Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1276 A lot of tanks!

There are only those "Ukrainian traitors" in the village, which is the best news Malashenko has heard today.

The Germans have always been stingy in equipping their vassal army with weapons and equipment, not to mention these Ukrainian idiots who have been "amnestied". According to our comrade Lao Ma's guess and judgment, it would be good for these damn Ukrainian traitors in the village to have a few broken guns, and they may even have to count on their fingers to make up the number of machine guns, and they can't even think about the latest Panzerfaust.

The Wehrmacht encountered on the first line of defense did not have such weapons in their hands. It was not until they went deeper into the hinterland of the actual control area of ​​the German army and encountered the notorious Viking Division bastards that the situation changed unexpectedly. It seems that the current situation is that only elite troops are qualified to be equipped with Panzerfausts first, at least this is true for the SS.

In this way, Malashenko can naturally let go and fight a big battle. It must be said that the intelligence that Alexi got on his own initiative is indeed useful, and it is not the kind of usefulness, but really fucking useful.

It is true that Alexi acted on his own initiative and changed the order first, but if Malashenko can be cruel to Alexi, whose arm was beaten off, and give him some punishment.

To be honest, our old comrade Ma really can't be cruel to this. Political Commissar Petrov has mentioned this problem of protecting his children to Malashenko half-jokingly several times.

But there is no way, some problems cannot be changed even if you know them clearly. Knowing this, Malashenko can only sigh and then speak softly to Alexi.

"Forget it this time, but don't do it again next time. Do you understand?"

Malashenko's calm words really don't sound like a scolding. Even Kurbalov on the side couldn't help shaking his head after hearing it.

"Yes, comrade commander! This is the last time!"


After a "hmm", the big thing of disobeying military orders seemed to be over. Malashenko's calm expression without even blinking was in sharp contrast to Alexi's joy.

"The people who led you should watch carefully here. The mission of the reconnaissance company is over. Now I want to meet these traitors of the motherland in person!"

Malashenko, who had made a harsh remark, was like blowing the horn of assembly. The Stalin Guards First Tank Division, which was already ready to go and ready to fight at any time, quickly heard the news and assembled the elite forces to prepare for a quick attack. The accompanying infantry soldiers quickly boarded the car to make the final preparations before the charge.

On the other side of the village, in the core houses in the center of the village, the scene at this moment was completely different. Compared with Malashenko's side, it was like a red and white event.

"Valensky, Valensky! Something's happened, come out! Valensky!"

"Are you annoying? Who the hell is that?"

The man outside the house was waving his right hand desperately, almost knocking the wooden door to pieces. The voice coming from the house was slow and full of anger and complaints, and it was not until the wooden door was opened from the inside out that it finally stopped.

"What are you doing? Did you get your ass burned by the fire when you took a shit? Don't you know I'm busy right now?!"

The man who opened the door and came out of the room had a face full of resentment and dissatisfaction, just like a raging office worker who was woken up by a phone call at 7 o'clock in the morning on a holiday and learned that he had to go to the company to work overtime all day. He wanted to kill the person who made the call or knocked on the door.

If you look closely, you can actually notice some interesting details.

For example, this bearded young man called Valensky not only wore the "Ukrainian Liberation Army" clothes issued by the Germans, but also had his clothes untidy and had not buttoned up when he walked to the door. He was trying to put on his clothes. The boots on his feet were kicked off casually, and most of his trouser legs were outside, tucked into a mess like a ball of toilet paper.

It can be seen that this dead dog who licked the stinky feet of the German must have just got up not long ago. He was so angry because he got up and his dream was ruined.

Behind this bastard, through the gap, you can clearly see two slender figures lying on the bed. The shivering and trembling under the quilt are probably not voluntary.

But to be honest, Valensky always felt that this was the only way to experience pleasure.

What is conquest? Isn't it just using violence to force?

Valensky likes conquest. What kind of man is he if he doesn't play conquest? He has always believed in this.

Although Valensky looked unhappy and spoke in a gunpowder-like manner, the buddy who came to knock on the door didn't have time to care about what "three-person car" game he was playing. No matter how good you are at it, what does it have to do with me? You are almost losing your life, and you are still playing with your mother? !

"Oh no, Valensky! Tanks are coming outside the village, so many tanks!"

"Tanks? So many tanks?"

When Valensky, who was buttoning the last button, heard this, his hands stopped for a moment involuntarily, but soon resumed the action as he figured out the situation.

"These Germans came quite quickly, it seems that this village is really important."

"Call the brothers, pack up our things and prepare to switch defenses. Let the Germans do whatever they want with this place. Our work is done and we are ready to go back to the old place and continue to stay."

Obviously, Walensky, who was very nervous and had just had a good time, did not realize the seriousness of the problem. He thought that the German defense replacement troops agreed earlier had arrived in advance and were ready for the handover.

Seeing that these two guys reacted like this and knocked on the door, Lao Tie became even more anxious. He was so anxious that it was as if he slapped this stupid guy to wake him up. However, because of the superior-subordinate relationship between the chief and deputy, he had no power and no courage. Just let him do it.

"You're mistaken, Walensky! What German tanks? Those outside are all Russian tanks. They are tanks of the fucking Soviet Red Army. There are so many tanks that they can line up and wipe out this village without firing! And the number is still increasing!”

"What did you say!?"

Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, a unit directly under the front command level, is too powerful. The sound of more than two hundred tanks arriving one after another is not so easy to hide, even if Malashenko has already The same goes for ordering troops to deliberately move to low-lying terrain in an attempt to cover it up with blind spots.

However, the exposure of the target is not a big problem for Malashenko. It can only be said that it is better not to be exposed, and it does not matter at all if it is exposed.

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