Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1208 Shorter Weapons

After personally making the promise and repeating it over and over again to reassure Kogin, Malashenko finally had the opportunity to temporarily break away from Kogin, who was chattering a lot. He left Kogin's office and went outside the building to take a breath of fresh air and smoke. A cigarette.

It was not surprising that Kojin had such a reaction. Malashenko, who was smoking and thinking with a cigarette in his mouth, thought from his perspective and felt that he would be very scared if this matter happened to him.

Without any permission or approval from superiors, he secretly manufactured new rifles without competition bidding.

Even though the status of Kotin and Malashenko is not low, once such a bad thing comes to light, it will still be enough to make the two brothers walk around in pain. By then, it will be too late to think about begging grandpa or suing grandma. .

"Damn it, Kotin is right, I really have my future tied to Kalashnikov."

"No, I have to go find this guy again and tell him how to make a gun! If this guy messes up, it will be all over!"

Even though Kalashnikov is later recognized as the world's best gun master in the 21st century, the current Kalashnikov is just a young boy in his early twenties, with serious shortcomings in life experience and experience.

The AK47, which was supposed to be born a few years later, was brought forward a considerable time. At this juncture when the world's small arms are developing rapidly in the flames of war, Malashenko is really worried that Kalashnikov's head has not turned around for a while. Around the corner, the unforeseen circumstances of early design turned the AK into a completely different gun with a lot of problems.

If this is really the case, it will be cool! Malashenko doesn't want to really get himself into this mess. Some necessary guidance and the right direction must be revealed in advance, just like he provided advice and guidance to Kogin.

As long as the general direction is correct and a few basic design points are put forward, Kalashnikov should be enlightened and there will be no big problems. Malashenko, who kept walking quickly towards the workshop with his hands in his pockets, prayed in his heart.

When Malashenko, who had wandered around the workshop twice, finally found Kalashnikov, the master was staying next to an IS2 heavy tank that was hoisting the turret, curiously using the borrowed wrenches and tools, Turning left and right, he knocked and admired the steel behemoth in front of him that he had never seen before.

Malashenko knew that Kalashnikov had been interested in machinery and loved to invent since he was a child, but it was not time to let him tinker with these things casually. Malashenko, who was pressed for time, immediately rushed to Kalashnikov. Koff raised his hand and shouted.

"Hey! Kalashnikov, come here!"

Staying in the tank for many years has made Malashenko's voice louder. Even if the surrounding industrial noise is filled, it can still reach Kalashnikov's ears at high decibels in an instant, and he can hear Malashenko. Kalashnikov, who was calling himself, quickly dropped the wrench in his hand and ran over quickly.

"Comrade General, how are you talking?"

Kalashnikov asked more tactfully, but the expectation and slightly uneasy look in his eyes could not be hidden. Malashenko could clearly read this in his eyes.

"It's all settled. You will have your own independent office. Ke Jing will provide you with drafting assistants, deputy assistants, and various technical and skilled tool machinists. If you think these are not enough, what else do you need? , you can ask him to mention it at any time, I have already said hello to him, you just need to feel free to do the design you should do. "

Malashenko's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about a small thing that could be easily done, but this was far from simple to Kalashnikov who didn't know the truth.

"Is this true? Comrade General! Can I really build the weapon of my imagination right here without going through a competition? Can this be equipped for the soldiers on the front line to use?"

As a soldier and a Red Army tank soldier who was forced to retreat to the rear after being injured, Kalashnikov's greatest wish is that the weapons he designed have excellent performance and can reduce casualties to the enemy for his comrades and comrades on the front line. Allowing more people to live until the end of the war and return home to reunite with their loved ones is the simplest and simplest dream of an ordinary soldier.

Of course, Kalashnikov's question also ended in this way, blurting out without thinking.

As for Malashenko, he smiled calmly and spoke softly to Kalashnikov.

"You don't want to know how much effort I have put into this. My army will be the first to use the weapons you designed. I plan to use this as proof to make your work officially the standard weapon of the Red Army. , only the most authentic results of using German heads on the battlefield will never be questioned. "

"This will save us a lot of time, and it will also save the lives of many Red Army soldiers. It will also allow the Victory Day to come as soon as possible, and we will end this war faster! The victory of the Red Army will be the final outcome."

As Malashenko spoke, he turned around and motioned for Kalashnikov to follow him as he walked.

"I have some suggestions for your design plan. I think this will give you some direction and buy you time to avoid making unnecessary mistakes. How about it? Do you want to hear my suggestions?"

Malashenko did not say these words in a commanding tone, but in an almost consultative tone with a smile. Kalashnikov, who was quite flattered, blinked his eyes, slightly dulled, and then said He spoke repeatedly to Malashenko.

"Of course, Comrade General! In fact, I really want to know what kind of self-defense weapons are needed by the tank soldiers on the front line. I have always felt that light weapons cannot only be used for infantry. For example, Bobosha is too long and not small in size. This is not suitable for use as a self-defense weapon in the T34 and may cause trouble when taking it out. "

"I just visited our new heavy tank and found that the diameter of the hatch entrance is not very large. I think we should need a shorter automatic self-defense weapon to equip tank soldiers. If at that time, I mean I was still I think I will be very happy to be able to use specially designed self-defense weapons when I am on the front line!”

To be honest, what Kalashnikov said was very much to Malashenko's liking. Malashenko had long been thinking about whether Kalashnikov could not just build AK47, but By the way, I also need to come up with other gadgets suitable for my own use based on the AK47.

Now it seems that this idea has great potential to be realized.

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