Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1154 Approaching sideways

The German tanks that rushed into the position did not get entangled in the battle with the Red Army infantry on the position. The SS Panzergrenadiers who jumped into the trenches immediately after them would take care of everything for them. An organized and premeditated armored approach to the position. The physical battle soon began.

"Back up! Back up! Don't let the fascists get close to us, keep your distance from them!"

The Red Army vehicle commanders followed the orders of their brigade commander comrade Malashenko and kept the turret pointed at the enemy while constantly giving orders to reverse the vehicle.

"Charge forward! Encircle those Russians and hit them on the side!"

The SS commanders discussed tactics in advance and jointly decided on the most effective way to deal with the enemy's heavy tank groups. After clearly seeing what the enemy wanted to do and what their tactical intentions were, they naturally could not just let it go. situation occurs.

The steel tracks grinded away the flying soil, and the German steel chariots roared forward with full throttle.

The Soviet gunners were so close that they did not need to aim accurately. It was not difficult to accurately hit the enemy tank under the premise of reversing at a constant speed within a hundred meters. The roar and roar of the 122 main gun's continuous fire surrounded the battlefield. earth.

Except for the slow-moving scrap metal man, no other tank or vehicle in the current German armored force sequence can withstand the fierce bombardment of the 122-gun. Even the sturdiest main armor belt on the front of the tank is as useless as window paper that can be torn apart when poked.

One after another, the SS tanks were blown into the sky and their heads fell to the ground in the violent ammunition explosion. The warhead charge of the projectile had reached the "abnormal" level of the 122mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile. As long as it penetrated Without armor, any medium-sized tank of the SS would be instantly set on fire, and the lethality effect of destroying the vehicle if it penetrates it has almost reached 100%!

In just the last hundred meters of the sprint, almost every one of the dozen or so SS tanks at the front were blown apart and turned into piles of burning steel coffins.

However, the SS, who had an absolute advantage in strength, were not intimidated by this, and at least for the time being they did not choose to retreat due to the huge damage.

One of the tanks at the front was blown up, and the remaining SS tanks behind it immediately filled the gap and continued to charge forward, as if they were blind to what had just happened.

Malashenko, who was concentrating on the commander's periscope, could clearly see that one SS tank was blown up, which almost meant that three or even four SS tanks continued to rush out.

No one knows how much effort this group of crazy, crazy-looking Fascist fanatics put into this village and peripheral positions with a radius of only a few square kilometers, so that the supposedly precious armor could be destroyed. The intensity of power is astonishing.

After paying unspeakable and shocking losses, the frantically advancing SS armored forces finally achieved what they wanted: approaching the side of the enemy's heavy tanks to start a battle.

A Panther tank that had already begun to turn its turret in advance during the charge was maneuvering at high speed. The unspeakably coquettish S-type racing route even helped it avoid a fatal 122mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile, hitting the tank. There was an instant explosion and a burst of dust rising from the side of the high-speed track.

The IS2 heavy tank in front of it fired too much. Before the next fire at the end of its long reload, the high-speed Panther tank was finally able to do whatever it wanted.

The distance between the two tanks was less than ten meters, and the Panther tank, which slightly deflected the vehicle's course to the inner circle, finally aimed its black muzzle at the enemy's turret.

"Turn the car body, don't stop the turret, don't let the Germans aim at our side armor, hurry!"

The commander of the IS2 heavy tank once again repeated the order that had been given, but the IS2 in reverse state could not compare with the Panther in terms of speed, which was already pressing the accelerator to the bottom.

The Black Panther was galloping at high speed and didn't even have the slightest intention of stopping. The muzzle of the slender main gun, which was already pointed precariously at the target, flickered, and a 75mm hooded armor-piercing projectile with a near-perfect vertical incident angle roared instantly. Come out and rush straight away.


The hood and quilt were smashed together and continued to penetrate the turret side armor of the IS2 heavy tank. The armor penetration depth was even higher than the 88 gun of the Tiger tank. The Panther 75 main gun approached in this case. There is almost no suspense in shooting through the IS2's side armor.

The final detonation point of the projectile warhead charge is located in front of the first ammunition rack at the rear end of the turret.

This unbiased detonation point of the charge happened to be at the position with the best effect. The first ammunition rack at the end of the entire turret was instantly exploded, and the IS2 heavy tank was like a volcano erupting. The remaining sixteen rounds of 122 mm projectiles exploded together, releasing astonishing energy. The majestic IS2 heavy tank exploded into pieces in a ball of fire and flames.

The power of the 122mm projectile and propellant barrel explosion was so great that not only did it blow the IS2 heavy tank itself into a pile of flying parts, the armor fragments that struck at high speed even hit the instigator who was very close. , the armor of this Black Panther tank was instantly hit with sparks flying like a welding gun across it.

"Target destroyed, next one! Load armor-piercing rounds!"

The SS commander, who was not surprised at all to kill the enemy with one shot, continued to issue orders, but the too narrow field of vision in the tank prevented him from noticing the quietly approaching crisis in time.

Malashenko, who had witnessed the scene just now, had already set his sights on this arrogant Black Panther. Among all the SS tanks that were approaching and charging, this tank was the fastest charging and the least afraid of death. one.

"Aim and fire, you know which one I'm talking about! Kill him!"

As Malashenko said, Iushkin, who cooperated tacitly, certainly knew which goal Comrade Commander was talking about.

The thick and wide turret, like a flattened tortoise shell, quickly turned to point at the target. The muzzle of the main gun, which was as black as the bottom of a pot after being fired multiple times, was already aimed at the target. The right hand that caught the firing lever of the main gun was almost It fell straight down in an instant.

"Go to hell! Nacui!"


The muzzle shook violently and ejected an astonishing amount of fire and fiery energy. The shock wave overflowing from the muzzle brake instantly swept the surrounding ground. The Panther tank that was shot at almost the same time was violently detonated. Within easy reach.

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