Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1434 Inherited Glory

The little soldier who said this to Malashenko was very young, very, very young, and even had a layer of slightly immature hair on his face. Malashenko knew at a glance that this soldier must be younger than himself. Much more.

"How old are you this year? Comrade."

The tone of the comrade's comrade was as usual. The young soldier felt warm in his heart after hearing this, as if he was not talking to a superior but to a big brother next door.

"Comrade Division Commander, next month will be my 19th birthday. I only joined the army this year."


Hearing such an answer, Malashenko suddenly became interested. He had just joined the army when he was less than 19 years old, and he could be assigned to serve in the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division. This was something that spread around his hometown, which was enough to make his family feel embarrassed. A matter of light.

If nothing else, just adding the title of Guard to the leader's name is enough to make others envious.

"Then there must be something special about you. There are not many young soldiers in our division who are under 19 years old."

Looking at the gentle smile on Comrade Commander's face, the little soldier holding Bobosha scratched his head in embarrassment.

"My father and brother once fought for our motherland under your leadership. When it was time for me to go to the front line, I applied, and to my surprise, I was successful.

"So that's it. Which regiment are your father and brother in? Are they with you?"

At this moment, Malashenko didn't notice the change in the little soldier's face and expression at all, and just treated it as a casual question.

"My father and brother, they both died. My father died in Moscow, and my brother died in Stalingrad. They both served in your first tank battalion or regiment, and they were both tank soldiers. It's a pity that I don't even have a tractor. He can’t drive and has no professional training. He’s just an ordinary submachine gunner.”


Malashenko thought about many possibilities, but he never expected that the final result would be like this. After hearing such an answer, he felt inexplicably speechless and a little crazy for a while.

"May I have your name?"

About ten seconds later, Malashenko, who spoke again, finally asked such a question.

"Vladimir Kasimov, comrade division commander."

The little soldier answered without any hesitation, which was matched by Malashenko's thoughtful expression.

"I remember Kasimov, go and carry out your mission.

"Yes, Comrade Commander!"

Looking at the back of the little soldier who continued to escort the prisoners of war away, Malashenko, whose eyes were narrowed in thought, suddenly felt a little lost.

"I really hope this all ends soon, the sooner the better"

Brutally killing wars are always accompanied by constant loss of people. Similar experiences are not unique to that little soldier. Malashenko has also felt the same way many times.

Every time you lose someone important, you will feel unforgettable pain. The scars will be opened again and again, and the bloody wounds will not only have to bear the remnants of the last pain, but also have to be sprinkled with new ones that hurt the soul. Deep salt.

Maybe there really are people who like war, love war so much that they feel uncomfortable all over and feel as if they are about to die if they don't fight. But this kind of person will definitely not be Malashenko. He was not in the past, is not now, and will not be in the future.

Putting aside the hero of the Soviet Union and the well-known tank general who was personally received by Comrade Stalin, Malashenko is just an ordinary person who wants to live a peaceful life. Comrade Lao Ma also thought about ordinary people who have wives and children who can sleep on the bed, can sleep until they wake up naturally on their days off, and can do some pleasant things with their beautiful wife at night. Who the hell can expect to spend all day fighting to pass the time?

After watching the young soldier go, Malashenko jumped out of his car and landed on the ground.

There were still many things to do next, so Malashenko decided to look around first to understand the specific conditions of the battlefield ruins, which would also make it easier for him to figure out more details.

"It's damn late to say it's late. These Figure 2s were blown up and nothing was left. It's probably difficult to even capture a German tank that can still be driven."

In the middle and late stages of the air strike, the Figure 2 bomber group, which was hovering over the battlefield like death vultures, had changed its target to the grouped German infantry.

The reason why this happened was not to specifically bomb infantry. Using 500-kilogram aerial bombs to kill a dozen or so soldiers would be a loss no matter how you calculate it. The reason why the infantry was bombed was because all the higher value targets had been bombed. Apart from the endless vehicle wreckage, only the infantry was left on the battlefield.

There may be more Germans waiting to be bombed in the not-so-distant front, but the Figure 2 bombers, whose mission is to cooperate with the ground forces to cover the attack and clear obstacles for them to open an attack path, only target this group. The Germans at the rear used all their weapons and property, and after a brutal bombardment, only wreckage and corpses were left on the ground, waiting for the friendly troops on the ground to come and harvest.

The final result is the scene in front of Malashenko.

The front and body of the Lightning Opel truck were blown apart so much that the corpses were separated by at least twenty meters. The dark, charred mass of twisted and deformed metal should be a German Panzer IV tank. Unfortunately, even the turret is now gone. It disappeared, leaving only the twisted metal wreckage that was almost unrecognizable as the car body.

Like moon craters, there are countless craters scattered all over the battlefield, and there are countless wrecks of German vehicles. Quite a few of them can't even be identified as what they were originally. Who knows what lumps of metal they are. Is the object a tank, a truck, or something like the German's unique barrel truck?

Not only were the wreckage of vehicles and combat vehicles, but the corpses of German soldiers were also lying on the ground everywhere.

Some of them were corpses that looked relatively complete and were probably shocked to death, while some unlucky ones were dismembered on the spot by 500-kilogram aerial bombs and scattered in all directions. Even the whole body could not be found or the corpses could not be collected. Know who this is.

He opened his legs and stepped over the half-piece of corpse at his feet, which looked like half a piece of freshly killed pork in a slaughterhouse. Malashenko, who had been accustomed to this situation since Stalingrad, didn't even have the slightest trace of emotion on his face. His expression was untouched, and the strong smell of blood in the air couldn't make Comrade Ma frown even a little bit on his face.

"No, these are all corpses of the Wehrmacht, not the SS! These stupid Viking bastards are still ahead!"

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