Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1345: Loving Father Kills the Tiger (Part 2)

Malashenko, who was in the car, could not clearly see the current state of his precious car, but the German armored soldiers who were on the opposite side saw their targets clearly.

Dotted with unpenetrated armor craters, the main armor belt on the front of this monster tank is dotted everywhere. Some of these unpenetrated craters are so big that a child's fist can fit into them.

But some of them were simply ejected directly by the thick and extremely angled solid armor and shot diagonally into the sky. No matter how high the muzzle velocity and muzzle kinetic energy of the long 88 muzzle were, they could only leave a trace on this extremely solid armor plate. Light scratches and chipped paint.

All the armor-piercing projectiles that hit the target at almost the same time ultimately failed to penetrate. Multiple German King Tiger tanks aimed at different positions, hitting almost all possible weak spots in the entire frontal main armor belt.

Bottom of the car body, top of the car body, front of the turret, edge of the gun root

But no matter where the shell hits, the final result is still an extremely comical failure to penetrate. The Chang 88, which should be so powerful in combat, is now unable to even achieve the most basic semi-penetration. All the shells were either bounced away or exploded after exhausting their kinetic energy on the spot. Many of the unpenetrated craters of varying depths had scorch marks left by the explosive charges.

But no matter what posture it is presented in, what kind of result it is, only this Russian armored monster, which is so thick and powerful that it is immeasurably more powerful, continues to move forward without being affected at all. This is an ironclad fact before the current German army. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"Damn it! What kind of monster did we encounter!? What happened to this Russian tractor!?"

"It didn't penetrate! None of them penetrated! All the shells didn't penetrate!"

"Stop it! Stop it! Reload and keep shooting! Hurry!"

In a flash of lightning, Malashenko's IS4 heavy tank, with the number "177" painted directly on the front of the tank, became the absolute protagonist of screams on the radio channels of the German armored forces.

Powerful, thick, and extremely visually impactful, it then ruthlessly crushed the remaining hope with extremely cruel facts, and put its desperate feet directly on the backs of these German armored soldiers, making them unable to turn over.

It's like the Short Four is fighting against the T34, and the Black Panther is fighting against the IS6.

The German army, which had been passively upgrading its technical equipment in this war because of the strength of its opponents, finally discovered it again in the face of the obvious cruel facts.

The various incomprehensible monsters created by the Russians always refresh people's existing knowledge and surpass all existing imaginations. No one knows why the Russian tractors can always overwhelm the Germans in battlefield confrontations and produce a terrible crushing effect.

Why are the war machines manufactured by our own motherland always received with confidence? However, after arriving on the frontline battlefield, a batch of them are defeated by the latest tractors of the Russians and are even vulnerable!

Shouldn’t German technology be number one in the world? If so, how to explain this cruel and ironic reality?

These German armored soldiers, who were conscientiously maintaining combat status in their respective vehicles, really couldn't figure out this reason and didn't know the reason.

But at the moment, the main strike force headed by Malashenko's No. 177 IS4 heavy tank will not leave these German armored soldiers the time and time to think wildly.

The number 177 painted on the front of the vehicle body was deliberately dyed deep red, symbolizing blood and faith, to show distinction because the background color of the entire tank was changed to snow-white winter camouflage painting.

The iconic Guards logo is clearly visible on the side of the same snow-white turret, and painted on the other side of the turret is the bear-head-crushing Iron Cross troop logo designed by Malashenko himself.

This logo, in the name of the Guards, has accompanied Malashenko and his growing troops all the way to this day. This is true even today when the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division has an unprecedented overall size and strength. .

The all-white camouflage paint of Malashenko's car with so many logos and decorative marks is more like an extreme shock to intimidate the enemy than a fancy way of describing it.

The sinister name of "Iron Butcher" has long been spread along with Malashenko's name to every corner of the German frontline. Especially the German armored soldiers who are fellow soldiers know very well what this sinister name means and how terrifying it is. .

Whether it is the SS or the Wehrmacht, an independent heavy tank battalion or an entire fully equipped armored division.

Malashenko, nicknamed the "Iron Butcher", refused to accept anyone who came, and he destroyed all the German armored troops who were caught and made them miserable.

If you are lucky, only some of them will be wiped out. The really unlucky ones and even the entire organization will be wiped out and their numbers will be wiped out. All survivors will be sent to labor camps as prisoners of war by the steel butcher to dig potatoes. Who knows when I'll be digging and digging, but I'll fall over and die of exhaustion in the ground, becoming fertilizer for the land in the spring of next year.

Along with such horrific legends, the only way to tell whether the enemy you encounter is the Steel Butcher is to look at the troop logo.

It is rumored that the troops under the Iron Butcher are all the most elite Guards troops. They seem to be Stalin's Kremlin Guards. They were sent to the front line by Stalin just to kill all the enemies in the way. All in all, it became more and more evil as it spread, and in the end no one could tell whether it was true or false.

But even so, there is one thing in common that can be confirmed

The huge bear head revealed its ferocious fangs, crushing the Iron Cross, which symbolized the soul of the German army, in one bite!

It sounds very gritty and honorable, and this is true for quite a few German soldiers. But this failed to successfully arouse the momentum of too many German troops to fight to the death against Malashenko. Everyone knew that the nickname "Iron Butcher" of this Russian ferocious beast was not in vain, but had thousands of people under his feet. It was made from the piled corpses of tens of thousands of German soldiers.

"If you see this sign on the battlefield, on the tractors of those Russians. Then you'd better have the courage to fight to the death and be ready to sacrifice for the Führer at any time, or you should retreat quickly and reorganize your defenses. Or, you can throw away your weapons and prepare to work as a miner for the Russians or dig potatoes, but of course, this is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary.”

Looking at the huge bear head logo that was so close and clearly visible in front of them, the German armored soldiers, who were hit hard by the cruel reality and the terrible nightmare, truly felt the true meaning of the word fear!

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