Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1330 The Legend of the Tiger King

The German Tiger heavy tank is not an easy character to deal with, at least when there is no Stalin heavy tank to assist in the battle, this 56-ton steel monster is by no means so easy to deal with.

Lavrinenko did expect that the German Tiger tanks would inevitably appear, but he really did not expect that the monsters that rumbled up were not Tiger tanks, or rather, they were even larger than Tiger tanks. stuff!

"Comrade Commander, what the hell is that?"

The exaggeration of the huge, thick, and long gun barrel is even more exaggerated than that of the Black Panther, whose barrel diameter ratio is already very exaggerated.

This thing, the thing he was staring at right now through the commander's periscope, was definitely not a fucking Black Panther! Lavrinenko was very sure and unusually certain of this.

As for the reason, there is only one that is very real and close at hand.

This thing is so damn big!

How big is it exactly? Just look at the comparison of objects at the same distance.

Lavrinenko, who is familiar with his opponent, knows very well that the German Panther's size is already quite large. This 46-ton excellent tank is classified as a medium tank by the Germans, but its tonnage, volume, and even combat effectiveness can be properly regarded as a heavy tank by the Red Army.

But now, the black panthers who had just entered the battlefield were still standing there, which actually became a good reference for comparison.

The Black Panther, which was already quite large, now looks a bit "small" because the heavy tanks that have just entered the battlefield are too large.

These monsters, which are quite similar in overall shape to the black panther, are not tiger-style at all. After taking a closer look, Lavrinenko's intuitive impression was even more shocking: This thing can literally fit the entire black panther! No exaggeration at all!

Lavrinenko, who realized that something was wrong for the first time, instantly grabbed the microphone at hand, pressed the button and shouted at the other side of the microphone.

"Malashenko! Can you hear me? Answer immediately, I am Lavrinenko!"


There was only a blind tone mixed with the sound of electricity coming from the other end of the transmitter, but Lavrinenko obviously didn't want to give up.

"Hey! Malashenko! Please answer if you receive it, if you can listen."

"Roger. I heard it very clearly. I just connected to the signal. Please tell me."

The impatient Lavrinenko chose to contact Malashenko directly across the relay command vehicle. Fortunately, after a little waiting, Malashenko's clear voice finally came. This of course also heralded the distance between the main force in the follow-up. Lavrinenko's side is not far away.

"Malashenko, do you remember that new German heavy tank you mentioned before? You called that thing King Tiger!"

Lavrinenko spoke very quickly and hurriedly. Malashenko, who was sitting in his commander's seat, felt his heart pounding. This was probably a bad thing!

"Go on! What happened!?"

"The Germans have a new heavy tank! It's not the original Tiger at all! It's a bit far away and I can't see clearly. The front of the tank is tilted, as if the Panther has been enlarged in a full circle! The shape is very similar. , the barrel is very long, even longer than the Black Panther’s! This thing is starting to aim at us!”


The sound of cannons that stirred up the falling snow shook the earth, and the armor-piercing projectiles that instantly shot out of the super-long barrel roared like arrows from the string.

Lavrinenko could barely see clearly the movement of the German monster tank turning its turret, but he couldn't see clearly the tracer of projectiles from the enemy's artillery shell.

The muzzle velocity was so fast that it was unimaginable and almost incomprehensible. The high-speed armor-piercing projectile was precise and powerful. After a loud bang, it hit the upper armor plate of a T43 medium tank that was very close to Lavrinenko's command vehicle. above.

The armor on the front of the car body, which was enough to withstand the bombardment of the Panzer IV tank's 75mm long main gun, was now like paper. The high-speed armor-piercing projectiles ripped open the sloping front armor without any suspense, leaving a terrifying mark on it. A gaping hole like a scar.

Fiery flames and ammunition explosions accompanied by strong shock waves followed. The T43 medium tank, which accidentally hit the ammunition rack at the front of the vehicle body, was destroyed. The violent ammunition explosion almost destroyed the tank. The medium tank was completely destroyed and torn to pieces.

Lavrinenko, who was very close, could even feel the armor fragments and debris impacting his vehicle. The entire IS6 heavy tank's solid armor plate was beaten like gongs and drums.

Temporary destruction comes and goes just as quickly

When the flames and shock waves completely settled, the only thing left in Lavrinenko's field of vision was the twisted and deformed black wreckage on the ground with no original shape, and a man who was killed by ammunition. The explosion hit a huge impact crater that spread ferociously.

The German's new heavy tank of 800 meters is enough to penetrate the strongest front armor plate of our new T43 medium tank with one shot at a distance of at least 800 meters!

Moreover, the angle of the T43 medium tank just now facing the enemy was still tilted to a certain extent. This also indicates that the armor-piercing depth of the main gun of the German Tiger King monster must have far exceeded the maximum armor penetration of the front of the T43 body. Equivalent defense.

What is the exact penetration depth?

Lavrinenko did not know, or perhaps no one in the Red Army units on the battlefield knew.

Medium tanks can't stop it, but what about heavy tanks?

If even heavy tanks can't withstand it, then the German guy's broken car is equivalent to being indestructible! ?

Countless thoughts flashed through Lavrinenko's mind in an instant, but Malashenko, who had no idea what was going on on the other end of the microphone, was still yelling.

"Lavery! Report the situation, what happened!?"

Malashenko, who only heard a huge explosion, was extremely anxious. If the Germans had really dragged King Tiger onto the battlefield, then the situation Lavrinenko was facing now was simply unimaginable!

Whether it is the T3485 or the T43, when facing the King Tiger directly without any tactical support, there is absolutely only a dead end. The ruthless Chang 88 will tear apart any medium tank that dares to stand in the way, showing no mercy.

"The Germans destroyed one of our T43s head-on. It was their new heavy tank. The armor on the front of the tank couldn't withstand it at all. I think it's probably the King Tiger you mentioned!"

As soon as Malashenko heard this, he was too lazy to speculate anymore. Judging from the situation Lavrinenko described, those broken cars of the Germans on the opposite side must be King Tigers no matter what!

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