"You can pick up the car today. All four prototype cars were assembled last night.

"There were no problems in the preliminary testing of the two prototype cars equipped with the new cooling system, but the time was limited. They were only driven out of the factory for two simple laps and did not undergo long-distance off-road testing. I personally think there will be no problems. We will figure it out individually. I bought a set of cooling fans and it has maintained continuous operation for more than 72 hours without any faults. It is rare for a German to have such reliable technology.”

Kogin knew why Malashenko came to find him before leaving. Those four heavy tanks were the ultimate objects that Malashenko had been dreaming about recently. Kejin, who was embarrassed to disappoint Malashenko, also personally led people to work overtime and overnight to catch up on the progress, and finally completed all the work before Malashenko was about to leave.

"Where are they now?"

Malashenko, who couldn't wait to see his new car, seemed a little impatient. Kojin, who was completely understandable, raised his finger and pointed to the stall workshop not far away and blurted out.

"They're all there, ready. Do you want me to arrange the nearest train for you? Oh, by the way, I don't know where you plan to take these big guys."

As Malashenko and Kotin walked, they said that the return destination had already been determined.

"Prokhorovka, my troops are still resting and rebuilding there. There will be big operations later, so we have not arranged to rest in the rear. It is a bit far from here. Can you arrange a suitable train?"

Due to the urgent need for equipment replenishment and intensive dispatching on the front line, there are simply too many trains going in and out of Nizhny Tagil every day.

When they arrived, these trains were loaded with various steel materials, components, lathes and machines for processing and production. These are essential raw materials for hatching the steel giant.

When leaving, these trains were loaded with brand-new steel chariots that had just left the factory. It would not be long before they were deployed on the frontline battlefields and deployed as troops, becoming weapons of war to attack and crush the fascist invaders.

Therefore, with Nizhny Tagil's well-developed railway transportation network, it is not difficult for Kotin to arrange the transportation of four heavy tanks.

"It just so happens that there have been a lot of trains going to Prokhorovka recently. I was curious before why so many tanks were prioritized to be transferred to the same area. Now it seems that I have found the answer. It turns out that they are all your cars. "

Most people who have been with Malashenko for a long time like to make some jokes. This is a common feature born from people. Kogin, who has a good relationship with Malashenko, is no exception.

Although this is not the first time I have seen this steel behemoth with an astonishing size and intimidating power, it is the first time I have seen Malashenko with four IS4s lined up neatly and gathered together. I am still a little stunned. On the spot, my eyes straightened up.

"As far as the current battlefield situation is concerned, this will be an unprecedentedly powerful heavy tank. Many comrades involved in the design are optimistic that even if the Germans have a new design that is about to be put into battle, it will not be the 701 engineering vehicle. Opponents. Shashmulin told me that he felt this had exhausted the potential of existing designs, and I think he had a point.”

According to the upper limit of 60 tons, Shashmulin is indeed right. The most powerful heavy tank of this level actually built by the Soviet Union in history is the IS4.

Of course, the T10M does not count. That thing is a magically modified product with the blessing of Cold War technology. The new 122 gun, new ammunition, infrared night vision system and semi-automatic loader make it the most formidable Soviet heavy tank. A swan song.

But in terms of a 70-ton super heavy tank, Malashenko feels that it is too early to say that Kotin has actually "emptied out the design potential".

"After returning to the front line this time, there will soon be a large-scale strategic counterattack against those Germans. After Leningrad is recaptured, the original site of the Kirov factory can be restarted. By then, the production of heavy tanks will exceed the needs of the troops. There is a productivity gain.”

"The Germans will definitely try their best to hollow out their own technical reserves and force the gadgets that should be on the test field to the battlefield. People who are dying will always grab the last straw."

"Although it is stupid to do this, those unreliable weapons are also deadly and cannot be underestimated. Maybe we will need more powerful heavy tanks soon. Comrade Kogin, you have to start the plan in advance and prepare. Prepare early. Be prepared, a master like you should have no limit to perfection, running on the road of constant pursuit of perfection is the style you should have.”

Malashenko is right.

With the clear example of the Tiger tank, Kogin has realized that after the Germans put the new equipment into the battlefield, he will be very passive before initiating the corresponding plan. Rather than miss the opportunity and attack decisively, try to lead the enemy by the nose, and stay ahead of the Germans. Regardless of the actual car, the design must be ahead of the enemy.

This was what Malashenko wanted to express to Kotin the most. Fortunately, after some efforts to put it into practice, Kotin has initially tasted the sweetness of doing so and plans to continue.

The IS2 heavy tank was mass-produced and commissioned into the army at almost the same time as the Tiger heavy tank. This is evidenced by the fact that Kotin was praised and praised by Moscow not long ago. The quality advantage of the tank is still firmly grasped by the Red Army.

While discussing the matter and telling the truth, he was complimented by Malashenko in passing. Kejing, who was in a good mood, looked at the workers in front of him who were doing the final inspection before making the factory and dismantling the construction and maintenance equipment, and then smiled at Marashchenko. Shen Ke opened his mouth and replied.

"You don't need to tell me that I plan to do the same. The relevant designs are already being prepared. Regardless of whether it will be used or not, at least there must be an alternative design in hand. I plan to ask Shashmulin to do this design this time. Host, the training of IS2 heavy tank and 701 project has given him enough rich experience, it is time for him to give it a try. "

Malashenko, who raised the corners of his mouth in an upward arc, felt that today was probably the happiest moment of his trip to Tagil. Kejin, who had finished his guidance and was on the right track, was still full of energy even without additional support. Keep surprising yourself.

"Do you know what the ancient Chinese, our Eastern comrades who believe the same as us, called this situation?"

Anyone who is familiar with Malashenko knows that one of Malashenko's characteristics is that he often says sudden and unreasonable things.

It is difficult for most people to turn their heads quickly, and even Kogin is no exception.

"This is called "Heroes see the same thing." Savor this sentence, good brother! In addition, this is a gift I specially prepared for you."

There is no reason not to do what was promised, not to mention that this is part of the cooperation that has been agreed upon.

Malashenko, who spent four whole days working hard and late at night to prepare the copy himself, used all his experience and experience in using IS6 heavy tanks on the battlefield and commanded the remaining IS6 heavy tanks to meet the latest SS troops. The actual combat situations of the elite armored forces are summarized and compiled in a book.

A 22-page handwritten report with hand-drawn drawings was produced and handed over to Ke Jing. He did not forget to sign his name at the end of the report, and finally attached the words "It is recommended to put into large-scale production immediately." "Heavy Tank Troops" summary.

There is almost absolute certainty that in the near future, the IS6 heavy tank, which has a simple design and an acceptable cost, will gradually replace the IS2 heavy tank and become the Red Army's most cutting-edge mass-produced frontline main heavy tank.

Combining Kotin's design with his first-hand combat feedback report as a double Soviet hero, Malashenko has the confidence to succeed as envisioned.

"If it doesn't work, go to Lao Zhu to add fuel to the fire. Damn it, you can't impress Dalin. Why is there any reason to hesitate about such a great thing? Just do it and it'll be over."

Malashenko, who was muttering silently in his heart, was sitting in an additional temporary passenger car in the middle of the truck.

Listening to the regular sound of the speeding steel wheels hitting the rails, I looked at Iushkin, who was waving his hands excitedly in front of him, gesturing to Kirill and Seryosha how great the new car he had just seen was. . Malashenko, who was smiling, knew very well that the "super weapon" mounted on the four flatbed trucks in front and covered with canvas would be the latest and most terrifying nightmare for those Germans.

The legend called Immortality is about to return to the battlefield.

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