Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1278 Repeated Jumps

Walensky, who was standing at the door and looking completely lost, was in a state of panic. His two sly little eyes kept rolling in their sockets. No one knew about this shrewd man who was very scheming and had been good at reading people's hearts since he was a child. What are people thinking about right now?

"Walensky? Walensky! Hey, hey! Don't be stupid, what should we do now? You should think of a way! Those broken guns the Germans gave us can't hit a tank! You'd better think it over carefully."

The deputy, who was anxious and angry, saw Walensky dumbfounded like this. He was almost jumping around in a hurry and wanted to scold her on the spot. The true meaning of wasting time is wasting life can be said to be vividly reflected at this moment.

"Shut up! Didn't you see that I was thinking of a solution? The skin on our bodies has been changed once. Do you think this time it will be as easy as last time? What if you don't think about it properly? It's not like you don't know that murderous devil Stalin How to treat traitors."

Indeed, there was only one thing that Walensky was really afraid of at the moment: the Red Army's consistent and bloody methods of dealing with traitors.

Walensky, who knew what his position was, wanted to leave a way out and had long ago begun to inquire about the details of the Red Army's treatment of traitors, as well as what happened to similar people who followed the Germans.

Unfortunately and horribly, none of the information Walensky heard was reassuring.

Either they were hung up on electric poles to show the public, or they were shot and killed, but the most unlucky ones were not those who died happily.

Walensky even heard that some traitors were included in some special forces. Whenever a war started, they were used as cannon fodder and were at the forefront to consume the Germans' ammunition. Rush until you die.

Who knows if this is fucking true! All in all, those rumors were more and more outrageous. Being sent to a labor camp to work until death was actually a relatively good ending.

After learning about this situation, Walensky couldn't sleep well for several nights. He tossed and turned in bed but couldn't fall asleep. No matter how hard his brain worked, he couldn't think of a way to escape his identity as a traitor. The fait accompli before him was often It is the hardest thing to excuse with lies.

"This is the only way! There is no better way than this. The Germans have taken advantage of me for so long and now it's time to change things."

Now is the time to put the countermeasures I thought of earlier into use. No matter whether it succeeds or not, this is the best method worth trying.

Having made up his mind like this, Walensky decided to go ahead and immediately pulled the deputy beside him and spoke quietly.

"There is a way. This is the only way we can do it now. Go get those."

After speaking very fast and crackling in a low voice, the deputy's face was full of "incredible", as if he had just stepped out of the "UC Shock Department".

"Aren't you crazy? Walensky, are you really going to do this? Is there no other way?"

Upon hearing this, Walensky smiled coldly, and that weird smile was even colder than the howling cold wind outside the house.

"Haven't you seen it yet? Brother. The end of the Germans is coming soon. When they were going smoothly, we just followed them and took advantage of them. Now these bastards are about to collapse, and we can't be buried on their backs! We I have done a lot of things for the Germans, and I am worthy of them. Now it is time for them to repay the interest. "

You have to pay it back if you come out to mess around. Although this is a classic philosophy born in the ancient East, since it is a classic philosophy, it must be applicable in many places, regardless of national boundaries and regions.

Walensky, who was born as a gangster, has always believed that the army is just a small society that controls absolute violence, and that his ability to be a gangster can also be used here. This is bound to be the case.

Walensky was convinced that neither the tone of his words nor the expression on his face had anything to do with joking. The deputy who watched the situation was silent for a while and finally spoke again.

"Okay, I'll do it with you! Tell me, what should I do now? I'll listen to you."

Walensky, who was not surprised by this answer, immediately beamed, hugged his good brother's shoulders and began to whisper furtively again. The final action was about to begin.

At the same time, the scene outside the village, which was cold and windy, was already very different.

Malashenko, who had no intention of conducting any probing attacks, now just wanted to complete the task in a hurry. With a wave of his hand, he directly pressed all the Kulbalov battalion that had arrived, with a mighty force of nearly 70 tanks. The visual impact is almost breathtaking.

If possible, Malashenko thought it would be best to scare the shit out of the Ukrainian devils, crush them with this invincible momentum, and then surrender. This has a high probability of success for those traitors who already have weak combat capabilities and are not loyal.

"All crew members, I am your division commander Malashenko. Don't stop until you receive an order. Let these traitors to the motherland learn what Stalin's Iron Fist is! Move forward and crush all enemies who dare to block the way!"

As soon as Malashenko, who was connected to the public radio channel, gave the order and before he finished speaking, the tanks lined up in an offensive formation spewed out a burst of black smoke, blasted the accelerator and rushed out, loaded with tanks. The advancing "tank knights" ran over the small village, which was not too big.

The roaring steel behemoths came so fast that the Ukrainian Liberation Army, who were already waiting in position outside the village, could even feel the ground under their feet shaking and shaking more violently.

To fight or not to fight, this is a matter of life and death for the Ukrainian Liberation Army, which currently has only one battalion, and is worth thinking about.

No one dared to fire the first shot casually, and officials did not dare to give orders without receiving the exact order. The tense nerves were getting tighter and tighter like a dead string, as if it was about to break at any moment. , even the cold wind and air were almost freezing.

That is, at the last moment before someone almost couldn't hold on anymore and chose to shoot, the man who could decide everyone's life or death: Walensky finally showed up and stepped forward before the last moment.

"Everyone, don't shoot! Our comrades have finally come to liberate our hometown. We have been looking forward to this day for I don't know how long! Now put down your weapons and raise your hands, walk out of the trenches together, and the day of pretending to the Germans ends today. Let’s go back to the Red Army and kill the fascists who invaded our motherland!”

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