Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1263 Relay Communication

"What are those IL-2s doing? Why are they flying in front of us? We don't seem to have called for air support.

After getting used to being bombed, I will always be surprised by the arrival of air support. Looking at the war eagles whizzing past in the sky above my head, Iushkin looked a little confused.

"No one knows how many Germans are ahead. You should be happy to have good things to help us eliminate the enemies. When we encounter the next wave of enemies, maybe you can see how badly they were bombed. It’s miserable.”

Malashenko, who did not mind watching the excitement, wished that all the shit of those Germans would be blown up by the Il-2. It would be better if he could only collect the corpses of those Germans when he passed by and solve all the problems once and for all. , the 44-year air supremacy should also be transferred to the Red Army.

Iushkin nodded slightly and felt that Malashenko was right. The only good thing about having the aviation force in front was to help open the way. The happiness came too suddenly, and for a while it felt a little difficult to adapt.

Like a long dragon in the snow, the tank column continues to advance on the desolate snowfield. The Soviet weapons and equipment, which are famous for their "silly, big, black and thick" weapons and equipment, may not have outstanding other advantages, but this armor has the advantages of durability and high reliability. But no one has ever questioned it.

The external auxiliary fuel tanks that were hung on the buttocks of those Stalin heavy tanks before departure, plus the volume of the fuel tank inside the tank itself, a full truck of diesel is completely enough for Malashenko to lead his team until the end of the battle as long as there is no midway battle. Rendezvous with friendly forces at the encirclement point.

But will it really be so smooth?

Malashenko, who had a vague feeling that the Germans should not be so stupid, did not think so. Staying in place and waiting to be surrounded was not the usual style of the German army. The troops must be ready to contact and engage the enemy at any time, and there must be no neglect.

Malashenko, who hung outside the turret for a while and blew the cold wind, felt that his upper body was almost frozen to death. As long as this biting cold wind blows for a long time, it will definitely be enough to penetrate the thick cotton clothes and blow your body surface. The temperature dropped again and again until I was shivering from the cold, just like Malashenko looks like now.

"The wind is a bit strong and I'm almost freezing. Do you want to get back in the tank?"

Iushkin, who came out of the turret almost at the same time as Malashenko to smoke a cigarette and chat, nodded quietly after hearing this, raised his hand and flicked the butt of the cigarette in his hand, which was about to burn out, and walked into the car. Go drill and prepare to close the turret hatch.

Malashenko, who had returned to the turret first, was thinking about taking the kettle placed against the engine room to keep it warm and filling it with two sips. Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was an unexpected sound.

"Comrade Division Commander, there is news from the forward scout troops. It is important news."

He stopped reaching for the kettle and focused his eyes on the object from which the sound came. Without any hesitation, Malashenko immediately retracted and grabbed the radio transmitter hanging on the turret bulkhead.

"I am Malashenko, hear me clearly, speak up."

Even if it is equipped with an additional high-power vehicle-mounted radio station, it has a longer effective communication range than ordinary tanks.

However, the radio communication distance of the forward reconnaissance force was still not enough to directly connect to Malashenko's car.

The words just now were transmitted through the radio relay transmission and reception team located in the middle between the forward reconnaissance force and the rear force. The specific role it plays is to serve as a link between the forward reconnaissance troops and the rear large forces.

The equipment that plays this special but extremely important role is a radio communication transceiver truck improved on the GAZ pickup truck. The completely enclosed rear compartment is loaded with a large number of specialized high-power radio transceiver equipment. The cost of building such a special vehicle is naturally extremely expensive, not inferior to that of a heavy tank.

The reason why this strange-looking special vehicle was born is thanks to the logistics captain of our Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division: Comrade Karamov.

Malashenko simply mentioned the concept and ideas, and Karamov, who had so much free time that he had to find something to do, immediately took action. He summoned all the available capable forces under his command to start tinkering, and also roped in the division's communications company to be responsible for the installation and debugging of radio equipment. Finally, it met the design specifications proposed by Malashenko, and a total of three such vehicles were modified. Delivery.

Similar to the previous situation, Malashenko's plan is to first test whether the effect of this thing is as expected and whether it is easy to use. If it is really easy to use, then apply for a "patent" and mass-produce it for the entire military. .

Although this thing seems inconspicuous, has no guns or cannons, and does not have any combat effectiveness, the huge role it can play in timely interaction of battlefield information is objective and cannot be ignored.

Judging from the current situation, Malashenko feels good about the relay communication transmission vehicles modified from Battlefield Demon. They can indeed be put to good use as he expected.

The phrase "information creates value" is not only applicable in the 21st century. This classic philosophy can also be applied on the battlefield of the Great Patriotic War.

Malashenko, who was holding the radio transmitter in his hand, did not wait long. A clear and accurate reply, mixed with the sound of a lot of electricity, quickly came from the other end of the transmitter.

"The reconnaissance force discovered a small position held by the Germans. The map position measurement estimates that it is still 11 kilometers away from the main force."

"A small position held by the Krauts?"

Upon hearing this, Malashenko immediately raised his syllables by several decibels, became instantly interested, and blurted out the words without thinking.

"How is the deployment of troops? Are there heavy weapons and tank troops? Also, is there only such a small group of Germans, or are follow-up reinforcements constantly arriving?"

Malashenko, who asked several questions in succession like a machine gun, spoke very fast. The correspondent on the other end of the transmitter obviously organized his words for several seconds before the voice of answering came.

"The reconnaissance force reported that the strength was about one battalion, with very few heavy weapons. They only saw some anti-tank guns towed by trucks. There was no report of a tank force. They were all infantry."

"And we haven't found any more Germans arriving for the time being. They are an isolated group. Wait, comrade division commander, please wait a moment. We have the latest news and we are receiving it."

As soon as he heard this, Malashenko could clearly tell that there were other people talking on the other end of the microphone. There was more than one correspondent in the compartment of a GAZ relay communication transmission vehicle, receiving new messages. The news clearly speaks for itself.

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