Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1298 Is it T34 or T43?

The artillery attack jointly formed by ISU152 and Katyusha came and went quickly. After the indiscriminate bombardment of the roaring artillery fire, only the dilapidated German positions that still had the boiling residual temperature were left standing there, a desolate place. .

"Kurbalov, the prologue of the artillery is over! It's your turn to perform! Take your people and crush those German sticks into pulp for me! Charge!"

After listening to the miserable story just now, no one would feel better. Malashenko, who had been holding back the evil fire and had nowhere to vent, even the tone of the attack started to change a bit this time. He blurted out an almost roaring order. It spread across the entire radio channel instantly.

"Leave it to me, comrade division commander! These Germans are dead today!"

The trembling of the earth brought a terrifying signal of the billowing torrent of steel coming towards the face. The German soldiers who were blown to pieces in the overwhelming artillery fire just staggered out of the defense with steps like a drunkard. The violent vibrations coming from the shell hole and the frozen ground beneath their feet shocked almost everyone instantly.

"Tanks! Russian tanks, tanks are coming!"

An unknown scream came from nowhere and broke the brief silence of the smoke. The expressions on the faces of the German soldiers with their own small weapons in their hands were different, but after hearing this terrible news, most of them were Horrified, stunned, even disbelieving.

Whether it was the direction in which the Russian tanks were attacking or the starting point of the sudden artillery attack, the facts before them all told terrible news. Many German soldiers on the battlefield who knew nothing about the facts finally began to realize more or less a very critical issue at this moment.

The direction the Russians were calling was from behind. There should not be Russians there, but only friendly forces.

But now those Russians are attacking from behind with a swarming army. What does this mean?

It’s not that many German veterans who survived and gasped didn’t know the answer to this question, they just didn’t want to think too much about it.

The truth on the battlefield is sometimes very simple, as long as you can live long enough in this purgatory-like place and see enough things. You won't understand some things that suddenly hit your head. Even if you die, you can go on the road as an understanding person.

Those German veterans who were still alive understood this truth. They did not say too many words, but acted more than words. Basically, without the officers having to talk nonsense, they each picked up their weapons and entered the trembling positions and took their positions.

At this moment, the vanguard of the Soviet tanks that were advancing furiously were almost riding on the face of the position. The one who rushed to the front was the latest T43 medium tank that the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division had just received.

"Twelve o'clock, Russian T34!"

"I saw it, I took aim!"

"Loading completed!"



The previous blocking advance team of the Viking Division was completely wiped out, once again causing the German army to lack key intelligence.

Those new medium tanks that had never been seen before were not within the existing knowledge of the German army. The T43 medium tank, which is indeed shorter than the tall T34, but still very similar in overall layout, was directly misjudged as a T34 by the German anti-tank gun crew.

The 75mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing projectile shot straight out of the scattered muzzle flashes and screamed through the wind, heading straight towards the target with ferocious exit kinetic energy. This full-caliber armor-piercing projectile with good centering effect has always been the anti-T34 artifact that the German 75mm anti-tank gun crew relied on.

As long as this kind of treasure hits the Russian T34 without ricocheting or grazing, neither the front of the T34 nor the front of the turret can withstand its fierce blow. A hole will be punched on the spot and then it will catch fire and explode. is a predictable result.

Only this time, the German army, which had an obvious intelligence gap between the enemy and ourselves, was clearly facing a miscalculation.

The armor-piercing projectile, which moved forward through the wind with extremely high kinetic energy, hit the T43's solid upper armor plate that was tilted at a large angle.

Based on the heavy losses of the T34 in the face of the German Tigers and Leopards, the target was directly aimed at armor protection. The T43 with key upgrades and improvements was not a fool's errand.

The armor plate on the front of the car body, which had undergone essential protective changes, directly bounced away the armor-piercing projectiles ruthlessly. The German gunner and gunner, who were holding the gun scope and telescope and keeping their eyes open, only saw a silver-white projectile tail tracer. Brilliant meteors are generally bounced straight out and pierce the sky diagonally.

"Ricochet, it didn't work!"

"Keep loading, it's still a full-caliber armor-piercing bullet, come again!"

The unwilling German gunner believed that the shot just now was just bad luck. The 75mm PAK 40 anti-tank gun was not 100% immune to ricochet when hitting the T34. If one shot doesn't work, then try another shot. It's impossible for the Russians to have good luck twice in a row!

With such a firm belief in his heart, the German gunner continued to give orders. The 75mm custom-loaded full-caliber capped armor-piercing bullet was handed to the breech from hand to hand. Once again, it was pushed into the chamber at the fastest speed, leaving empty space just now. The hot bullet shells that were spit out soon made the snow under the tail of the gun so hot that it smoked and made a hissing sound.

"Aim [txt novel] is accurate! Repeat the target!"



Everyone knows that failure is the mother of success, but the Germans have obviously forgotten that females alone cannot reproduce offspring. This is not asexual reproduction. Failure has an upright biological father, which is called a big failure!


call out--

The sound of hitting the armor started first, then the whistling sound broke through the air. The German anti-tank gun crew, which used high to low advantages in attacking directions and offset a certain armor inclination, had to taste the bitter fruit of failure once again.

The 75mm full-caliber hooded armor-piercing bullet failed to perform miracles. The steel projectile smashed the hood and broke the hood. It exhausted all the remaining kinetic energy halfway through the armor and collapsed in the middle. There was a semi-penetrating projectile stuck in the upper armor plate like a joke.

I don’t know whether it was because the fuze was of poor quality and difficult to use, or because it was completely knocked out of action due to the semi-penetration that completely exhausted its kinetic energy.

All in all, to put it simply, the shell did not explode.

Abruptly, it was like a prank graffiti painted on a cyberpunk street pissing on the face of the NCPD. It got stuck directly in the upper armor plate of the T43 medium tank, mercilessly mocking the initiator of all this, the German army itself.

It was also at this time that the German gunner, who had missed twice in succession and whose entire mental string was as tight as a wire rope, finally discovered.

Those Russian tanks that were so close that I could see the slightest detail of the track pads with a telescope turned out to be not the T34 I expected.

How to describe it?

From the perspective of the German gunner at this moment, the Russian medium tank, which looked like a T34 that had been forcibly flattened by a blow to the head, could even be said to have the same central turret layout as our own. Black Panther is somewhat similar.

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