Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1247 The Behemoth Upgrades

Martin completed his mission to the Soviet Union, and Malashenko also used Martin's hand to achieve his own goals.

So this can be said to be mutual utilization, and of course it can also be regarded as a kind of cooperation.

However, this was only Malashenko's unilateral knowledge. Until Martin said goodbye to Malashenko, he always thought that the photos he took were genuine first-hand information and were indeed the Russians' new heavy-duty weapons. tank.

Malashenko didn't know whether such smoke bombs would be effective against the Germans, but just like what Kulbalov said, as long as it can interfere with the Germans' judgment of the real situation, it would be successful. .

Malashenko has reason to believe that the speed has greatly exceeded the historical Soviet heavy tank development progress, and has actually exceeded the limit of the German army's prediction based on the current situation. The Germans would never guess what kind of surprises their opponents had prepared and waiting for them. After eliminating all error factors, the technology tree climbed as smoothly as if it were a trick.

Will the Krauts take countermeasures?

Of course, otherwise they could just sit and wait to die.

After the Tiger tank, will there be further German steel monsters superborn in advance?

It is not clear that the impact of the butterfly effect is no longer something that Malashenko can judge and recognize based on existing history, so Malashenko is desperate and desperate to improve the development progress of his own equipment. In short, the Germans come up with new monsters, and I have monsters here that are more powerful than you, and they will always overwhelm you, and see how big a wave your German Zoo can make.

The days since then have been relatively peaceful.

Malashenko is stepping up the final preparation and training of his troops. The Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division before the final moment of the war. Although compared with the original Stalin Guards 1st Heavy Tank Brigade, it has less combat experience and combat skills. The level of proficiency in the method must be somewhat inferior.

But at this point, there is no other way except to catch the duck and force it to be put on the shelves. Malashenko hopes that the newly acquired powerful new equipment can make a breakthrough and use the equipment to make up for the shortcomings in personnel issues.

Speaking of equipment, even in the days of final preparations before the war, a steady stream of new equipment arrived and delivered to Malashenko.

Among these new equipment, there are two things that Malashenko values ​​the most. One is the ISU-152 self-propelled howitzer.

After the mass production of IS6 heavy tanks was fully launched, some IS2 heavy tank chassis that had already walked off the production line and were waiting for the turrets to be hoisted became embarrassing situations.

The head-changing game of transplanting the head of IS6 onto the body of IS2 was rejected by Kogin after convening a simple meeting to demonstrate.

First of all, not to mention that the turret seat ring of the IS2 body is completely different from the interface diameter of the IS6 turret. It will not fit in without modification.

Furthermore, Kogin doesn’t have the time to swap heads between the two completely different design configurations of IS2 and IS6. Kojing's main focus now is on how to increase the production of IS6 as soon as possible. For these IS2 heavy tank body chassis that have been actually manufactured, Kojing's final solution is to slightly transform them into self-propelled howitzers.

The protective armor that is thicker than the original SU-152 self-propelled howitzer gives the ISU-152 amazing protective performance. The armor layout of the IS2 heavy tank body with upward extending armor and inclined coverage is powerful enough.

Another thing that Malashenko didn't expect is that in this time and space, due to the earlier completion of the improvement plan for the protective armor on the front of the IS2 heavy tank body, the driver's protective armor, which was originally divided into two pieces and was tilted at different angles, is now It has become a one-piece design that is exactly the same as the later IS2 heavy tank.

This change deliberately guided by Malashenko indirectly affected the design of the ISU-152 self-propelled howitzer, which can be regarded as a huge surprise beyond Malashenko's expectations.

The ISU-152 self-propelled howitzer with design changes has modified the chassis defense layout of the IS2 heavy tank. The original armor on the front of the entire body changes its angle and stretches directly upward until it completely covers the entire front of the combat room and is airtight.

According to Malashenko's rough estimate using the normal formula, the design of the ISU-152 self-propelled howitzer combat chamber front main armor belt has been changed. When faced with enemy full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectiles under horizontal incoming ballistics, theoretically It can provide an equivalent defense of more than 180 mm, which takes into account the effect of the opponent being blocked and turning positive.

If it is not blocked and is hit with a pointed tungsten core sub-caliber armor-piercing bullet that is easy to ricochet, which is the kind of hip-pushing bullet that the Germans standard, the ISU-152's frontal armor protection is equivalent Still higher to come.

When dealing with this kind of shabby armor-piercing projectile that stretches its hips in front of sloped armor, the equivalent armor protection value is expected to be at least over 230 mm. Taking into account the influencing factors of the incident angle, this is the number of tungsten cores used by the German army at this stage. Abnormal-level protection that cannot be penetrated by armor-piercing bullets.

To be more specific, unless you encounter a German PAK 43 long 88 or a scrap iron man, or a more terrifying monster carrying a long 88 enters the battlefield and appears in advance, then the frontal combat room protective armor of the ISU152 is equal to is invincible. Only the root of the huge breech block is not armored because it occupies too much space, so be careful when firing.

What's left is the crotch of the ISU-152, which is the lower armor of the vehicle body. Well, this place is still the same as it has been in history and has not changed at all. Even the Black Panther can be penetrated by one shot within the normal combat range, let alone the attributes. Even more abnormally long 88.

Therefore, even if the ISU-152 goes to the battlefield, it still has to take it easy. The good times like the KV1 in 1941 will not happen to the ISU-152.

What's more, this huge and extremely heavy steel beast with only a single-stream transmission and no way to turn on the spot does not have a turret. The principle that without a turret means no human rights applies equally to the battlefield. You have to be careful of ambushes and sneak attacks at all times. Around the side.

All in all, the total number is not large, and only 24 ISU-152s have been installed in place, which is good news after all.

This kind of steel behemoth can not only bear long-range direct fire support, but also rely on its thick armor to reach the front line of the battlefield. Malashenko has been in love with it since the last SU-152. It can be called a battlefield All-rounder.

Now that there is a new version of the ship that strengthens PLUS, Comrade Ma's happiness is obviously inevitable.

However, compared to the ISU-152, Malashenko is more concerned about another newly arrived tank, a newly produced new medium tank.

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