Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1268: Got shot

"The enemy is more difficult to deal with than imagined, Comrade Division Commander. Our losses seem to be considerable, and the main responsibility lies with me."

Everyone could see the burning wreckage of the T-70 light reconnaissance tank on the position. Kulbalov, who felt guilty and guilty about all this, didn't know what to say, so he could only use this. If it makes sense, let’s give Malashenko an explanation.

The uneasy Kulbalov felt that if his forward troops could arrive as soon as possible, even just a minute or two earlier, the division's reconnaissance company would not suffer such heavy losses.

His own troops are the absolute main force that the division commander relies on, but the tank reconnaissance company directly under the division headquarters is not the object of Malashenko's attention.

This unit, which has been based on elites since its establishment, is almost entirely composed of veterans. The company commander Alexi who leads the unit was personally selected and promoted by the division commander. Its importance is self-evident.

Kulbalov, who has now reached the position of regimental leader, is very clear about the significance of the reconnaissance unit. If this seemingly inconspicuous small force is wiped out, even if it only suffers too many casualties, the actual impact will be no less than if the troops were blinded and became blind.

Letting the reconnaissance troops kill these Germans and seize the position was certainly an order given by Malashenko, but in Kulbalov's view, all this had nothing to do with him.

Comrade Division Commander's order is not a reason to excuse himself. The failure of his troops to do what they should do is the problem of him, the regiment commander. On this point, Kulbalov has already taken a very clear position. Come up.

At the beginning of their acquaintance, Malashenko was indeed somewhat distrustful and wary of Kulbalov, who had "joined the gang halfway".

Maybe this description may not be appropriate. In other words, it is impossible to confide in one's heart, just like someone who just met yesterday cannot be regarded as a life-and-death friend today. This is a very simple truth.

But as they spent more time together, Malashenko gradually realized that Kulbalov was actually a very reliable comrade. He has been trying his best to prove himself and be able to recognize the accurate positioning of his half-way joining. He is constantly trying to integrate into Malashenko's existing core leadership team with practical actions, trying to become a member of it and win over comrades. of trust.

This veteran, who wears a wooden prosthetic leg and walks with a limp, has too many shining points and outstanding features that Malashenko likes. The courage to take responsibility and never shirk responsibility is just one of them, and this excellent quality is once again vividly displayed at this moment.

Malashenko, who came from the era of information explosion in the distant future, when everyone wore a mask, turned his head and stared at Kulbalov, who was lowering his head and saying nothing in front of him. There was no trace of hypocrisy in his face and eyes, and his slowly raised right hand was quickly placed on the shoulder of the body with a guilty and self-reproaching look.

"I gave the order, this is not your responsibility, Kurbalov. What has happened cannot be undone. What's the use of raising your head and looking forward, only looking at what happened behind you?"

"I heard that the Germans have invested in a new anti-tank weapon, like a stick, which is very powerful. Do you want to go and see it with me? Don't tell me that you are not curious at all."

Malashenko is a person who is very good at adjusting the atmosphere. He can often reverse the atmosphere, resolve embarrassment and speechlessness with just a few words to smooth things over. This time, the tongue-in-cheek tone is obviously the same.

Kulbalov, who was once again surprised by the speech of his comrade division commander, raised his head in surprise, but soon nodded with a smile. Pay more attention to protecting the comrades of the division commander who do not have personal guards on the battlefield, especially after getting off the car. This is the order that Kulbalov personally received from the political commissar before the expedition.

Kulbalov is on the left, Iushkin and other crew members are on the right, followed by some other tough-looking tank veterans who have just gotten out of the car at the same time: they are all members of the heavy tank company directly under the division headquarters.

To put it bluntly, they are the personal guards of the division commander's car on the frontal battlefield. In the worst case scenario, even if this group of tank veterans drove their own tanks to smash the Germans' shabby cars, they would never let anything happen to the division commander's car.

Now the comrade division commander got out of the car, and these veterans who knew their mission also got out of the car together, holding guns on guard and continuing to move forward. The group soon came to the ruined position that exuded the residual warmth of gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood.

"Captain Alexi, the commander of the reconnaissance company, is reporting to you, comrade division commander! We have captured the position with the support of our comrades. The mission is completed. Please give us your instructions."

In the generally short Red Army tank troops, Malashenko's iron tower-like figure of over 1.9 meters is definitely unique among the crowd. Even Alexi, who is already quite tall, is 1.83 meters tall. I feel dwarfed in front of him.

Looking at Alexi who was already scarred by battles in front of him, Malashenko looked at his right arm that was bandaged and hung up without changing his expression, and then spoke without concern.

"You're in trouble? Is it serious?"

Following the focus of Malashenko's eyes, he naturally knew what Comrade Commander was asking, and Alexi, who had a straight face when he stood at attention and saluted, grinned.

"Unlucky! When I got out of the car just now, I was shot by a German wounded soldier who had been brainwashed. The bullet ripped away a piece of flesh but did not damage any bones. I applied medicine and bandaged it briefly. It's not a big problem. , The doctor said it won’t be infected, don’t worry, Comrade Commander.”

Many soldiers who suffered gunshot wounds did not die from excessive blood loss, but from wound infection after being carried off the battlefield, and a series of complications caused by this.

Among the people who died because of this situation, even Malashenko's immediate superior, Commander of the First Ukrainian Front Vatutin, is just that this scene in the existing history has not yet come.

Looking at Alexi, who looked calm and relaxed, he didn't take the minor injury seriously at all. Malashenko nodded slightly and then replied.

"Let's talk as we walk. Tell me about your battle experience and specific losses, as well as the so-called Germans' new anti-tank secret weapons."

The impressed Alexi was about to answer Malashenko's question, but at this moment, a soldier suddenly jogged up to the crowd and immediately spoke.

"Comrade division commander, comrade company commander, we have made a major discovery, we must come and take a look immediately!"

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