Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1282 The Contradictory Person

The seemingly calm dialogue is actually a game in every round, with invisible and fierce confrontations unfolding invisibly.

Malashenko wanted to get everything useful from this somewhat unfathomable and mysterious German major. In the same way, this German major who was well versed in sophistry and sophistry and the way of people's hearts was by no means a free gift. , is truly a ruthless character who never lets go of the rabbit in sight.

"If I didn't have evidence, I wouldn't talk to you so much. Fools know not to easily believe the enemy's instigation."

"The thing is in my bag. There are more than one photos of the piece of shit Walensky and the pervert Staufen standing in front of the gallows and taking pictures with the hanging corpse. Walensky A dog will do anything to please his master. Look at his expression in the photo, and you will know if what I said is true as long as you have a sound mind.”

People in this situation are unlikely to tell lies, and it is easy to expose a lie when the evidence is close at hand.

Malashenko, who had been staring at the face of the German major, was convinced that the possibility of this guy lying was really slim. The facial features on his face and the trembling of every inch of facial muscles were silently revealing the truth. After a brief thought, Malashenko decided to believe the German guy for once. If he really lied, he could easily dig through the bag later and expose it easily.

"Where did the photo come from? Why do you carry something like this with you?"

Malashenko is trying his best to explore from the most cunning angles to find weaknesses that cannot be attributed to "truth". If this is really a lie, there must be something that cannot be hidden. There will never be any in the world. A 100% perfect lie.

"Oh, if I say that I have prepared these things a long time ago and am ready to find an opportunity to meet you, will you believe what I say?"

Malashenko, who had always remained calm, couldn't hold it back and trembled for a moment. Why did this German guy always give him a big or small shock when he opened his mouth? Who the hell is this guy?

"Give me a reason to believe you, why is this person me?"

Without commenting on Malashenko's question, the German major, who was firmly tied to the chair, shook his head. It was obvious that he was really uncomfortable with being tied by a rope all the time.

"Give me a cigarette. The intelligence I collected mentioned that you are a smoker. Don't tell me you don't have one."

Hey! Damn it

Malashenko, who was both angry and happy on the spot, really admired the great man in front of him!

If ordinary people were tied here, they would have to vomit everything out in order to save their lives. Malashenko had not seen such "talents" among the German prisoners of war captured in the past. Few of the Germans' bad mouths are impregnable and cannot be opened. With a little torture or even intimidation, you can get what you want immediately.

At this point, the Germans are far worse than their Eastern allies who are "broken" all day long.

But now, the guy in front of him does not look like he is being held prisoner, but is here for a friendly exchange between the two armies. Malashenko even feels that if it were not for the rope, the scene would look like a business meeting.

Although he was really speechless at the strange flower in front of him, after thinking about it briefly, Malashenko decided to comply with this bastard's request.

As long as you can get what you want from his mouth and get cooperation, it won't be a problem to throw a pack of cigarettes to him!

Calmly, Malashenko took out the cigarette case from his pocket with a stern look on his face, took out two of the cigarettes and stuffed them into himself first, then stuffed them into the mouth of the useless person in front of him who had no use of his hands. Put it in his mouth.

Taking out a fire and lighting it with one hand, Malashenko's actions directly stunned the three brothers in the same car group behind him who stopped to watch.

What kind of enchanting soup did this stupid German guy give to Comrade Commander? How could he be worthy enough to have Comrade Car Commander light a cigarette for him? Are mice sleeping with cats?

"You started smoking, now I don't want to hear you continue talking nonsense!"

He moved the cigarette skillfully with his lips to the gap between his teeth at the corner of his mouth and clamped it to make it easier to speak. The German major, who seemed a little proud of his intelligence, continued to speak quietly.

"Not bad. It's my first time to smoke the Russian general's special tobacco. It tastes much better than the horse-drawn tobacco of your big-headed soldiers."

Malashenko held a cigarette in his hand and remained silent, but his brows twitched visibly twice, almost saying "I'm about to explode" was written on his face.

"No one wants to come to the hellish Russian battlefield, where fresh human flesh is produced every day like a slaughterhouse. Of course, except for me, I have spent a lot of effort to get to this hellish place."

"Major Winter, the second-level adjutant of the Military Intelligence Service, is me. I am subordinate to the chief adjutant, Colonel Heitmeier, and directly led by Director Canaris."

Malashenko had never heard of Winter and did not know who Heitmeier was, but he was deeply impressed by the name Canaris. The name of the "King of Double Agents", the director of the German Military Intelligence Service, would be known in later generations. Well known.

Did this major who called himself Winter come down from Canaris?

The unsmiling Malashenko felt in his heart that this matter was getting more and more interesting now.

"They are the people from the Military Intelligence Bureau. They have been plotting to kill the Führer since 1943. Someone found me and roped me in."

"I was almost stunned at the time and even thought how could this be possible. I told them that this was the behavior of a madman. If they failed, they would be dead and not even their family could escape. But this group of people felt that what they did was well planned and It’s a sure win. If I don’t join, they won’t force me and just pretend nothing happened. Ha, only a fool would believe this nonsense!”

The constant trembling of his lips when he spoke made the cigarette that burned into ashes unknowingly drop a piece of his pants, but Major Winter didn't care. He still had a lot to say to Malashenko.

"I know too many things. The important thing is to know that they are really planning to assassinate the head of state! If I don't join, I will be a potential time bomb for them that will explode at any time. If they can't hold it in their hands, they must get rid of it. "

"While I was peeing standing up in the toilet, someone tried to hold my head from behind and drown me in the pool. I kicked the person and ran away with the smell of urine on my head. After a while, I slept at home in the middle of the night. , someone threw a grenade into my bedroom from the window. I was so tired that night that I fell asleep while sitting on the toilet toilet reading the newspaper, but I was lucky enough to escape. "

The words almost made Malashenko laugh out loud on the spot, but Malashenko could barely hold back and continued to be serious.

"Then you just keep jumping left and right waiting to die? Why don't you report this to the police and reveal the truth? Could it be that even your head of state can't save you?"

Malashenko just asked casually with a little curiosity, but he never thought that these words directly penetrated into the heart of Major Winter.

"I don't want to assassinate the head of state because I think it is an insult to the honor of the military. I also think it is a wasted death, it is impossible to succeed, and it will even harm my family and friends."

"However, this does not mean that I agree with our head of state."

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