Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1391 Close Strangulation (Part 2)

The medium and long distances and even the short range cannot effectively threaten the heavy tractors of the Russians. What should we do in such a situation?

Forced by the helplessness, the German armored soldiers came up with a way. Although it was really helpless, it was still effective: to attack Marashen from close to the face, just like the SS armored soldiers in Prokhorovka once attacked Marashen. The same thing that Coe did.

The Panther tanks, supported by their high-speed mobility, did not stop immediately after forcibly crossing and running over the trenches, but chose to continue moving forward. The target is pointed directly at the side positions of the steel behemoths entrenched not far away. As long as they can engage in close combat, it is possible to penetrate the opponent's armor. There is no way to say that it is such a life-and-death struggle. Helpless situation.

Malashenko, who had already suffered such a loss, knew very well what these Germans wanted to do. He could not make the same mistake twice, and he would not be able to eat back the Oli he pulled out.

"All crews, back up! Try to keep a distance from those Germans, be careful to change the course of the vehicle at any time, and try to use the front main armor belt to respond to the enemy!"

The Germans chose to charge desperately, and Malashenko could only respond by emergency reversing.

It is true that the reversing speed of Stalin's heavy tank is far from the maximum cross-country speed of those Panthers who stepped on the accelerator. But it is better to shorten the time of being completely close and cause some trouble for the Germans than to do nothing. Sitting back and waiting for the Germans to get close to each other is not Malashenko's style.

This kind of close combat that has been brought closer to a hundred meters or even dozens of meters, actually no longer requires too much precise aiming. Even if the gunner is aiming directly while reversing, he can still achieve accuracy. Shooting, especially for the highly skilled gunners of the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division, is even more so.

"Iushkin, turn the turret 15 degrees to the right! Kill the German Panther!"

Malashenko, who had a wider field of vision, captured the target that threatened his command vehicle the most and issued instructions.

In the newly added wide-angle periscope for gunners, Iushkin, who saw the target pointed by Malashenko at a glance, took action quickly. He switched the field of view and put his right eye in front of the gun mirror for precise aiming. The shaking electric steering wheel drove the heavy and huge turret to point at the target as quickly as possible.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

The brand new IS4 heavy tank has a body chassis that is absolutely large enough and a wider internal space in the turret. This not only improves the human-machine efficiency and is more conducive to the skills of the crew members, but more importantly, the IS4 heavy tank also has a new turret basket that was not available in previous Stalin tanks.

Artyom, who can rotate with the turret by standing on the gondola, will no longer be delayed in reloading time due to the rotation of the turret. The sound of "armor-piercing bullets are good" shouted from his mouth was almost at the same time as Iushkin stopped shaking the steering wheel in his hand.

Without any hesitation, Iushkin accurately grasped the fighter plane and took action with one move. The moment he pulled the main gun firing lever, he could feel a majestic force, roaring from the huge main gun breech that was close at hand. It was heard that even through the thick gun steel, one could still feel the tremor and impact in the air.

The 122 cannon with a huge medicine chamber sprayed out majestic burning chemical energy, pushing the shells out of the barrel and whizzing away. The armor-piercing projectile that screamed through the air was only less than a hundred meters away from the Black Panther being aimed at the moment it came out of the barrel. It could be said that it was reached instantly.

The area Iushkin aimed at was the flank of the Panther tank that was desperately attacking from the side.

Any tank that wants to implement close-range flanking tactics will inevitably expose its entire side armor to the enemy. The difference lies in the current status and relative angle of the two vehicles. If the situation is bad, you may face a situation where the shooting angle is not good and the shells are deflected and bounced away.

However, in the hands of Iushkin, whose artillery skills have reached a very high level, these are not problems at all.

As long as Iushkin decides to fire the cannon and pulls the firing lever of the main gun without any hesitation, I cannot say that this is 100% feasible. At least there is a high probability that he can succeed with one hit. In short Just worth a try.

The armor-piercing projectile roared at high speed and hit the side of the Panther's body. Amidst the splashing of sparks and the sound of the body's skirt deck twisting and deforming, it shattered the two road wheels inside and outside, and then still carried the vehicle with it. Keep going with unstoppable momentum. Directly under the tracks and behind the road wheels, a hole large enough to fit a fist was made in the vertical side armor of the car body and poured into it.

Just like all the German tanks that were pierced by the 122 Heirloom in the past, this Panther, which originally counted on a high-speed surprise attack to shoot from the side, eventually fell to the Maraschin before this goal was completed. Under the muzzle of the command vehicle No. 177, violent explosion flames and shock waves burst out on the spot, turning into a blazing steel crematorium.

The head of the dismembered Black Panther fell not far from the body of the vehicle, barely a few meters away. The whole process from the armor being penetrated to catching fire to the complete ammunition detonation took only a short amount of time. A few seconds passed by in a hurry.

Solving the death-defying Black Panther can't show any substantial qualitative change. Malashenko still needs to face more troubles: those Black Panthers who are still rushing toward them like crazy. them.

It was only after he dealt with the first Black Panther that tried to flank him and had a close encounter with this group of German thugs that Malashenko realized something extraordinary about his enemy.

In the past, most of the German medium tank units were composed of mixed units. The elite Black Panthers often only accounted for half or even a small part, and the rest were composed of more hip No. 4s or even No. 3s.

But this time, this wave of Germans who had already rushed into the position and started to use close attack tactics were all using black panthers, and their tactical prowess was even more unexpected.

Malashenko had just dealt with the first Panther that tried to sneak up on him from the side, and the smoke from the muzzle had not cleared. Then he discovered that there were two Panthers approaching rapidly from the completely opposite side. , this is obviously using the first Black Panther as fishing bait. It is the two Black Panthers who are working together to give themselves a fatal blow.

It takes time to turn the turret in the completely opposite direction, and it also takes time for Seryozha to change the direction of the car body. The tense situation of racing against time seems to be completely tilted to the side of the German army. It is extremely urgent!

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