Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1259 Windfall from Heaven

Da da da da——


call out--

"Hurry up! There's no time to waste anymore. The Russians are coming in soon. We have to retreat as soon as the fire is over!"

"Damn, damn, damn! This is not why I became a soldier! Why should I lose my life because of these bullshit documents!"

"Shut your stinky mouth! Come on, and this, burn it together! The cable report has been thrown in, these are"

"The Russians are coming!!!"

Before several German officers gathered around the burning gasoline barrels could finish what they were doing and before they finished speaking, a loud and shrill cry like an air raid siren came from the door.

"Hell, get the gun! Get it ugh!!!"

Da da da da——

"Don't kill me, I'll vote!!!"

The fierce hand-to-hand firefights were mixed with panicked shouts in German, but the helpless shouts for their own dying lives seemed so pale and feeble.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot! The Germans are burning documents, shoot them to death and take away the things!"

The leading Soviet commander at the front of the team waved his right arm and shouted loudly. He could no longer care about the tactical formation and the Soviet submachine gunners who swarmed in were hugging him without even having time to aim. Bobosha, who was tightly in his arms, fired with all his strength.

Things like Bobosha are quite powerful and have a faster rate of fire. The most important thing is that the ammunition load is absolutely large enough!

Once the trigger is pulled firmly and does not let go, or it suddenly jams before the remaining bullets are fired, the final result will be either your death or my death.

Of course, most of the time it ends with Bobosha's enemies being beaten into a hornet's nest. This has always been the case.

The final result of the swarm of submachine gunners was that four full drum drums were empty of bullets, and the pungent smell of gun smoke filled the small and airtight civil structure front command post.

Amid the smoke and fire, only a dozen or so warm corpses lying motionless in the pool of blood were left.

"All dead, all killed! There is no one left alive."

The submachine gunner who stood up holding the Bobosha tightly to guard against any Germans suddenly pretending to be dead was still vigilant. The Soviet commander who led the team with his glasses widened and carefully observed everything around him was the first to breathe a sigh of relief. After confirming that the danger was over, When it could be lifted, he immediately waved his hand, indicating that everyone could put down their guns temporarily.

"You shouldn't lead a team to be the captain of the death squad, Varosha. If the division commander finds out about this, you'll be ready to clean the toilet!"

The commander of a dignified infantry regiment came to the front line to serve as the captain of the death squad. Oleg had only heard of such outrageous things in the past.

Yes, it was 1941 when the war situation and the overall situation were most critical.

But at that time, he was forced to do nothing by the aggressive Germans and his troops were almost exhausted before the leader took the lead in the charge.

Now Varosha has started to play this trick again. You must know that this is already 1944. This really surprises Oleg, his best friend and partner, and he can't figure it out. It's simply crazy.

Faced with the complaints from Oleg next to him, Bobosha squatted down to give Bobosha, who had very little ammunition left in his hand, and replaced it with a fully loaded spare drum. Va, whose adrenaline was gradually fading and began to calm down. Luo Sha then replied.

"Just go and complain. Comrade Division Commander himself will lead the charge. He is a general!"

"With him taking the lead and setting an example, if I were still in the headquarters, let alone because I couldn't sit still, if word spread, I would be laughed at by others. I can't stand this anger."

After hearing this, Oleg just shook his head and said he was speechless. He had no time to continue discussing this with Varosha now.

"Collect those documents that have fallen on the floor, those on the table, those buried under the German's body, and those in the cabinet and table that were not taken out in time!"

"These things are of great use to us. Those Germans would rather risk their lives to keep them and burn them. There must be some secrets inside that they don't want us to know. We must look for them carefully!"

Varosha, who personally led the people to complete this task, has only now had time to check the details, but as the saying goes, you won't know until you look at it, but you will be shocked at first glance.

Varosha, who only focused on preserving the documents, did not expect that among the bodies of the unlucky Germans killed by this wave of random gunfire, there were actually a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, and three majors!

What does this mean? Destroyed a German division headquarters?

No, where is the division headquarters so far forward? Did those German guys put the division headquarters here because their heads were run over by the crawler tracks?

Varosha, who was half-crouching on the ground and looking through the corpses one by one with Bobosha in his hand, even began to feel a little regretful now.

The moment he rushed in, he only saw the German guy throwing documents into the burning oil drum. Varosha, who was so anxious when he saw the situation, couldn't care less.

If you dare to burn my trophies like this, don't blame me for being rude to you!

What? Things that haven’t been captured can’t be considered loot?

Bullshit! As long as you like them, they belong to our Red Army. This has always been the case with Germans. This is what Comrade Division Commander said personally.

Judging from this, Varosha did issue the correct and timely order in accordance with common sense. Prioritizing document preservation was definitely the best choice at that time when no additional considerations were allowed. Besides, who knows if these Germans will take out their guns and try to kill you when they see you not shooting. You can't expect all the Germans in the world to be Frenchmen in disguise and surrender at the speed of light.

After counting the eighteen bullet holes on the corpse of the largest officer, the Colonel of the National Defense Forces, he put his hand under his nose to explore. Varosha could only sigh when he found that this dog had already run out of breath. .

You can't blame me for killing you. If you had thrown away the gun earlier, why bother doing this with the French military salute?

"Comrade leader, I found it! I found it! I made a major discovery!"


After hearing this exciting news, Varosha immediately stood up and turned around. A captain who knew German was waving something in his hand excitedly and quickly came to Varosha's side.

"The German lieutenant colonel was holding it in his hand. It was a little wrinkled and stained with blood, but it didn't affect the viewing."

"Here, here, and here, there is a new type of equipment mentioned above, called uh, the first time I saw this name, it was called Tiger II heavy tank. Here is the detailed quantity, this paragraph records the troops received , and there is the signature of the German commander here at the end. This should be an equipment receipt list, which at least indicates that this new weapon has been delivered for use! "

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