Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1231 Praise on the spot

Malashenko's wait did not last long, and the combat meeting mentioned by Vatutin soon began. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

There were three group army commanders who came to attend the meeting, as well as a division commander of the Guards Rocket Artillery Division directly under the front army.

Except for one colonel and division commander among the military officers present at the meeting, all the other military officers present at the meeting were at least major generals, including Malashenko himself.

When attending such meetings in the past, Malashenko only felt that his military rank was too far behind everyone else, and he had no sense of integration. He was just a spectator in the auditorium to listen to the show.

But now, Malashenko looked around and sat in his seat, muttering to himself that this general is nothing more than that. I have the same fucking rank as you now. I don’t have to say anything like that in the meeting later. I was no longer as forward-thinking and scrupulous as before.

"Do you want me to speak later? Or should I just sit here and listen?"

Malashenko, who was prepared, was still not very sure. He simply muttered in a low voice and looked for answers to the political commissar Petrov on the side.

"Comrade Commander will call your name. If not, I think it's better for you to sit quietly. There is no need to show off in this kind of occasion. Many people's troops far exceed ours. It will be good for you to keep a low profile.

Political Commissar Petrov is right. After the new reorganization, the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division certainly has huge strength. The total strength is almost twice that of the previous brigade level, reaching a total of over 200 tanks of various types and Self-propelled artillery, in terms of the quantity of technical equipment alone, is far beyond what conventional troops of the same level can match.

But compared with the troops of the group army commanders here, Malashenko's troops still appear relatively small.

They often have four or five infantry divisions under their command, and they also have several brigade-level units. In terms of strategic role, they are far more important than Malashenko's division.

Malashenko, who doesn't like meetings, doesn't often attend such scenes. Political Commissar Petrov, who knows more about this than Malashenko, is also teaching Malashenko little by little how to deal with such situations in the future. Scene, try to keep a low profile.

In this way, even if one day he can no longer be by Malashenko's side, this boy who has been promoted so fast that ordinary people can't imagine can still handle it on his own. Being too showy in such a big scene will never be a good thing. A good thing.

To this day, I am still immersed in the secret joy and complacency of climbing to the position of general. To be honest, Malashenko has indeed been feeling a little ecstatic recently. The star on the shoulder, the title, and every change in the military uniform made Malashenko feel that he was more powerful than ever before, completely different from the little colonel he had been before.

"Forget it, let's be more honest here, so as not to offend any villain."

Malashenko, who silently told himself not to jump too much, then heard the voice from Vatutin. Vatutin, who came to preside over the meeting in person, had a brief conversation with the chief of staff and exchanged opinions. Holding the command whip in his hand, he came to the battle zone map and officially began to speak.

"Comrades, this is the first operational meeting at the front level that we have held since the end of the Battle of Kursk and the reorganization into the First Ukrainian Front."

“In the Battle of the Southern Front of Kursk, our front troops showed bravery and fearlessness, carried forward the fighting spirit of not being afraid of powerful enemies, and gave the arrogant Manstein and his fascist lackeys a great opportunity. With a heavy blow, the enemy's strategic intention of occupying Prokhorovka and then opening a gap to move northward and other Fascist bandits' rounds was ruined!"

"Since the Fascists have not achieved their strategic intentions and Kursk is still in our hands, there is no doubt that this is a great victory that belongs to all of our Red Army, all the comrades here, and all the soldiers! Here, In the name of the Front Army Headquarters, I would like to convey the commendation order given to us by Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin and express my congratulations to the comrades!”

Pah pah pah pah——

Before Vatugin could finish his words, a burst of intensive applause came from all corners of the venue.

Everyone present at the meeting, regardless of their military rank or position, applauded enthusiastically, celebrating this another great Red Army victory since the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Even Malashenko, who was sitting a little further away from Vatutin, gave the most enthusiastic applause together with political commissar Petrov next to him. This great victory belongs to everyone who has worked hard for it, and everyone is qualified to share this joy.

Vatutin, who looked around the venue for a week, quietly fixed his gaze on Malashenko, and blurted out some words that he had already prepared.

"In this great victory, I would like to pay special tribute to one of our comrades, the commander of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division named after our great leader: Major General Malashenko."

"Comrade Malashenko led his troops to successfully prevent the enemy's strategic intentions, hold on to his position, and delay the onslaught of three SS armored divisions for more than 24 hours from the time of contact with the enemy. For us The implementation of strategic counterattack bought extremely precious time, making it impossible for the enemy to quickly change offense and defense, and fell into a passive state of deadlock. "

"The decisive battle of the Kursk Southern Front Battle was the Battle of Prokhorovka, and the decisive point of the Battle of Prokhorovka was the nameless village."

"Comrade Malashenko used his actual actions to let those SS scum with their nostrils turned upward, their hearts full of madness, and their hands stained with the blood of our comrades and the people know what the real iron fist of the Red Army is! The sacrifice of Division Commander Suvorov is not It makes no sense, Comrade Stalin has already issued an order posthumously awarding Suvorov the Hero of the Soviet Union award.”

"Whether it is him or Malashenko, I hope that every one of our commanders, fighters, and political workers can learn from the power of role models and turn them into motivation for their own advancement."

“Everyone just dedicated the first round of warm applause to the great victory achieved through our joint efforts. Now, I suggest that everyone dedicates the second round of applause to our Comrade Malashenko and the Soviet Union who sacrificed their lives heroically for the victory. Comrade Wolof, and every comrade who fell in this battle.”

Pah pah pah pah——

To be honest, Malashenko really didn't expect that Vatutin would come out like this, let alone on such an occasion.

And now, under the watchful eyes of the audience and the audience who responded with warm applause, and under the expectant eyes of Vatutin, Malashenko knew that it was time for him to stand up and say something.

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