Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1428 Things are changing

The death from the Il-2 attack aircraft fleet caused great damage to the fleeing German army. The total number of 12 Il-2s may not be too many, but the crackling of rockets and aerial bombs brought them down. It's really deadly, not to mention the machine gun fire that hurts flesh and blood like a lawnmower hoeing the ground.

Holding down the trigger, there was a blast of gunfire, and a bloody mark was left on the ground, along with a large amount of broken bones and rotten flesh scattered on the ground. No matter how strong-willed the person is, they will feel nauseous and almost want to vomit after watching it. Such a scene is not much better than a slaughterhouse.

Originally, these 12 IL-2 attack aircraft were enough to cause a headache, but the truth that misfortunes never come singly is often more than just a joke.

The La-5 fighter jets that followed the Il-2 attack aircraft saw that no German fighter jets appeared, but they were unwilling to be left alone and joined in this killing feast and began to lick the ground.

The power of the barrage pulled out by the 20mm aircraft cannon shell is much more powerful than the ordinary 7mm heavy machine gun barrage. The damage effect of the two on the human body is not at the same level.

If a 7mm heavy machine gun can directly break arms and legs with one shot, then the specific effect of a 20mm aircraft cannon shell is to cut the unlucky target in half with one shot and cut it into two parts instantly.

The number of La-5 fighter jets that came to escort was not large, even fewer than the Il-2 attack aircraft. Only 8 of them were just enough to form two 4-plane formations.

But just these eight La-5 fighter jets caused no less damage to the German army that had just been beaten up than the Il-2 fleet just now.

The German army, which was hit by a sudden and violent air attack, was completely caught off guard. With a large amount of equipment destroyed and trucks overturned one after another, they ran wildly on the open roads and suburban fields, heading towards anything that might be used as a bunker. He threw himself at that place, only regretting that his own mother had given him two fewer legs.

The German infantry is indeed right to do this. The fighter planes overhead are roaring violently, firing fiercely, and sending rockets and aerial bombs to your head one after another. If you still stand there stupidly, is that not cerebral palsy?

But running also has a specific time and how to run. Escape is a very technical thing, so you can't run blindly.

The Il-2s indeed left after a violent air attack and were turning the attack route to prepare for another attack. However, the La-5 fighter jets that followed them played the role of last-minute hits just right, and they were able to completely hide before the Germans could. The attack was launched from behind the hidden bunker.

The 20mm aerial cannon fired a barrage of fire and pulled it over. No bunker, whether it was iron sheet metal or a small earth slope, could withstand such a fierce attack. In the flash of light and stone, broken arms and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere. After the light of blood and fire flashed alternately, only a lot of minced meat was left scattered on the ground. It was quite difficult to put together the parts that could make a complete corpse. Difficulty.

Just a moment later, the turn of IL 2 and La 5 turned into a dance between two different models. Regardless of whether attack aircraft and fighter jets have additional mounts or ground attack armaments, as long as they still have the remaining weapons that have not been used up, they can just copy them and attack them, and that's it.

The situation where the Germans were still hoping to survive the attack turned directly into a fatal despair under the fierce air raids. At this time, let alone rubbing the soles of their feet and running away immediately, how could they not be killed by the Russians, or even left intact? The corpses are already enough to give face.

Otherwise, what else are you thinking about? Continue to run despite the air raid?

Please, if you don't accept it, try escaping with a bunch of evil spirits above your head and surrounding you. It's not much easier than riding a bicycle on the road and trying to run faster than a racing car.

Of course, such a situation can be regarded as successfully achieving the most important purpose of our Comrade Lao Ma: to delay the retreat of the German army, disrupt the enemy's rhythm of action, and buy time for the follow-up main ground troops to pursue.

That is, while the Germans were undergoing extremely painful and indiscriminate bombardment, Lavrinenko, who had received orders from Malashenko, was rushing forward with an emergency medium tank unit.

"Comrade Deputy Division Commander, we can see the situation ahead. The Germans are being attacked by our fighter planes. It seems that they are all in chaos!"

In the end, there is no need to advance to the fighting distance to confirm the three to five kilometers distance with the naked eye. With a telescope, you can clearly see the miserable situation of the Germans being bombed in the violent rain of fire.

Lavrinenko, who was receiving the radio report from the wingman, was also not idle. He leaned his upper body directly out of the turret and raised the binoculars in his hands, witnessing the rare German in person with the attitude of seeing is believing. Bombing situation.

As the saying goes, thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river, the wind and water will take turns. Come to your home today.

Lavrinenko, who had suffered from German air raids, couldn't look forward to the situation when the Germans were bombed. It felt like an addicted smoker who had not smoked for three days and suddenly got a whole cigarette. A good smoke is as hearty and refreshing as a good smoke!

At this time, Lavrinenko really wanted to pat his thigh and say excitedly: This feeling is so damn enjoyable! So cool! Damn you Germans too!

Of course, after feeling refreshed and comfortable, Lavrinenko has not forgotten the tasks assigned to him by Malashenko and the mission of this trip. This is not the time to yell and shout to your heart's content. The business is to direct the current battle well, and first enter the battlefield to deal with the Germans who were half disabled by the air raids.

"I saw it. The Germans were bombed worse than the Yankees at Pearl Harbor! Even if I watch this a hundred times, I won't get tired of it!"

"All vehicle crews attack forward at full speed! Load high-explosive bombs! Give priority to destroying those German military vehicles that are still moving. Those containing supplies will be attacked first, and those containing people will be put behind! Put the Germans' food and Get rid of the gasoline first!”

Before setting off, Malashenko had told Lavrinenko that after catching up with the retreating German rearguard, he must give priority to the trucks carrying supplies rather than the personnel carriers.

In the current situation, how many remaining German soldiers were killed is not the main issue.

The key question is how much strength and ability the Germans have to support the next escape operation. This is the key to the problem. Malashenko hoped that the Germans would end it on their own if they really couldn't escape, instead of having to solve the problem in person.

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