Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1337 Ice Storm (6)

The 122mm cannon was able to defeat the 100 cannon in the bidding and eventually succeeded in becoming the standard 122 heirloom of the Red Army's heavy tanks. This was not just due to simple production capacity issues.

Powerful, efficient, and fierce in firepower, it can easily deal with armored units, fortifications, or infantry soft targets. Its battlefield flexibility and adaptability can meet demanding actual combat requirements.

At the same time that the 122 gun was successfully installed and installed on the Red Army's heavy tanks, you could not find a few tank guns in the world that were more effective against armored units than this thing.

After the actual installation, the experienced Lavrinenko also spoke highly of the 122 gun.

Compared with the only shortcoming of slow reloading speed, the advantages all over the body can make it possible to "do not hide the advantages".

Powerful armor penetration depth, devastating killing effects, and high muzzle velocity brought about by the long main gun barrel with a high magnification ratio. The 122 gun can deal with targets at medium and long distances with ease, and because of the high propellant volume brought by the large chamber volume, it is converted into ultra-high propellant combustion chemical energy.

When dealing with medium and long-distance targets, after the air friction attenuation of the ballistic flight distance, the 122 gun can still maintain a considerable shell velocity when it finally hits the target. For kinetic energy weapons, this means a higher penetration time when hitting the target. A depth.

The American emperor likes to use big guns to fly, and Maozi likes to take drugs with big pipes.

As long as there are enough propellant tubes, I can get you a large-caliber artillery shell that reaches the required storage speed. It's that simple.

But beautiful things are like yesterday's flowers in many cases, and the cruel reality can always tear the beautiful things to pieces for you.

Lavrinenko was full of confidence in his 122 family heirloom. Ever since he saw the German heavy tanks whose specific models were still unclear, they were still roughly intact and standing even after being bombarded by direct-aimed artillery fire. He had already been swept in. In the garbage heap, it has become a memory of yesterday.

The vast majority of the artillery shells hit the target accurately, or in other words, it would be strange if such a large target could not hit the target within a regular combat distance.

The King Tigers, who were hit hard by the 122 cannons, were indeed not in good condition. The front of the car body and the front of the turret, the two parts with the highest probability of being hit, were riddled with craters and bullet marks.

But even under such circumstances, the armor of the King Tigers still withstood the strongest firepower of the Red Army's heavy tanks and withstood this test.

The craters scattered all over the main armor belt on the front are all in an unpenetrated state. The craters left by the large-caliber 122mm projectiles are already big enough to put your fist in and easily draw a circle.

The traces of unpenetration were shocking like an iron ball dropped from a height and smashed into the mud. It was already extremely difficult to withstand such a powerful kinetic energy impact.

Some of the armor-piercing projectiles that did not penetrate were directly bounced away by ricochet, and some fell to the ground due to gravity after directly exhausting their kinetic energy. Of course, there are also cases where the warhead charge is detonated directly in the crater that has not penetrated and exploded instantly. There are also projectiles stuck in the armor that has not penetrated.

But no matter which state it is, it is true that all the shells have no penetration effect! The shells that exploded in unpenetrated craters could not damage the crew members inside. They were either the British bulls' special sticky black tea pie armor-breaking shells, or ordinary warhead high-explosive charges.

In the history of later generations, the King Tiger, known as the most powerful heavy tank actually put on the battlefield during World War II, once again proved itself with its true absolute strength.

Even in this timeline that has been tampered beyond recognition by Malashenko on his own, the long 88 that Tiger King is proud of has now become a stepping stone to make a sound, but this is solid and powerful. Armor remains unquestionable.

The armor of both sides can withstand the strongest armor-piercing firepower of the other side. To put it bluntly, you can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you.

Lavrinenko had never thought about what to do if he encountered such a situation. He was fighting in the Patriotic War for the fourth year. This was really the first time he had encountered such an embarrassing situation and he had never heard of it.

In past heavy tank battles, either you could defeat me or I could defeat you.

It has always been like this since the Tiger vs. IS1. Between the Soviet and German heavy tank units, there will always be one with superior firepower and the ability to crush the opponent's armor. This is the reality.

The battlefield scale that was originally tilted to one side has now become an almost complete balance with equal weight and equal strength on both sides.

"This kind of broken vehicle has a very powerful main gun and almost indestructible frontal protective armor. If you don't get close to within three hundred meters, Lavry, don't make any unnecessary attempts. Like all German tanks, The weak point of this thing is its vertical armor part, but it is only on the front of the turret. It is very small, difficult to aim, and there is a pig-nosed gun shield that gets in the way.”

"Within three hundred meters from the front of the turret? Do we have to rush forward five hundred meters against the short-loaded fire of these monsters!?"

At this moment, Lavrinenko, whose nerves were about to break, finally recalled what Malashenko had told him.

It's not that Lavrinenko questions the solution given by Malashenko, it's just that there are too many uncertainties in executing such tactics in the current situation, and it can even be said to be more difficult than climbing to the sky!

Our own armor can indeed completely withstand the opponent's direct fire at a distance of 800 meters, but this does not mean that the IS6's frontal main armor belt is absolutely invincible in front of the enemy.

Putting aside the armor weakness that was hollowed out on the turret due to the placement of the main gun sight, Lavrinenko, who did not know the specific situation of his opponent, was really not sure.

When the two sides have shortened the fighting distance, let's say to within 500 meters, until the 300 meters that Malashenko mentioned, can the main armor belt of the IS6 heavy tank still withstand the direct attack of those German monsters? Aim bombardment?

Can you bear it? Lavrinenko himself really didn't know, but the urgent and time-consuming battlefield situation forced Lavrinenko to make a quick decision and issue an order on this life-and-death tactical arrangement issue.

The essence of war is a gamble, a huge gamble involving the future national destiny of both warring parties.

If you win the bet, you will be your father; if you lose the bet, you will be your grandson.

Those who are cowardly and have a can't-lose mentality should simply stop fighting. If they fight, it will be a waste of effort and a waste of money.

This is true in macro-strategy, and it is also true in local battlefields down to the tactical level.

If you want to win, you have to take risks. Every order you give is not 100% safe, and there is a varying probability of failure. The key lies in whether the probability of success of the order is worth it compared with the risk of failure.

Lavrinenko understood this, and he knew that he did not have much time left to hesitate and think.

Just when Lavrinenko's right hand touched the microphone and was about to press the button, an overwhelming barrage of fire and fire mixed with familiar words suddenly came and fell straight down at this moment.

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