Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1327 The Siege of the New Moon

Alexey is indeed in unimaginable trouble

As for the question of how big the trouble is,

Let's put it this way, Lavrinenko, who received the mission from Malashenko, had just led his men to the battlefield urgently, and the first sight he saw almost frightened him.

"Oh my God! What did Alexi do!? How big a hornet's nest did he stir up? Why are there so many German tanks!?"

If the German tanks that appeared in front of him were only 20, 30, or even 40 or 50, Lavrinenko, who was already accustomed to big scenes, would never lose his composure to this point. Such a small number of tanks and Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division It's just a small thing compared to the big deal.

But now, what appeared in front of Lavrinenko was a torrent of German tanks sweeping in like a storm in the snow. No one can say exactly how many there are now. But Lavrinenko, who was very experienced in leading troops and in actual combat, just took a quick look and saw at least nearly a hundred German tanks!

What is the concept of nearly a hundred German tanks? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen this scene. You can imagine what it would be like to have nearly a hundred large excavators gathered together. Anyway, they are all crawler vehicles. A real scene of nearly a hundred tanks gathering will only be more complicated than this. Terrible, especially terrible.

On the vast snowfield as far as the eye can see, nearly a hundred German tanks are not gathered together, but are divided into multiple assault groups and multiple battle groups, combined with infantry, assault guns, half-track vehicles and other types of operations. The units advanced in coordination, pushing straight towards Alexi who was holding his ground. 6̾̾

Whether the enemy's combat effectiveness is strong or not, in fact, many times you can get a rough idea just by looking at the equipment.

The Germans are accustomed to giving priority to allocating the most sophisticated weapons and equipment to their most elite troops. Generally speaking, the better equipped the German troops are, the stronger their overall combat effectiveness will be, at least in most cases. .

Lavrinenko, who has fought against the Germans many times, understands this, so the well-equipped Germans in front of him are most likely not easy to deal with.

According to what Lavrinenko learned from Malashenko before setting off, if Alexi had not acted without authorization and deliberately poked the German hornet's nest, the situation of the leading reconnaissance unit should have been relatively safe.

This group of veterans who are best at hiding themselves for reconnaissance theoretically have little chance of being discovered by the enemy, but the scene that is now presented in front of Lavrinenko is that the German who should have stayed calm has turned from defense to offense. They stretched out their posture and mobilized in full force. It seemed that they had mobilized the absolute main force and quickly rushed towards the direction of the reconnaissance troops in the form of a crescent moon.

If he hadn't led his troops to arrive in time, he would have faced the overwhelming surging momentum in front of him. Lavrinenko estimated that the Germans might only need two or three cigarettes at most to ride on the face of the reconnaissance troops and tear them apart completely.

Those little T-70s are just fine for reconnaissance. Do you still expect the main gun of that small water pipe to hit the Germans' medium and heavy tanks head-on?

Don't be kidding, in a head-on conflict, this thing can't even defeat the Long Guan No. 3, let alone the German tiger and leopard zoo.

Didn't Alexi think about retreating in time?

Lavrinenko suddenly considered this factor, but the conclusion he drew based on the actual situation at hand was not very good.

This attitude was coupled with Lavrinenko's understanding of Alexi, a bastard.

I'm afraid that by the time the reconnaissance team discovers that the Germans have rushed up, it's too late, or that they can't pull out their legs or walk at all for some reason they don't know yet.

By the time they wanted to run or had a chance to escape, the entire army had been completely surrounded by the crescent-shaped Germans and was within the effective range. Lavrinenko knew very well how accurate those Germans' broken cars and artillery were. The tigers and leopards with tubes that were longer than the last, if nothing else, the shooting accuracy alone was indeed better than that of the Red Army tanks. On top.

"Follow me to the First Company! The Second Company and the Third Company rush up from the flanks, use the terrain to block the Germans' edge, and don't let their encirclement line close! What we have to do is to buy time. As soon as Comrade Division Commander arrives with the large troops, These fascist bastards are doomed!"

"Comrades, for victory! Hurrah!!!"


The radio channel was filled with war cries from the commanders of each crew, but Lavrinenko's tactical arrangement was only a very simple one.

The Germans' tactical intention was very obvious. They used their advantages in strength and technical equipment to create a crescent-shaped encirclement and attack fiercely. The Germans in the middle of the crescent moon will be responsible for focusing on suppression, attracting firepower, and investing the most powerful offensive energy to entangle the enemy and make it impossible for them to escape, while the Germans in the two crescents will be responsible for expanding the crescent. into a complete full moon.

Their mission is not to cause much damage and pressure to the Red Army, but to take advantage of the opportunities created by the friendly forces in the center of the Crescent offensive echelon to divide the troops into two groups to outflank and cut off the retreat before the enemy intends to retreat. Turn the crescent moon into a full moon, trap all enemy troops in the area, and finally annihilate them in one fell swoop.

To put it bluntly, the German guy obviously planned to become fat in one go.

This is not the first time this tactic has appeared. The Germans in 1941 had already used this disgusting dirty trick again and again.

At that time, the Red Army had just experienced the ravages of the Great Purge, and its commanders and fighters at all levels were highly dogmatic. They copied all the tactics they learned in military schools and did not know how to adapt them. Countless infantry and tank troops were eaten by the Germans one after another. Lose.

As a veteran who has been fighting since 1941, Lavrinenko is undoubtedly familiar with this tactic and also knows how to break it.

Once this tactic is stuck by the enemy and comes within the effective range, it will be difficult to break away, even if your maneuverability is better and faster than the Germans and you can get rid of them. The Germans' accurate tank guns will also cause blood to flow on your way to escape, leaving a heavy price. In short, you will have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

If you want to run, hurry up before the new moon forms or enters effective range, otherwise you will completely lose the opportunity.

The counter-tactics currently being adopted by Lavrinenko require a certain strength foundation, not to mention being on par with the enemy's strength, at least to the extent that it is similar in strength.

Deploy the main force from the key parts of the two crescents to block the enemy's offensive edge and, if possible, push back and repel it. Without Crescent Moon, who was responsible for cutting off the retreat and encircling them, the Germans' full-moon encirclement would naturally collapse.

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