Strog's name of "His Highness" makes Li Xinyan very uncomfortable. Although his name sounds good, it is part of the plot. He couldn't seal his mouth, but he didn't have enough time to ask why there was such a title. Li Xinyan had to give it up. They didn't care about Wu Kun, and no one asked.

Strog stepped onto a platform, and the lights in the cave were shining in front of him. In a moment, the lone wolf had an indescribable dignity. People with dignity appear tall, and strog in the light gives a general's aura. People don't know why they have this feeling, but it appears clearly in everyone's feeling. It seems that it has passed through time. A long time ago, strog had this kind of dignity, and it just reappears. Strog glanced at his base and, with his mouth and radio signal, gave the order: "all units, take my orders and prepare to fight!"

As soon as the order came out, the base was quiet for a moment, and then it started to run quickly. Different from before, this time the whole base is moving, including the plants that can't be moved at all! The tiny robots disappeared in the huge steel arms nearby. The huge steel arms quickly changed shape. The steel canopy split from it. The steel beams on the huge dome moved slowly, revealing a gap of 30 meters in diameter between each other. Above the gap was the sky covered with thick clouds. The steel giant arm is constantly changing its shape. While changing its shape, it is precisely matched with the rise of the steel platform which used to be the workshop. With the falling dust, the six steel arms reached the gap of the steel canopy, and the arms, which looked like weapons, aimed at the entrance of the valley.

"What? Or don't you trust me? What are you doing standing so far away? After a while, this will be the battlefield of machines. Don't you want to see how machines fight? " Strog turned his head and said with a smile to the suspicious members of the action team more than ten meters away“ Don't worry, at least we don't have to hurt each other before we fight off the coming mechanical Legion. " Strog added.

Wu Kun laughed at himself and gave an order. The members of the action team followed him to the command of strog. Li Xinyan has no need to help, just with a metal stick on the platform, a face of frost.

Everyone got on the platform. The platform suddenly moved and rose up under mechanical control. In a moment, it came out of the dome and stayed at the top of the mountain. In front of everyone's eyes, it was a high hill, but the location was excellent, and the whole valley could be seen. Although this valley, which strog called Wolf Valley, is not very dangerous, the terrain is a typical dustpan shape, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It didn't take much time to walk from strog's room to the top of the mountain, but the smoke and dust that had been monitored in the distance was much closer, and several larger dots on the horizon could even be distinguished.

"The mechanical city seems not to be very confident about the lower arms they sent me. No wonder I am not. So they remotely activated the control level themselves and killed the mechanical beasts. " Strogge road.

"Killed? Won't they let those mechanical beasts fight back and give you a knife in the back, so that they can use these mechanical beasts more solidly? " Li Xinyan's voice sounded like ice again, which made stroge stunned. Li Xinyan didn't have any good intentions when he said that. Strog took a look at Li Xinyan and said with a smile, "Your Highness, they are not sure whether I will transform these mechanical animals into my vassal."

"Hey, I didn't expect that there were so many intrigues in your mechanical city." Meng Hongxing was watching the scene and gloating.

"Intrigue? Well, that's a good word. In fact, when it comes to intrigue, the twelve nodes in the sky have never stopped from the moment they were born. If you know what happened when the great existence created them a hundred years ago, you will think that the intrigues now are nothing. The intrigues at that time almost destroyed Star City. If there were no things at that time, you see, our guards would not have been created! Well, let's not mention those people in the sky. Things are changeable. We were rivals in the battlefield more than ten days ago, but now we are comrades in the trenches. Is this a kind of intrigue? Ha ha ha, the arrangement of the Lord is really unpredictable. " Strog sighed, gently shaking his huge wolf head.

As a mechanical fighter, it seems to be contrary to common sense. Can we say that strog also has human wisdom and belief?

"It turns out that there are so many secrets in the mechanical city in the sky?" Yang said.

"Yes." Strog admitted that he made a gesture to the valley from a distance. As soon as the action team saw it, it was a combat gesture, which indicated a complex ambush. With his gesture, there were many small mounds in the valley moving towards the mouth of the valley.

The highest level of command does not need voice command.

"In fact, when I attacked your castle more than ten days ago, your human defense was pretty good, which is similar to the situation we are facing today, but the basic weapons are a little poor. You only know how to shoot solid bullets with machine guns. The killing power of those bullets to the mechanical soldiers is very limited." Strog gestured to the valley from a distance and said slowly, "in fact, the weapons of your early humans were not powerful enough. At least for the battle of mechatronics, you don't know the weakness of mechatronics. At that time, I was wondering if, after so many years of attacks on the mechanical City, your human war resources have been exhausted. For example, for a period of time, your fighter planes and particle weapons can still effectively kill the mechanical forces, but these things are less and less appearing in human positions now... "

"You're right." Wu Kun took over“ This war has been fought for so long that human beings have been drained of all their blood by the monster of war. If the war goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for human beings to survive in the mountains. " After a pause, he continued: "the resources on the earth are always limited, but the mechanical city has the advantage of the sky, but it can collect the necessary resources on other planets! Therefore, from the beginning of this war, it is doomed that human beings will fail! Therefore, all the struggles of human beings are just the last struggle... "

Stroge didn't seem to expect that Wu Kun would say that. Looking at him for a moment, the red light in his red eyes was a little dim.

"It's the first time I've heard a man say that about this war." Strogge said, "yes, the first time I heard someone say that in front of me."

"That's because you look more like a person than a machine." Wu kundao.

Suddenly, another cold voice sneered: "hum! It's really the same thing. " In the speech, it seems that the voice of molar can be heard.

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