When he wakes up from the darkness, Li Xinyan shakes his head in an attempt to make himself sober. Everything in front of him is still confused. The shape of the object is twisted strangely in front of his eyes. He can't tell what it is. It's the aftermath of the shock. It's the third time he's been electrocuted, so he knows better than anyone.

After staying awake for a long time, he finally realized that he was tied to a table. Four ropes tied his hands and feet from different angles, and then tied them to the four legs of the table. He struggled for a moment. The table didn't move. It didn't even make a sound. This is a metal countertop.

"You wake up at last." Strog's voice rang out in the room. Li Xinyan searched for fame and found that it was a place that looked like a utility room. The utility room was not big. Not far from him was a "bed" that looked like an operating table. The sound came from the "bed" under the pile of mechanical arms. Needless to say, the "table" under my body must be the same as that.

Strangely, on the opposite "bed", all kinds of mechanical arms hanging from the ceiling are like mechanical vines. Two metal arms are kneading and pinching on strog's body. In some places, they are still tapping gently, just like the way that the ladies in the bar massage the guests.

Do robots also need massage? Li Xinyan widened his eyes and looked carefully. Yes, he was massaging. This overturned his understanding of mechanical life.

"It's no surprise. As the first generation of guardians, some things in our bodies are bionic, so the reply in some places is the same as that in biology. You see, you human need massage, and I also need a little bit. To tell you the truth, this way of enjoying human beings is really a way to... Recover physical strength quickly. " Strog said leisurely, during which he made a few comfortable noises, but due to the limitation of his own metal sound, his music was like the sound of metal scraping on the mechanical parts of a lathe when they were formed, which made people feel sour.

"You're back in shape?" Li Xinyan cold road. He moved his limbs. Except that his limbs were tied to the metal platform, he didn't seem to have any other feeling. The injury on his leg was no longer painful, but it didn't feel good.

"Well... Yes! The form of wolf can hide from the human scouts and mechanical perceivers. The mechanical perceiver is the mechanical life like the mechanical deer you see, but the form is not comfortable, so I changed back. I don't think you want to talk to a wolf all the time. " Strog explained. His metallic voice was a little lazy, and he seemed to be very pleased with the massage arm.

Li Xinyan did not say a good way: "Oh, the shape of the wolf seems to be like, at least so can ride."

Strog laughed twice.

Li Xinyan ignored him and said, "is this your nest?"

"Nest? In a way... Yes. " Strogge complained.

"It's not your nest. What about getting me here? Steamed, boiled or broken? Or all kinds of experiments? "

"Your Highness!" Stroge's roar interrupted Li Xinyan's conjecture. In a hurry, he jumped up and pulled a mechanical arm from the ceiling“ You can't guess like this any more. It's a blasphemy to our guards! You guess like this again, what kind of name should those guards who died in the war face their own death? And what are the features of us who survived? " Strog's red eye light became stronger, and his inner excitement could not be controlled.

After being in a coma for a period of time, Li Xinyan's anger had gone nowhere for a long time. Although he was tied to the metal platform at the moment, it seemed that stroge didn't want to make him lack arms and legs, so he became more rational. Strog, if it's going to be bad for him, I'm afraid he'll do it when he's in a coma. When he's sober, there's no need to do it again.

But... Why is he so excited?

Li Xinyan said with a cold smile: "guardian, this is a new term, which I have never heard of. Did you bring me here to revive something with me? "

Strog seems to suddenly think of something, eyes red light for two or three seconds, and then weak down, while hesitating to retreat, sitting on the "bed", while covering his face with his hand. He pinched his forehead and said to himself, "well, what if it's blasphemy or insult? We, the original guardians, didn't guard anything. Now you have become like this. If you are there, how can we face her? "

Who? Is there anyone behind this? Li Xinyan is sincere.

"Guardian? What is it? Who is she? " Li Xinyan asked, shaking his toes.

Stroge was slightly silent for a while. He looked at Li Xinyan and knocked his fist on his metal platform. Then he seemed reluctant to fall into memory.

"The process of the establishment of the cross star city is the common memory of human beings and the mechanical city. In the 50 years since the completion of the mechanical City, human beings and the mechanical city live in peace. Businessmen do their business through the mechanical city. The mechanical city expands itself with the needs of human beings and the resources provided by human beings. Everything is calm and perfect."

"The cross star city is a huge thing. From the beginning of construction, it is a huge thing. The management of the huge thing is a task that God can accomplish. Yes, in terms of your human abilities, she is a God, a God in charge of the operation of crucifixion

Strog had no eyes, but he shook and looked at the wall, and his eyes fell on the void, as if there was the goddess he would have seen.

"However, human desire is endless, and the construction of Cross Star City seems to have no end. Finally, she has reached a limit. So she created 12 secondary nodes of the mechanical City, which are respectively used as branch management organizations of the mechanical City, and are responsible for some aspects of the transaction processing of the mechanical City, such as the management node of the virtual space, the audit node, the creation innovation node, the interconnection node with human beings, and so on. This is the origin of the so-called 12 members of the mechanical city. "

"This is the beginning of a new era, but it is also a foreshadowing of the beginning of war. With the birth of members, she equipped members with 60 independent mechanical life bodies. These mechanical life bodies are not subject to the jurisdiction of the system. They can have independent will and intelligence to form freely according to their own behavior. As supervisors and protectors, they are responsible for the safety of 12 management nodes and report the abnormal behavior of 12 nodes to her, As a means of controlling 12 secondary nodes. "

"These 60 independent mechanical life bodies are" guardians ". At that time, their names were better known as" Angel Group. "

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