Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1274 Good acting skills

Foot-binding cloth is not just a thing from the feudal era. In other words, the same thing can have different effects if used in different ways.

For example, the military foot bindings were used throughout the entire Soviet Red Army era until the Russian army in the 21st century. Learning how to tie this thing is a compulsory course for every recruit. If you don't know how to tie the foot bindings, just go back to where they came from. This is no different from not being able to assemble a gun.

In addition to the well-known advantages of good cold protection and quick drying when exposed to water, foot binding cloth sometimes has other unique uses: for example, it can be stuffed into the mouth of a captive to gag it.

Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division is an elite unit that enjoys priority supplies. Even the winter foot bindings wrapped on its feet are velvet instead of ordinary coarse cloth. In addition to being warmer, you will naturally sweat more, which creates a special "fermentation" effect over time.

As for the smell, I can only say that it can only be felt but cannot be described in words. Anyway, any bad smell you can think of, such as the smell of manure pits, the smell of bread, the smell of rotten vegetable leaves, the smell of Hong Kong athlete's foot, this is so wet The foot wraps that are still sticky can almost be stained.

How does it feel to have this thing stuffed into your mouth? You can tell just by looking at the two German prisoners who have been covered in sacks, tied tightly, and can't even speak.

If you want to survive after being caught, you'd better be honest. This goes without saying and can be applied anywhere in the world.

Therefore, although the two "sack men" walking down the road were dragged to the ground, the cruel reality after combining various factors made these two people dare not speak out, and they could only be honest. Really patiently waiting for what happens next.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the two German guys, who were covered up tightly, felt a burst of bright light dazzling them. The boundless darkness finally ceased to exist. After the light was restored again, the scene in front of them was so terrible. Caught off guard but expected.

"How about you two, German bastard."

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Alexi. I am the person who can kill you at any time in the next time. If you want to survive, you'd better be smart. Of course, I don't care about your life or death, so you You are free to do whatever you want.”

Alexi, who had never intended to frighten the two Germans, was serious. The strange and uncertain smile on his face was no less terrifying to the two prisoners who were in a hostile position. Someone takes a big saw and pulls, pulls, and rubs your neck repeatedly.

Since the protracted Patriotic War, there are many Red Army soldiers who can speak German that is not quite authentic but still fluent. For example, Alexei's words have been translated into German by a soldier who serves as an interpreter. A full retelling was given to two prisoners of war.

The two brothers were tied up into rice dumplings and thrown to the edge of the tank, unable to move. While listening to the ultimatum, you looked at me and I looked at you. They were silent for a few seconds before answering.

"We are not actually Germans"

Many times, a sentence that suddenly pops out will have the effect of "shaking the world", or it can also be said to be "a blockbuster". It doesn't matter how you describe it, it depends on how you think about it.

As soon as Alexi, who was squatting in front of these two idiots and prepared to continue the interrogation, heard this, his face immediately changed. If these two guys were not Germans, the situation would be even more worthy of attention.

"I'm not a German. What do you mean by that? Do you two still want to tell me that you are French? The kind of people who are the lackeys of the Germans."

Before Alexi finished speaking, the soldier on the side repeated it completely as usual. After a while of silence, the two men spoke again and their words were even more shocking.

"We are compatriots, Soviet Ukrainians"

? ? ?

The question mark on his face soon turned into a considerable degree of disbelief. For a moment, Alexi even thought that there was something wrong with his ears and that he had heard wrongly. He kept asking questions at a very fast speed. It came out without thinking.

"What did you two say? Say it again, if you dare to lie to me, I will cut your fucking tongue out!"

Alexi, who had a fierce look on his face that quickly spread over his face, was really frightening. The two tightly tied dicks were so frightened that they almost peeed out. He knew very well what would happen to the traitor. I was really scared to the extreme.

"We were forced, not voluntarily! Those Germans arrested people everywhere and came to the prisoner of war camp to make conditions. If the crazy SS people said they didn't want to work to death, they would just go with them. They would have enough to eat and be well clothed to sleep. good."

"By the time we knew we were going to do this, it was already too late. We had no choice. If we dared to refuse, they would definitely kill us! Please, really beg you, don't kill us both. If anything else Choose who is willing to do this, we really have this only way to go, otherwise we will definitely be killed!”

The word "crying with tears" may be the most appropriate way to describe the current scene. Before even saying a few words, the two traitors immediately turned into a fist full of snot and tears. What they said was so touching and vivid, just like this incident. It seems that the child has nothing to do with them at all, it is all concocted by the evil Nafasis and is working in secret.

Although this scene was indeed so vivid, Alexi, who was squatting on the spot and motionless as a spectator, did not think so.

"Well done, should I give you two a round of applause?"


The traitor, whose face was almost frozen with snot and tears, was dumbfounded when he heard this, and what he immediately realized was, "I'm afraid I'm going to die now."

"You two have said what you need to say and performed what you need to perform. Now it's my turn to ask a few questions. I'll know what to do if I'm smarter."

"First of all, are there only lackeys and traitors like you two in the village, or are there genuine Germans in it too?"

Putting aside the question of their combat effectiveness in the war, at least the two traitors obviously had a big problem with their loyalty to the Germans. The next scene where they rushed to answer the question was as expected.

"There are German liaison officers, not just us! They are sent to supervise us. The Germans have always distrusted us and are worried that we are not related to the Red Bandits and have secret connections with the Red Army."

"But there are not many of them, only seven or eight people per squad. There is about one battalion like me in the village, with less than 500 people. We don't have heavy weapons, artillery, or tanks, but I heard that the Germans are about to Reinforcements will be sent to defend this village. You Red Army better act quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

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