As a new loader, this is indeed a question worthy of serious consideration for Malashenko.

Generally speaking, the loader is the person with the lowest technical requirements in a vehicle crew. In addition to the work of the loader, he also bears the responsibilities of the mechanic. When there is a problem with the tank, it is almost a chore to help the gunner repair the main gun and the servo mechanism of the main gun, and to help the driver repair the running gear and power compartment.

But even so, the benefits brought by an experienced and skilled loader to the entire vehicle crew cannot be ignored.

Malashenko could predict Iushkin's reaction when he heard that Kirill was leaving. For everyone in the entire crew, Iushkin was the one who needed Kirill's tacit cooperation the most. Exists, as he himself said.

"As long as I'm with those fascist bastards, Kirill is as indispensable to me as bread and milk!"

Malashenko couldn't help but think of this and felt even more undecided. His face was erratic and he didn't know what he was thinking about. Seeing this, Commissar Petrov decided to go into battle personally and help Marashenko. Think of a way.

"I can assign you a person from those experienced vehicle crews. If it is to serve as a loader for the division commander's vehicle, I believe there will be many of our soldiers willing to take on this responsibility, and they will even rush to grab it. Sign up.

"Or you can choose one of the newly added recruits to train again, but I don't recommend this. Your crew needs to be in top condition at all times. In this regard, experienced veterans are more suitable. You, what do you think?”

Malashenko said nothing, and continued to think about the problem with his head cluttered.

Political commissar comrades who are good at judging Malashenko's facial expressions feel that the division commander may still be unable to let go of Kirill's departure, and it may be this emotion that affects his thinking and makes him unable to make a correct decision.

"Well, since you still need time, leave this matter to me."

"here you are?"

Malashenko, who let go and raised his head, had a puzzled look on his face. He couldn't figure out for a moment what Comrade Comrade Political Commissar meant.

"What are you going to do?"

When the time came and it was almost time to go around the troops below, Commissar Petrov stood up, reached for the military cap on the table beside him and put it on firmly, and gave Malashenko the answer.

“Calling the loaders with the most combat experience and combat experience in our division, the best person will come to serve as the loader for the comrade of the division commander.


Malashenko, who understood, smiled helplessly.

"Are you planning to call everyone for a martial arts competition?"

"It's not a competition, it's a competition of professional skills. The combat efficiency of your crew is directly related to your safety on the battlefield, and your personal safety is related to the combat status of the entire Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division."

"This must be taken seriously, and there is no room for error. Just leave it to me."

After saying this, Political Commissar Petrov left without hesitation and walked out of the division headquarters cabin, leaving Malashenko, who was still sitting in the chair behind the table, messy in the wind.

"Well, I have been arranged by Comrade Political Commissar again."

Malashenko, who watched Commissar Petrov leave, felt that he should do something else. Maybe it would be a good choice to talk to Kirill at this time and do some ideological work for him in advance. You can't just wait for everything. The political commissar comrade, whose health has become worse day by day, has to do it himself.

Before he could take action, Malashenko stood up and slapped his head suddenly. Then he thought of it.

I had just approved a leave note for Kirill two days ago. Kirill, who had never been able to see his mother for the last time, took the initiative to ask for leave from Malashenko. Kirill hoped to go home and visit his mother at the grave. Scan the grave of my mother’s resting place.

Let the great mother who has always been proud of her outstanding son from childhood to adulthood, who raised her son alone after losing her husband until he entered college until his son joined the Red Army to defend the motherland, knows how her son followed Together, the heroes regained their father's unfinished career and went further on this thorny road to communism.

The note was approved by himself. Kirill returned to his long-lost hometown to do what he had to do. Malashenko also understood that Kirill's ideological work could only be carried out in a few days. , it's worth the wait.

Comrade Political Commissar went to inspect the troops below. Malashenko, who had nothing to do, thought for a while about what he should do next, and decided to go to Karamov's field maintenance group to have a look.

Yes, as the force establishment has been increasing, the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, which now has more than 200 battle tanks, can no longer afford the original field maintenance battalion.

The food and fodder for the troops and horses must go first before the troops move. The food and fodder guarantee for the tanks is logistics and maintenance.

The structure of the new field maintenance regiment, which integrated the oil supply troops, was doubled compared to the original field maintenance battalion. Karamov, who became the regiment leader, now has two battalions of men under his command.

He is not only responsible for the maintenance of the tanks, but also responsible for delivering rations to those steel behemoths who drink oil like a bottomless pit between battles and after a day's battle, all statistics and preparations, and the inventory of supplies. The report was also solely responsible for Karamov.

This was originally something Commissar Petrov was personally responsible for, but it is no longer the same as before. Malashenko must separate these bad things from the hands of busy and overworked Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, even if the person who takes over is not as efficient as Comrade Comrade Political Commissar It must be done at such a high level, and Malashenko does not want to further reduce the remaining life of Comrade Political Commissar, who is already running out of time, because of these things.

Moreover, Karamov, who has long since "changed his appearance, reflected on his mistakes, and started a new life," is now also a trustworthy and good comrade that everyone praises. It's perfect for Karamov, who already has enough brains, to take care of these things. Whether it's his academic qualifications or his abilities, they are enough to support this not-so-easy job.

"Comrade regiment leader is over there at the maintenance warehouse, comrade division commander. He hasn't even bothered to eat lunch yet. I'm planning to ask the cook to heat up some food and deliver it to him again. If he doesn't eat in this weather, he'll freeze. The problem comes."

Malashenko only found Karamov's deputy and deputy commander in the regiment headquarters. Seeing him holding a box of cold and solidified stew, Malashenko couldn't help but wonder where Karamov was. Why are you so busy that you don't even bother to eat the most important lunch?

"Take me to see him, and I will order him to eat everything he needs to eat."

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