Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1280 I know who you are

The Soviet military officer in front of him had just stepped forward, but people kept making way for him, but now the new guy's aura was even stronger.

As soon as the man in front of him appeared, it was no longer as simple as someone making way for him. A group of security guards with guns and ammunition surrounding him were all murderous, with sinister faces and fierce looks. Just looking at him made people feel scared.

Walensky, who came from a gangster background and prided himself on being brave and fierce, had a good eye. The tall man in front of him, who was over 1.9 meters tall, was definitely not someone he could mess with. Walensky just relied on intuition. Be sure, certain, and very convinced of this.

"Comrade division commander, this man is the leader of this group of traitors. His name is Walensky. The Germans gave him the position of battalion commander. I haven't had time to ask other specific details, that's all."

Teacher? I’m a bitch! These idiot fascist Germans are really pushing themselves into a pit of fire!

Putting a mere battalion of your own against a tank division of the Red Army? It's a shame these idiots can do it! Damn it, I have to make a complete break with these bastards!

"Well, let me do the rest of the questioning. You organize the troops and immediately enter the village to confirm safety. Call Varosha up and have his infantry quickly occupy key positions and start setting up defenses. If anything happens, notify me immediately."

"I understand, I'll do it right away, Comrade Commander.

After receiving the order, Kulbalov left quickly. Now, Walensky must face the inquiry from Malashenko.

"You should start first. I don't have much time, so I'll focus on the key points."

Malashenko's opening remarks were unique and different, but in the final analysis, Malashenko wanted to see what tricks these two devils were playing.

As soon as Malashenko spoke, Walensky couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. All the planned opening remarks were disrupted by this sudden and unconventional move.

"I-I am, ah no, I have important news to report! Very, very important!"


One person continued to play cards out of character, and as a result, both of them did not play cards according to the formula. Now it was Malashenko who was interested.

"What important news? Tell me."

Walensky was overjoyed when he saw the opportunity and quickly began to organize his words. Whether he could save his life or even live a more prosperous life depended on this.

"We, I ordered the capture of a few Germans. They were sent to monitor us. The division commander and the division commander first uh"

Walensky, who felt something was wrong about what he said, was at a loss for words. Malashenko, who looked at him, then spoke helplessly.

"Just call me sir, no other title is needed."

"Okay, okay, I understand, sir."

"The few Germans we captured were monitoring us all day long. The Germans said they were sending people to assist with training and communication, but in fact they were afraid that their doom was approaching and those of us who yearned for our motherland would rise up in front of the Red Army. Germany You want to defend us!"

"But it's useless. There aren't many Germans at all. I asked my best soldiers to tie them all up when they weren't prepared. These Germans are now at their wits' end. There is a high-ranking official among them, a major, who will definitely be able to Ask for something valuable, I think it is very important to our Red Army, so I have to report it first, sir."

Malashenko, who met for the first time, did not know the details of Walensky, but he did become interested in the Germans who were captured alive. To be sent to such an important village as a liaison officer, this German major probably has some valuable information worth digging out.

"Where are they now?"

Malashenko didn't ask about the process, only the result. Walensky, who knew he had no room for bargaining, could only recruit the real deal.

"In the village, I left some people to keep an eye on the Germans to prevent them from escaping. But I have already told them that when you see the Red Army, you see your comrades. They are all my best soldiers, absolutely. They won't shoot at the Reds, so don't worry. And we can go meet those German bastards right now, sir."

Walensky said it vividly and convincingly, and Malashenko, who was sure that this guy would not be able to do anything, nodded accordingly.

"Lead the way, Iushkin, Seryosha, and Maxim, all follow us."

As Walensky said, in a small wooden house in the center of the village, there were indeed several German guys tied up in a twisted shape. The leader, the major with the highest military rank, was tied to a chair in the middle and unable to move. Even his mouth was stuffed with rags and he was forbidden to speak.

Malashenko, who brought the guards into the house to see what was happening, just looked at it and said nothing. The guards left by Walensky had already very wisely handed over the prisoners of war to the Red Army, handed over their guns and surrendered. Everything seemed to be exactly what Walensky said. This was a pre-battle uprising that had been planned for a long time and had been prepared for a long time.

Is this really the case? Malashenko, who squinted his eyes and looked at the German major for three seconds, read something different. It seemed that the truth was not as simple as it seemed.

"Iushkin, Seryosha, and Maxim stay, and everyone else, go out. Take the other Germans except the major down first, and wait at the door to keep alert. Without my order, no one can No entry allowed."

Walensky, who originally planned to continue courting Malashenko with a smile, did not behave abnormally after hearing this. After nodding and bowing to Malashenko again, he took the initiative to retreat under the watchful eyes of the guards.

There were no extra ears, eyes or other people in the room. Apart from the German major, the only people left behind were the trustworthy people around Malashenko. To put it another way, they could also be regarded as personal bodyguards. After all, the three brothers had a lot of money in their hands. Each person has a wave of sand, and they are all loaded with guns and live ammunition.

He reached out from the corner of the room and pulled a broken chair in front of him and put it under his buttocks. Malashenko was sitting very close to the German major at this moment, and he reached out and pulled out the broken chair. The rag covering the major's mouth.

"There's no translator here, so let's just talk in German. Do you agree?"

To Malashenko's surprise, the expression of the major of the National Defense Forces in front of him was a little abnormal, as if he had long known that he knew German and did not need to rely on a translator to communicate.

"Oh, you know German, of course I know that, and I know more than that."

Malashenko frowned in disbelief. The German guy's performance seemed to be even more unexpected than he expected.

"I also know your true identity, Major General Commander of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko. Am I right?"

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