Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1052 No Survivors

The protective effect of the entire frontal projection of the car body is useless in front of the 122 Heirloom. It is even more unthinkable to expect that the most fragile side armor of the car body can withstand the fierce bombardment blessed by the power of the loving father.

The 122mm hooded armor-piercing projectile, which can still penetrate 180mm vertically homogeneous rolled steel armor at a distance of 500 meters and has a flight speed of more than 700 meters per second, instantly hit the front end of the car body with a physical thickness of only 40mm. On top of the side armor.

The thick and heavy 122mm projectile brings devastating damage.

The first road wheel at the front end of the smashed Panther body was broken into two pieces on the spot, and was torn into pieces by the powerful impact kinetic energy. However, this did not stop the projectile from continuing to advance, and it was just the beginning. .

The projectile that shattered the first outer road wheel continued to move forward. The mere 40mm window paper armor was insignificant in front of the power of the loving father, and had no protective effect at all.

Iushkin guessed one thing correctly. The shells that penetrated the armor would indeed tear apart the flesh of the SS soldiers in the car. There was no falsehood in the real scene.

The 122mm projectile fired from the side front end hit the waist of the electromechanical operator in the co-pilot position. It only shattered an outer road wheel and 40mm vertical armor. The armor-piercing projectile still retains the power to crush steel. The powerful residual kinetic energy can tear apart the mortal human body without any suspense or doubt, and everything happens in just an instant.

At that moment, human consciousness cannot react or realize it at all.

The right kidney, intestines, stomach, spine, left kidney of the tragic German electromechanical soldier, as well as all the muscles and tendons used to maintain the movement of the waist and connect the upper and lower parts of the body, were torn apart in an instant, splattering blood and blood, and blood dripped in milliseconds. It was almost frozen and stagnant in the air filled with the smell of turbid gasoline, and even the frozen expression had not yet had time to feel the pain.

If the armor-piercing delay fuse fails, Iushkin's prediction will be further verified.

The 122 mm armor-piercing projectile that continues to advance will immediately shatter the body of the driver sitting next to him, leaving the two bloody pieces mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish between you and me. Then it penetrated another layer of 40mm crispy armor, killing two people with one shot. In addition, it penetrated the Black Panther's paper-like double-sided side armor. The remaining three people in the turret could still survive by chance. Come.

However, the Soviet-made artillery shells, which have been slowing down in the rear, have basically gotten rid of the bad problem of armor-piercing delay fuzes that often failed in 1941. What's more, the artillery shells supplied to the famous Stalin Guards 1st Heavy Tank Brigade must be high-quality products that have been strictly screened and reliably guaranteed.

From the moment the front armor on the right side of the vehicle was penetrated, the fate of the Panther and all five crew members seemed to be doomed.

The 160-gram pure black aluminum charge of the projectile warhead has a TNT equivalent coefficient of 148%, which means that the explosive yield is equivalent to 8 grams of TNT explosive, which is equivalent to almost two and a half German infantry M24 offensive grenades detonating in the vehicle. 【】

Generally speaking, this level of chemical energy explosion power is 100% achieved by the German manned space flight and the spiral flying head. The Black Panther's originally smaller head will only be pushed out of the turret seat like a rocket. If the top flies out, there is no other possibility.

But God or the goddess of fate seems to favor this unlucky SS armored vehicle. The equivalent of 8 grams of TNT explosive power did not trigger a violent explosion of ammunition. Seeing that he penetrated the armor with one shot, there was no Iushkin, who had no reaction at all, punched the breech block next to him.

"Shit! The shot was too far forward!"

The layout of the ammunition racks and fuel tanks arranged in a rearward manner withstood this disaster. The luck of the SS armored troops in the remaining three turrets could be said to be so good that it was enough to make their armored counterparts around the world envious.

The high-speed flying projectile fragments ripped open the shells of the 75mm artillery shells installed in the ammunition rack, but very strangely, they did not ignite the propellant and did not explode. Even the gasoline tank, which was used to filling up instantly, was quite satisfactory this time. By some strange coincidence, it was not affected by the shrapnel and was completely intact without any flaws.

A firestorm swept through the interior of the tank. The Panther tank was like a drunken man. The remaining sprint kinetic energy that failed to brake in time caused the already unmanned Panther tank to break a road wheel. In this case, he continued to stagger forward for more than 20 meters before he could stop.

The fists that penetrated the side armor punched holes, the hatches above the heads of the pilots and electromechanical personnel were forced open by the flame shock wave, and even in the gaps in the turret roof that were less affected by the explosion shock wave, there were things like Like the Holy Grail filled with sinful black mud, it keeps spitting out thick, choking black smoke.

The Panther finally stopped where it almost hit the side armor of another Panther not far away. Fortunately, this did not happen and was only separated by a distance of more than one meter.

The SS infantrymen who were covering the advance behind another Panther were frightened by this scene. They even thought that the Panther, which was charging after being beaten, was going to crush them, until the Panther seemed completely The out-of-control smoking black panther stopped like a drunkard, only to realize that the truth of the matter might not be what he thought.

Several SS infantrymen who were bending forward with their respective weapons in hand stared at the strange Panther in front of them in a daze. Everyone was waiting for their commander to issue the next order.

At this moment, the turret tilted to one side, and the escape hatch on the back of the head facing several SS soldiers was suddenly opened. An SS commander wearing a military cap and headphones, with his face covered in blood, struggled to escape. The rear end of the turret stretched out its hand, signaling to the comrades who were close at hand to come over and give him a hand.

The first-level squad leader who led the team did not dare to delay at all. He immediately threw the MP40 gun in his hand over his shoulder, stepped forward without hesitation, grabbed the SS commander's arms and pushed them out on the spot. He pulled, fearing that if he was a little late, a bullet flying from nowhere would hit him in the head.

The first-level team leader, who couldn't help but look around and be wary of any enemy threatening targets, was a veteran. The cruel experience of fighting on this land so far made him dare not be careless about the surrounding combat environment. The act of throwing yourself to the ground in advance can be the difference between life and death, and it cannot be avoided if one is not careful.

But the first-level team leader, who was only looking around the battlefield, always forgot to look at the most important thing: the body of the commander who was dragged quickly to the ground behind his own Panther by his arms.

When the situation was temporarily safe and the first thing he did when he released his hands was to quickly take off the weapon on his shoulder and hold it in his hand again, the first-level team leader who risked his life to save people heard the first words of his comrades beside him: The words are actually a bit creepy.

"Krauser, you only pulled half of it back."

What appeared in the horrified eyes after hearing this was indeed a half-mangled corpse with only the crotch and above left, and even the bird and pelvic bone were blown away.

The first-level team leader, who was called Krause, subconsciously turned his head and looked at the back of the Black Panther's head. He was dragged along a path of blood and thorns, with a few pieces of meat left on the road from time to time, just like a A scarlet road to hell unfolded before his eyes.

The still-living commander who had reached out to him for help just now was just a corpse staring at the sky with wide, godless eyes.

Krauser, who suddenly felt an indescribable smell in his mouth, licked his dry lips that seemed to be stained with the smell of blood, and finally spoke decisively after taking one last look at the corpse he had risked his life to save. .

"He's dead, let's move on! Follow the tanks, get in!"

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