Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1420 “Rampage”

"What's going on!? What do the troops in the corresponding defense area do? I don't know anything about the German guy sneaking away from me. What kind of idiot did it for me!?"

Malashenko's temper is notoriously good, at least in the eyes of most of the commanders and soldiers of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division.

Compared with other major generals and commanders, Malashenko not only has no airs, he can even be brothers with his commanders and fighters from all walks of life, sitting shoulder to shoulder at the dinner table and drinking together. As long as the comrade the division commander thinks you are interesting and thinks there is nothing wrong with you, then the comrade division commander may have more than just a superior-subordinate relationship with you.

This can be seen just from people like Kirill or Dr. Karachev, who are not prominent and have high positions of power. Comrade Commander is a person who values ​​friendship, and he does not put things like power and interests first in his eyes.

Fighting under such a humane comrade, the division commander also made many comrades sincerely feel happy.

However, Malashenko is not completely stupid. He is also a normal man, a higher-level male creature, with his own emotions and desires. Of course, there will be times when he gets angry and goes berserk.

Especially in the field of military command, if there is a problem that the division commander cannot tolerate, it is inevitable that he will go berserk on the spot. (っ◔◡◔)っ

As the saying goes, before you see the person, you must hear the voice. Before Malashenko entered the division headquarters, the broken gong voice that had been making noise all the way from a distance was already shaking the air and resounding in his mind.

"What happened!? Someone give me the latest situation and report it immediately!"

Malashenko, who was about to go berserk, immediately raised his voice a few bars as soon as he entered the division headquarters. Malashenko has always valued how well he completed the tasks assigned by his superiors.

For such a person with strong self-discipline and strict self-discipline, completing the tasks assigned by superiors without compromise is the top priority.

Completing the mission is a matter of course and a soldier's bounden duty. Malashenko does not think there is anything to brag about, he is just doing what he should do.

But if there is a problem with the completion of the mission, and a telegram is slapped on his face by his comrade commander, and he calls for an investigation, this will be tantamount to a slap in the face for Malashenko.

Malashenko, who was really angry, was now walking around the division headquarters with his hands on his hips like an ant on a hot pot. He really couldn't figure out which of his idiot-like commanders and fighters committed such a crime. Big mistake and oversight.

"You need to calm down first. Calmness is always more meaningful than anger. Listen to what I have to say to you."

At this time, the entire division had the courage to stand up and suppress Malashenko, and indeed had the ability to do so. Apart from Political Commissar Petrov, there was no other person. Of course, the one who finally stepped forward at the right time was indeed Petrov. That's the political commissar.

"I don't want to be angry, but do you think it's up to me?"

"From Leningrad to Moscow, from Moscow to Stalingrad, from Stalingrad to Kursk, from Kursk to now Cherkasy. I led the most powerful tank force in the Red Army all the way south. During the Northern War and the elimination of countless fascist invaders who set foot on the motherland, I was never criticized by my superiors, not even once!"

"After three years of fighting, I suddenly suffered a huge setback over such a small issue. Even the commander of the front army sent a telegram to criticize me by name. I don't care about my personal honor and reputation. It doesn't matter. But for us as a collective and for the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, this is different!”

"We are an elite unit in the name of the leader. Every move we make is watched by countless pairs of eyes and countless people are looking forward to it. Comrade Stalin is also paying attention to the situation of this unit named after him in Moscow. It is because of this that I The honor of our division will be damaged by the naming and criticism of Comrade Commander! Do you understand this?"

The more Malashenko talked, the more excited he became. In the end, he even pounded the table to emphasize the seriousness of the problem in his eyes to his political commissar comrades.

The sound of banging and banging was heard intermittently, and there was a lingering sound. No one in the entire division dared to jump out and make irresponsible remarks at this time. It was simply an act of seeking death. Do whatever you have to do, it's best to pretend you didn't see it, a truly smart person wouldn't do something stupid at a time like this.

Faced with Malashenko's anger and near-violence, Commissar Petrov finally spoke slowly after being silent for nearly ten seconds.

"You take collective honor too seriously. It is important, but it is definitely not important enough to make you, a teacher, so angry that you almost lose your mind. Don't take some things too seriously. Losing them is Just because something is lost or damaged today does not mean that it cannot be recovered later. There is no need to hold on to something that can no longer be recovered. You have to look forward. "


Malashenko can yell at his political commissar comrades about a certain matter, but this is not directed at the person.

But if you want Malashenko to roar and get angry at his political commissar comrades because of his purely refuting views and remarks, Malashenko would not do this in the past, and he cannot do it now, especially when he knowingly Comrade Political Commissar cannot do such a thing when he is already dying.

"As before, I listen to you, you can continue."

Taming the violent wild horses requires special people to use special skills. Horses are also spiritual creatures that know how to watch people. Fortunately, the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division has such a big boss who can suppress Malashenko. Otherwise, there is no telling how this matter will end today.

"Let's take a look at this first. The telegram sent by the front army headquarters. Commander Vatutin said something to you personally. Everything you want to know is in this."


Malashenko was speechless, just staring at the telegram handed over by his political commissar with an expressionless face. It seemed that the contents of the telegram could be understood without much guessing.

Forget it, you can accept whatever you want to scold me and let him be.

With such regrets in his heart, Malashenko reached out and took the telegram handed over by his political commissar. The brief content of the letter immediately caught Malashenko's eyes and was presented in its entirety.

About half a minute later, Malashenko, who had read the entire article, released his right hand and put the telegram away. Instead of showing any strange expression, he finally felt relieved as if he had put down some of his worries. tone.

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