Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1315 Comrade Second Lieutenant is sour (Part 2)

Being jealous is sometimes not a "privilege" when you have a partner or are deeply in love. You can't imagine when and in what form this kind of bloody thing will happen.

For example, this young comrade second lieutenant is really "jealous".

Although even he himself did not realize that the truth would be like this, nor did he realize that he was taking some practical actions for such and such reasons, the irrefutable fact was this.

"I graduated first in my class from the military academy, submitted my application, and waited anxiously for a month and a half. I went to the door every day to make reports and make requests. I persisted emotionally if I didn't agree. Finally, with great difficulty, I came to the glorious Stalin Park. The 1st Guards Tank Division has not been personally received by the comrade division commander and comrade political commissar!”

"Who the hell are you, a German prisoner of war!? How come you can get me whores for nothing even though I work so hard!? This is not fair, there must be something fishy in it! I, I, he Mom wants to give you some clues! Let you know that I can recognize your true face!

The above words are a down-to-earth version of the literal translation of his true inner thoughts. Of course, Comrade Second Lieutenant did not think this 100% unanimously in his heart.

But if you insist on saying it, that’s what it means. You can basically analyze the true state of mind to a close degree.

This is the real reason why Major Winter suffered so much.

However, there is another point worth explaining. Although Comrade Second Lieutenant was very unhappy with the German major who was handed over to his care, the coat on him was really not stolen intentionally by Comrade Second Lieutenant.

The soldier responsible for guarding the prisoners of war at night reported that he saw other German prisoners taking advantage of the opportunity to urinate at night. When they passed by Major Winter, who had curled up and fell asleep, they took them away and covered him. The military coat on his body.

The soldiers who were keeping vigil were also freezing at that time. The sudden drop in temperature at night really made people huddle together, wishing they could curl up in a ball, and not even wanting to move.

My mission is to prevent the Germans from escaping or doing bad things or causing riots. As long as these Germans do not violate these taboos, they stay in the fenced-off pig pen like pigs and do not fight. Or do something else.

Just let them do whatever they want, why should you care about this shit yourself?

When the Germans steal clothes, they also steal the clothes of their own people. It’s just that the Germans who don’t steal the clothes are frozen to death or the Germans whose clothes are stolen are frozen to death. Anyway, the Germans who die are all Germans who have connections with the great Red Army. relation?

So these German prisoners like to do whatever they want, wouldn't it be nice to just huddle here and keep warm?

With this idea in mind, the soldiers who were vigilant did not report the matter to their squad leader until the next morning when they changed shifts. They just mentioned it in passing as if it was something small enough to be ignored.

The squad leader, who also didn't take it seriously, reported the matter to the platoon leader, who then mentioned the matter to the company commander, the young second lieutenant.

When Comrade Second Lieutenant heard this, he had only one reaction.

"Well, I'm already unhappy to be the commander of this logistical escort company, and I'm even more unhappy when I see a guy like you who's got such bad luck!"

"Your coat to keep out the cold has been stolen? What a good thing! I want to see what it would be like for you to beg me when you are too cold and can't bear it any more. What will it be like when you beg me to throw you a piece of clothing? What kind of expression? It’s exciting to think about it!”

Not developing in the direction you expected is a true portrayal of this cruel real world most of the time.

The young comrade Lieutenant learned about the beginning of the matter, but he did not guess the process and outcome of the matter.

Major Winter, who has been thinking about messy things all day long, how to save the country, is not an ordinary person. You can even say that there is something unusual about this guy who was hunted all the way from Germany to the front line, and who evacuated incognito to escape for his life.

How can feeling cold on my body be as important as what I want to do? If the clothes are lost, just throw them away. If you are cold and bear it, it will pass. It won't freeze people to death, right?

Major Winter, who went abroad for the first time since joining the army and came to Russia for the first time, had no idea how dangerous the winter in this land was, just like those middle school boys in later generations who had not experienced the beatings of society.

To put it bluntly, this stupid guy has no idea that the Russian winter can really kill you! Even if the early winter of 1944 was far less deadly than that of 1941, at least it would freeze you into a fool in one night, or directly freeze you into a physical stick.

Major Winter is now suffering from frostbite. He seems to be quite ill and has trouble walking.

But even so, this die-hard German guy didn't expect to give him a piece of clothing. What on earth is in this guy's head? Isn't he afraid that he will freeze to death? Is this a madman or a fool? ?

The corners of the young second lieutenant's mouth were trembling slightly, and even his body was trembling slightly.

But this was not because of the cold weather, but because of the German guy in front of him who was as smelly and hard as a stone in the toilet and didn't expect me to give him any clothes to wear!

At the beginning, I thought I had taken on a good job. If this lucky German fell into my hands, I could kill him and let him know how thorough the Red Army's methods of dealing with the enemy were.

It's better now, what the hell is this good job! This is simply an extremely difficult hot potato!

A shitty job that absolutely sucks!

Looking at this posture, the German guy who is holding on to the wheel of the car and even shaking his legs without making a sound has no intention of asking for himself at all.

If this continues, the young comrade second lieutenant will indeed feel a little confused.

As the two guards behind him said, if this "precious" prisoner was really allowed to do anything good, Comrade Second Lieutenant couldn't imagine how Comrade Division Commander would "handle" him, and he would probably even assign himself to do this job. All the political commissar comrades will not have a good look at that time.

"Okay, okay then! You win, but it's temporary! Just this time!"

Comrade Second Lieutenant, who was muttering silently in his heart, admitted that he had to do something. No matter how reluctant he was, he had to let his reason prevail, instead of personal emotions that would ruin the whole thing. After turning around, he said something. blurted out.

"Come here to find a coat, something thicker! Go quickly!"

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