Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1212 Pretending to understand if you don’t understand

Although he said that, Guderian himself also hoped that the big steel beast in front of him could exert the ideal actual combat effect and restore the German army's armor disadvantage on the front line.

But such a huge thing made Guderian feel a little uneasy.

The previous Tiger 1 heavy tanks have already exposed the shortcomings of overweight design. You must know that the VK4001 scheme originally designed was only a tank with a total combat weight of 40 tons. The final product was stubbornly "the armor must be thick enough" by the head of state. Upon request, the weight increased to 57 tons, which was a full 16 tons overweight!

If he only looked at the posture in front of him, Guderian estimated that the thing in front of him was definitely heavier than the Tiger 1 tank. It should definitely not move if it weighed more than 60 tons. This thing looked like it was just sitting in front of him without moving. The size is already extremely huge, far exceeding any armored vehicle currently in service in the German army.

"Can anyone tell me what the detailed parameters of this thing are?"

The last time he came here, Guderian only saw a full-size one-to-one model of the Tiger II heavy tank. Although it looked quite large, it was far less shocking than when he saw the real thing with steel and iron bones this time. Incomparable.

Guderian, who held the position of Director of Armored Forces of the German Army, was now eager to know the specific parameters of the thing in front of him. He directly chose to ignore Hermann beside him and instantly turned around to face the group of experts following him. Ask questions to the engineers.

"I think I have the answer for you, General Guderian."

Fortunately, Guderian's inquiry soon came to an answer. The person who stood out from the crowd was Dr. Schlein who had just made up a temporary lesson to Hermann.

"Huh? You? Well, please tell me then. I'm looking forward to your introduction."

Guderian could vaguely remember the chief engineer in front of him who also wore glasses and looked more like a university lecturer and professor than a military expert.

Guderian had previously learned from the report that Dr. Schlein was one of Dr. Porsche's right-hand assistants.

After Dr. Porsche's number one right-hand man and confidant: Dr. August was unfortunately "disappeared" during an attack on the Russian battlefield, Dr. Schlein was promoted one level up to take over his position.

Some time ago, Porsche appointed him to the Nibelungen factory to supervise and guide the production of more than a hundred Ferdinand heavy tank destroyers. After Ferdinand's production came to an end due to the exhaustion of the Tiger P heavy tank chassis in stock, Porsche's right-hand man and confidant continued to temporarily stay at the Nibelungen factory.

As for the reason, it is because a new round of competition between the two old enemies Porsche and Henschel has begun, and the bidding for the Tiger II heavy tank project has reignited. Dr. Schlein was ordered to stay here to complete the bidding for Porsche's Tiger II heavy tank until he defeated Henschel to win the German Army's production order.

Reporting the status of the prototype car to Guderian was just one of his scheduled tasks.

"We referred to part of the design of the Russian T34 medium tank. This medium tank with excellent and balanced performance does have a lot to learn from."

"We designed a forward arc-shaped turret similar to the T34 for the Tiger II heavy tank, which is a very good bullet-avoiding shape. We believe that this can bounce more than 70% of the incoming shells with incorrect incident angles, while also Able to increase the equivalent armor protection performance of the front end.”

"In terms of armor thickness, we refer to the Russian heavy tank design, and at least we must not lose to them. The physical thickness of the armor on the front of the turret is 100 mm, which is enough to withstand most enemy armor-piercing projectiles. At the same time, we must also consider The actual combat effect of equivalent armor protection will only be better than it sounds, General Guderian.”

Professional masters like Dr. Schlein are used to telling the truth, but when he opened his mouth and did nothing, he first praised the Russian tractor, which made some people on the side Feeling a little unhappy.

"Doctor, please be careful with your words. How can those inferior Russians' garbage tractor designs be compared with German tanks? Please remember that our German technology is the best in the world! No matter when!"

"[ ]"

Hermann, who had a Fuhrer beard, wore the same small glasses as Himmler, and liked to imitate Dr. Goebbels in his speaking accent, was a well-known "untouchable" guy at the Nibelungen factory. He was also a Nazi Party fanatic.

If any words that disparage Germany reach this guy's ears, the first person to say these words will most likely be unlucky.

"He brought SS-style terror here and a lot of people were afraid of him, but he had enough power to keep those who were afraid of him away from him."

Recalling this description in his mind, Guderian blinked twice and his left eyelid twitched twice. His injured and expressionless face then turned around and spoke bluntly.

"Dr. Schlein is Dr. Porsche's close friend and right-hand assistant. If you think there is a problem with his loyalty, I suggest you go talk to Dr. Porsche in person. Herman, maybe Dr. Porsche will give you a chat if he is interested. The head of state conveys this without moving a word."


What does it feel like to have a fly in your mouth? Herman, who had never done this before, didn't really know, but one thing he said was that he really felt as if he had swallowed a fly alive in his mouth.

Dr. Porsche was a close friend of the Führer. Why did he forget this so quickly? Damn it!

Hermann, whose mouth was firmly clamped and no longer speaking, took a step back and glared at someone with an uncertain face. His Himmler-style thick glasses were enough to block the specific changes in his eyes. It is especially difficult to see clearly when there is light refraction.

But Guderian didn't care about all this. There were more such villains in Berlin than animals in the zoo. A small character like Hermann was nothing compared to those large pieces of trash, and was not worth mentioning at all. .

"The tanks designed by the Russians did cause us unimaginable trouble on the battlefield. You did the right thing in referring to the enemy and improving yourself, Dr. Schlein."

Guderian, who was already stomping on him, didn't forget to "kick" Hermann, who already had a bad face. Hermann, who was already looking bad, looked more like a fly in his mouth. It was as uncomfortable as crawling, and his expression directly evolved into an "Oliji" state, but he still suppressed the extreme displeasure in his heart and said nothing more.

After all, if you continue to pretend to understand, you will only make an even bigger fool of yourself.

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