Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1353 The big fish is gone

The 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion, with only half its strength, could only be dispatched in this dissatisfied state. Many personnel and heavy equipment were left at rest points, waiting for follow-up orders.

Although Malashenko felt relatively pleased and relieved that the 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion was not fully deployed into the battle and was actually easier to deal with.

But Malashenko, who originally expected to catch a big fish and catch a few more German armored aces, ended up with a rather disappointing result.

None of the top-ranked elite aces such as Karvus, Bertel, and Kosher were caught!

Malashenko, who did not believe that he was so unlucky, even asked Varosha to go and carefully screen the armored prisoners in person, and at the same time count the corpses of the German armored soldiers that had not been burned to coke.

Unfortunately, it turns out that Lieutenant Colonel John did not lie to our Comrade Lao Ma. Whether it was the German armored soldiers who were killed or captured alive, there were no top-ranked German armored aces.

The German commander who destroyed the largest number of vehicles and was captured alive was a sergeant named Muller. He looked very young, as harmless as a kid who was still in school.

According to his own confession, he has confirmed the destruction of a total of 31 Red Army tanks of various types in all the battles he has participated in so far. Most of them are the most common T34, there are a few KV heavy tanks and light reconnaissance tanks, but he has not recorded a single record of the latest Stalin series heavy tanks.

In the final analysis, Malashenko does not want to catch such a dispensable "rookie" at all. The big fish at the top of the German armored force's performance rankings are what Malashenko cares most about. Resolving these major threat targets will be very beneficial to future battles. Malashenko has long been thinking about these very high-value "heads."

"Where is your battalion's rest station? How far is it from here?"

Obviously, our Comrade Lao Ma still didn't give up, thinking that if the distance was close, he would run over and kill the remaining remnants of the 502nd Battalion.

Unfortunately, the truth always backfires and runs counter to expectations.

"It's more than 40 kilometers away from here in a straight line, but if you really want to go there, you need to take a detour. If you want to attack, I don't recommend you do this. Once the tanks are repaired, they will be transferred to other directions to support the battle. And I can no longer contact them, and I don’t know what happened, or even whether they are still at that temporary location.”


Lieutenant Colonel John's bucket of cold water poured down on him really made Comrade Ma lose his temper on the spot.

If you want to say that this kid is lying, it's really not like that, and it's even more unnecessary given his current identity and condition.

But if this is the truth, it would be too cheating. Malashenko finally caught an opportunity to completely annihilate the elite armored units of the German army and remove this mainstay from the Wehrmacht. But the result now is that only half of the bones were broken and the other half was let go. The reason for this is even more ridiculous.

It was actually because of the German's own poor equipment readiness rate that he saved half the life of the 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion and prevented the entire battalion from being handed over to death in the hands of the old horse.

Regarding such a result, we, Comrade Ma, can only admit it as a dumb man eating coptis and suffering unspeakably. Otherwise, other than dumbfounding, what better way can you do?

The answer is of course no.

"Well, so the final result of this battle is a bit regretful? We failed to completely wipe out an elite heavy armored force of the enemy and let half of them escape. Is that right?"

In the tent of the division headquarters that was newly built not long after the battle and was prepared to spend the night here tonight, Comrade Ma, who was tired and aching after fighting for a whole day, drank hot water and rested his breath. The political commissar's questions were answered immediately.

"Yes, that's it. Do you think this reason is funny? The Germans' own junk equipment actually saved their lives. If all the 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion were dispatched and drove over, I might be very happy. It's so good. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately, I don’t know when the next opportunity will be.”


The silent political commissar could only nod his head slightly. It would not make much sense to bring up things that have already passed and bring them up again and again.

The opportunity lost this time can be caught next time. Anyway, as long as the 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion is not completely wiped out, the German army will definitely reorganize it and put it into the battlefield again.

Moreover, the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division is a sharp-edged force that charges forward and dives wherever the fighting is fierce. For those German heavy armored battalions that act as battlefield firefighting teams, it is only a matter of time before they meet again, so there is no need to worry.

So instead of continuing to discuss these things, Comrade Petrov would like to talk to Comrade Ma about more constructive topics.

"Oh, that's right. I went to Varosha when I had dinner just now. I ate with him and talked about some important things. He originally planned to talk to you, and I happened to go over to see him. Tell me directly about the situation in the army and let me pass it on to you."

After taking a big mouthful of hot water, Malashenko made a sound in his throat, then looked at the political commissar sitting across the table in front of him and asked a question.

"Huh? Something important? Tell me, something important?"

If it weren't for being so tired right now and feeling like his whole body was falling apart, Malashenko would have really wanted to talk to Varosha and have this plan. Comrade Political Commissar happened to mention this, which left Malashenko with some errand trouble.

"Well, it's a matter of infantry tactics and formation. Varosha took the initiative to report to me."

"Walosha has collected actual combat feedback reports from the soldiers and grassroots commanders and combatants below. The special organization of three to five-person assault teams you proposed is indeed effective."

"Varosa and I analyzed the actual combat situation and tactical arrangements while eating, and finally came to the conclusion that this kind of three-to-five-person assault team uniformly equipped with automatic weapons can use the mobile cover of tanks to effectively contact the enemy. Before, quickly and completely erase the medium to long range of combat."

"By the time the soldiers got out of the car and actually entered the combat range of small arms, the battle line had been pushed to within two hundred meters of the effective range of the submachine gun. Of course, in most cases, even our tanks directly sent the soldiers to the edge of the position. Go up and get closer.”

"In this case, the enemy's machine guns and rifles cannot take advantage of their mid-to-long-distance range advantage at all, and they can only be forced to fight us in close combat. Once we enter close combat, this is the time to compete with each other to see who has more powerful automatic firepower. This is obviously an absolute advantage for us. In actual combat, there were even situations where submachine guns suppressed enemy machine guns. This was unbelievable in the past. "

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