Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1339 The Death of the Tiger (Part 2)

No one can see clearly how the Tiger King died at the moment of destruction, but reality will still record everything that really happened.

The fragile dome armor on the back of the turret could not withstand the bombardment of such a large amount of high-explosive grenade, and cracked and shattered on the spot. The large armor plate collapsed from the gap and rushed directly into the flames inside the turret. The first person in front of us What he faced was the first ready-to-fire ammunition rack in the King Tiger turret, right at the back of his head.

A total of 18 rounds of fixed-length 88 shells placed in the first ammo rack became a big destroyer. The ratio of high-explosive shells and armor-piercing shells in the ammo rack was half and half, and the destruction was majestic.

The strong ammunition explosion and the flames of the 152 grenade itself first swept through the entire internal space of the turret. The three German crew members fighting there did not even have time to feel the pain, so they bid farewell to this world in a final state of almost physical evaporation. Leave no trace.

The too violent flames of the explosion were still very powerful after sweeping through the narrow turret, and filled the entire wide body of the car in a time that humans could not react.

The fire and impact not only destroyed the body, but also exploded more custom-made 88mm artillery shells stored in the car body, releasing terrifying power.

The King Tiger in combat mode is fully airtight and the hatch is closed, but this prevents the terrifying shock waves and flames that are rampaging inside the tank from releasing the astonishing pressure. The dome armor on the back of the turret is damaged by the collapse. It's obviously not enough.

In the next two seconds, the heavy turret was pushed straight out like a violently shaking champagne cork.

The heavy armored turret was too heavy and could not fly too high. After being blackened, it rolled and fell to the ground one after another.

The behemoth car body had turned into a steel crematorium after losing its head. The German armored soldiers in the car did not even have to enter the morgue and were directly cremated on the spot.

The huge impact and pressure from the inside broke the tracks and flew away the road wheels. The large armor gaps were as ferocious as an inflated balloon exploded. Not a single piece of the skirt armor was left, and it was all blown away and landed in an unknown location. There was a twisted and deformed flaming car body and a blackened turret that fell beside it. This was the final fate of this unlucky King Tiger.

The nightmare is already so tragic, but for the German army, which is already feeling the power of destruction, this is just the beginning.

Before the roar of ISU-152 came to an end, the Katyusha rocket launcher battalion, which was ready, joined in.

The power of the 132mm rocket is not as powerful as that of the 152 Divine Cult, but the rocket launcher is inherently better than the incomparable fire coverage density. The bullets rained down the flames and directly hit the German army again without any warning. The top of his forehead.

The rocket barrage, which was far denser than conventional artillery, was no longer as simple as a lottery. As soon as the rocket rain hit, several King Tigers that were evading the heavy artillery barrage and reversing were all swept away. Wash your face.

Hull, turret, dome armor, engine compartment

All conceivable bombing positions were basically smashed. Alexi, who had already passed the previous ISU152 bombardment effect, further observed and accurately narrowed the bombardment range, made another contribution.

The extremely dense Katyusha put all the firepower of the entire battalion at once on this narrow German front line of less than one square kilometer.

The front of the car body can barely withstand the direct bombardment of 132mm rockets, but the fragile dome armor is completely different.

One after another, the King Tigers were paralyzed by the Katyusha barrage and broke down on the spot. In this case, catching fire on the spot was considered a relatively good situation. No ammunition explosion or death on the spot was considered a good situation. All the blessings gained in the previous life have been exhausted.

The German armored soldiers who knew that their tanks were paralyzed did not dare to come out. Even if the vehicle caught fire, they still tried to put out the fire and could not get out.

It’s not that these German armored soldiers were so stupid that they didn’t even understand the principles of running away for their lives.

But if we go out immediately and flee, the final outcome may only be to be torn apart by heavy artillery and rockets, destroyed to the point where not even a scrap is left, and completely evaporated from the world!

No matter how bad this layer of armor is, it is still a strong barrier. As long as it is not unlucky enough to be destroyed by ammunition and oil, it has a chance of survival.

Therefore, even if they were paralyzed and unable to move on the spot, these desperate German armored soldiers still wanted to struggle for a glimmer of hope and survive.

There is no other reason than the most essential strong desire to survive as a living being and as a person.

Maybe I am one of the lucky ones who can withstand this devastating blow? No one can say for sure.

Compared with the ten-death situation outside, the nine-death life inside this coffin shell is more attractive.

The truth is that simple.

The ferocious Katyusha rocket launcher is not perfect. Compared with the continuous suppression of traditional artillery, the Katyusha itself is the kind of ammunition that can be used by traditional artillery in less than ten minutes. A wave of weapons that hit out.

Therefore, this rain of rockets that covered the sky came and went quickly. The German troops who were bombed to pieces now only felt as if a brief but soul-shaking doomsday had just swept past.

Among the surviving armored vehicles were bombed-out crew members who were dazed and were crawling out. Some German infantrymen who were lucky enough to slip into the crater saved their lives and had no obvious injuries on their bodies, so they had brought all their parts with them. But as he staggered out of the crater, he looked like a soft clay figure with no bones. In the eyes of these German infantrymen who had saved their lives, it seemed as if the whole world was spinning.

Although most of the Tiger Kings are still in place, they still basically maintain their appearance intact. It is impossible to judge whether this thing can still fight simply by looking at it from a distance.

The wave of fierce artillery fire coverage ended, and it stands to reason that the next thing Lavrinenko should consider is to order an attack. However, the inability to accurately judge the result of the shelling still gave Lavrinenko a moment of hesitation.

And just like this moment of hesitation, a familiar voice came from the radio transmitter at hand once again.

"Lavery, we are here! I just saw the rear artillery firing. Report the shelling!"

Accompanied by Malashenko's familiar voice, the follow-up main force led by the No. 177 IS4 heavy tank finally entered the battlefield at the best opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

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