Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1271 Comrade Commander is not an ordinary person

There was not much time left for Malashenko, and the battle was still a very tense race against time.

It was impossible for Malashenko to pull Karamov over at this time and ask him to quickly find a pile of steel bars and steel plates to add hangers and welds to the outside of the tank. If he did this, the day lilies would be cold, and time would definitely be wasted. The sea is gone, and trying to surround the Germans is just a fool's errand.

After killing this bunch of SS bastards from the Viking Division, they had to move on quickly. Malashenko didn’t know what the Germans were planning, but the infantry battalion of the Viking Division was sent here and it was not suitable for defense at all. Coming to this place should not be in vain.

These sons of bitches were either scouting the front line, or rushing to the predetermined location in advance to set up defensive positions.

If it's the former, then it's okay to say that Malashenko was able to bump into these idiots on his route. To the German guy, this was just a blind cat hitting a dead mouse, and it was pure luck that Malashenko bumped into him. Ke is a murderer who originally planned to take a detour.

But if it is the latter, it will be very bad for Malashenko.

No matter what method the Germans used, this at least shows that the Germans already knew their wrong movement trajectory and direction. The original detour just to be fast enough would most likely turn into an encounter with the Germans on the way. A brutal encounter with an interception.

Delaying time is second. Malashenko is confident that he can use his current strength to defeat the bastards like the Vikings.

But the most important point is that if the designated tasks cannot be completed according to the scheduled time, the closing of the encirclement will definitely be delayed.

This is a strategic advantage for the German army and the opposite strategic disadvantage for itself. The Germans can use this delayed time to try to jump out of the inner encirclement from the gap that cannot be completely closed.

At that time, the Ukrainian Second Front, which was encircling the outer encirclement for reinforcements and resisting the relief support troops mobilized by Manstein, would be attacked from both sides by the breakout German troops and the supporting German troops, and would be attacked from both sides.

What happened to the three SS ace divisions in the Battle of Prokhorovka, and the fate of the Second Ukrainian Front was not much different.

Manstein, who still has a comeback bargaining chip in his hand, is not a cheap man. If he doesn't guarantee Qi, this old thief will play a big game and try to take advantage of the opportunity to make a comeback. What will be lost by that time may be the victory of the entire Cherkasy battle. The Red Army, whose strategic intention has failed, may have to continue to retreat, and all this is due to the seemingly inconspicuous mistake of not blocking the encirclement click. .

As the saying goes, a slight difference can make a huge difference. This is the battlefield where fighter planes change rapidly. Malashenko, who has long been accustomed to considering the war situation from the worst point, will not tolerate such a tragedy. The battle of Cherkasy must and still It will end with a resounding victory for the Red Army, without any mistakes.

Realizing that time was running out, Malashenko did not hesitate too much. He then blurted out calm words to Kulbalov, who was still watching carefully with an iron fist in his hand.

"Assemble the troops and prepare to set off. If the Germans can't contact their advance team, they will definitely rush over as soon as possible. These bastards have reported the news of their request for help before they die, I'm sure!"

Being able to sit in the position of regimental commander cannot rely solely on Malashenko's promotion. The 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is not a place where you go through the back door and rely on connections. Kulbalov, who had as much tactical literacy as he should have in commanding thinking, quickly understood what Malashenko meant in a blink of an eye.

"Then what should we do with this thing? Comrade Commander, we don't know its performance and weaknesses yet, why don't we test it? What should we do if we encounter it later?"

The question raised by Kulbalov is very reasonable, and any qualified front-line commander will ask such a question, but for Malashenko, who is familiar with all the messy attributes and weaknesses of Tekken 60 , but it’s not necessary at all.

"The effective range of this thing is only 60 meters. If it exceeds 60 meters, it will lose its accuracy and fall to the ground. Strictly speaking, this thing is even a rocket. It just burns the propellant and converts it into a jet grenade that moves forward with kinetic energy. It has no sustainability. The ability to move forward and the kinetic energy of the propellant will be used up.”

"In addition, it cannot penetrate the frontal main armor of our heavy tanks. When encountering this thing, it is best to let the heavy tanks push forward. Even infantrymen with submachine guns can knock down the Germans at a distance of 60 meters, let alone us. With rifles and machine guns accompanying you, you must always remember to work closely with the infantry and tanks, and make good use of its weaknesses. This thing is not as difficult to deal with as you think.”

Many times, Malashenko has shown a familiarity with the performance of certain weapons of the Germans that is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding. This is even the case with the latest weapons and equipment put into the battlefield by the Germans. This point has already been reflected when dealing with Tiger tanks and scrap metal men before, and Kulbalov still remembers it fresh.

At first, he was surprised by the unique "eruditeness" of his comrade, but as time went by, Kulbalov really felt that he had gradually become accustomed to such a fait accompli.

Comrade Commander is not an ordinary person, and Kulbalov has long been convinced of this. It is impossible for ordinary people at this age to work all the way from a soldier to a major general with their own abilities, and win two Hero of the Soviet Union awards. Even Marshal Zhukov and Comrade Stalin know his name.

Since they are no longer ordinary people, it would undoubtedly be a bit stupid to use ordinary people's standards to judge the limited comrades.

Comrade Commander said what is the weak point of this piece of shit, then that must be what the weak point of this thing is.

It sounds a bit straightforward and even silly, but this is what Kurbalov really thinks in his heart. This is his subconscious first thought. The words of comrade division commander are the truth that he must implement, as always.

"Understood, I will tell the commanders and fighters at all levels to inform the soldiers in place. I will assemble the troops right away. Comrade division commander, just give me five minutes."

Before Kulbalov finished speaking, more subsequent main forces had arrived at the same time, including Lavrinenko who was waving at Malashenko on another IS4 heavy tank.

"How is the trouble handled? I heard the situation is not good."

The cold wind blew Lavrinenko's voice far away and could be heard clearly.

Malashenko, who was already striding towards his car, waved his hand and made a "it doesn't matter" gesture, and blurted out the words at the same time.

"Keep going! I'll tell you the details when we get to the meeting point."

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