Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1432 Painful Time

"I have never thought that we actually have so many aircraft. It seems that such a scene has never appeared during the Red Square military parade. Maybe, maybe it's just a psychological effect. Maybe it's because I haven't seen decent air support in a long time." indefinite."

Malashenko was not the only one looking up to the sky, Iushkin, who was half out of the turret beside him, was also doing the same thing.

After hearing Iushkin's "deep emotion", Malashenko on the side also nodded slightly and grinned.

"Yeah, it's not just you who thinks so, I feel the same way."


The Figure 2 bomber formation, with its engines roaring and roaring, had already flown directly over the head of Malashenko's car. The huge engine noise directly overshadowed the sound of the tank column and was deafening.

Although the flight altitude of the bomber formation in Figure 2 is not as low as that of the Il-2 attack aircraft formation just now, it is only more than 1,000 meters to less than 2,000 meters above the ground, which is not too high.

As a front-line main tactical bomber, the Figure 2 has a very solid and reliable body structure. It can not only undertake the task of horizontal bombing, but as long as the pilot is skilled enough, has rich combat experience, uses a dual-engine configuration, and has sufficient power, the Figure 2 is completely Can perform dive bombing missions with precise bomb delivery.

It is not without reason that it can be called the best frontline tactical bomber in the late World War II. The actual performance of Figure 2 is fully worthy of this title, and even exceeds it. The bomb load of four 500-kilogram aerial bombs is powerful enough among tactical bombers. These 18 Figure 2 bombers will predictably inflict a heavy blow to the German army. Malashenko is very convinced and certain of this.

The only thing he needs to do next is to rush forward to touch up the Germans and send tanks one by one.

"It will start soon. You may still hear explosions later, so be ready."

The Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, which was in pursuit, was only less than ten kilometers away from the fleeing German troops in front.

If the tanks and infantry on the ground want to cross this straight-line distance of less than ten kilometers, they may have to drive bumpy and tortuous for a long distance.

But for planes in the sky, a straight-line distance of only ten kilometers is basically a matter of seconds.

The roar and explosion caused by the falling of a 500-kilogram high-explosive aerial bomb is enough to be heard clearly several kilometers away. Thinking of Malashenko, who will soon be bathed in the flames of death by the Germans, the corners of his mouth can't help but rise slightly again. He stood up and seemed quite looking forward to it.

"I want to see how long you bunch of rubbish can last. Let's experience the last painful moments before death in the torment of open-ground three-dimensional pursuit."

Malashenko guessed right

Just when the bomber group in Figure 2 had just flown away with less than a cigarette left, a mighty and violent roar and explosion came from the distance as promised.

Boom boom boom——

"Oh! It's started, listen!"

Iushkin, who seemed to be excited all of a sudden, grabbed Malashenko's arm and shouted repeatedly. Naturally, Comrade Ma, who was not yet deaf, immediately perked up his ears and listened carefully.

At first it was just one or two loud explosions with long intervals, but later it evolved into a series of bomb explosions one after another. Just like the sound of cannons at ten o'clock on New Year's Eve jumped directly to twelve o'clock, explosions that came one after another like mountain roars and tsunamis soon kept coming from the distant horizon.

"This is quite a noise! ​​The German guy must be extremely happy now, I can guarantee it!"

Iushkin, who looked excited and surprised, couldn't restrain his excitement and blurted out directly. Malashenko, who had the same feeling, knew that the time was ripe.

"All crew members, I am the division commander Malashenko. Speed ​​up the march and move forward at full speed! In the evening we will really have to go up and act as a corpse collection team. Rush up and take care of those Germans! Today we are going to end everything! "

The short battle after the fierce air raid just now was done with almost no effort. In addition to harvesting those trashy German guns and trophies, there were only those who were caught and thought it was a nuisance. , time-wasting prisoners and Kraut corpses all over the floor.

What Malashenko wanted was a brilliant victory, not eating leftovers from planes and rushing to serve as a corpse collection team. The Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division was not a scavenger like a vulture.

Kill those Germans! Not only did he eat the Kraut’s meat, but he also chewed the Kraut’s bones!

This is the true meaning of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division emblem designed by Malashenko himself.

The violent explosions one after another were like thunder falling continuously, getting louder and louder as the distance approached, and it was almost deafening.

Malashenko, who didn't know how far he was from the Germans, could only rely on the distance of the explosion to roughly judge how far he had left to the battlefield.

Just like the tactical arrangement just now, Malashenko, who was striving to intervene in the battlefield quickly, still sent his best friend and good brother: Deputy Division Commander Lavrinenko personally led the team and led a group of the fastest medium tank troops to launch the attack. Passage to confirm the specific situation of the current battlefield.

That is to say, when Comrade Lao Ma estimated that there were still about two or three kilometers away from the explosion, Lavrinenko's familiar voice suddenly came from the radio transmitter hanging next to him on the bulkhead of the turret. sound.

"We are here, Malashenko! Large areas of Germans are being bombed. The exact number is unclear at the moment. I can only tell you that there are many, many! Really, many! Trucks, tanks, infantry, everything, everywhere. , the bomber seems to be running out of bombs, what are you going to do?"

The first thing after arriving at the battlefield was to report to Malashenko the actual situation he had seen with his own eyes. This was an invisible tacit understanding that had long been formed between Lavrinenko and Malashenko.

"While the plane is not finished blowing up, rush up and fire at those Germans and get close to them! Just make sure not to enter the dangerous range of accidental bombing. As soon as the air strike is over, rush forward and tear those Germans apart!"

Even without seeing the specific situation at the scene with his own eyes, Malashenko could roughly imagine and guess how miserable the Germans were being suppressed now! A rain of 500 kilograms of aerial bombs is not so easy to withstand. Let alone standing up to resist, the Germans are probably even thinking of finding a crack in the ground to crawl in to avoid air attacks. How can they bother to fight from the ground? Red Army troops.

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