Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1460 Kill them all

Wendel was an experienced SS armored commander, so he naturally understood the importance of the hierarchical relationship between infantry and tanks, and understood that the coordination of infantry and tanks was extremely important in any combat situation.

Following Wendel were the two infantry battalions of the Viking Division, one of which was absolutely strong enough to serve as the main force of the SS Panzer Grenadier Battalion. This was supposed to be a powerful force that could reverse the unfavorable situation after cooperating with the armored forces. strength.

It's a pity that Wendell, who didn't go far, met the wrong opponent this time.

The two battalions of SS infantry who came to fight during the movement encountered the same problem as the Wehrmacht that had been eliminated before: there were no effective defensive positions that had been constructed to use.

The infantry has to fight a defensive battle without a position, which is no less difficult than a tank having to fight an anti-armor battle with only high-explosive bombs.

But just like the final choice made by Wendel, who was determined to die, these fanatical and powerful SS infantrymen did not choose to give up. Instead, they used any cover they could find to start shooting. Fire a hail of bullets at the oncoming enemy.

Our own tanks, twisted wreckage, and large craters blown out by various unknown explosions

Everything that could be used as a bunker was put to use. The SS infantry struggled to fight the enemy and find cover wherever they could.

Seeing that Kulbalov's side had already rushed into the position and started to have close contact with the Germans, Malashenko clearly saw the scene within his sight through the commander's periscope in his hand, and saw this scene. The crazy will to help the bastard bastard Germans fight to the end without any intention of surrender.

The radio transmitter that was already in his hand was brought to his mouth, and after pressing the call button, he spoke quietly.

"Kurbalov, these Germans will not surrender to us! Fight according to the standards of an annihilation war. Don't consider the possibility of the Germans surrendering. Don't stop until you kill all the Germans! Unless you have my order!"

Malashenko will give many kinds of orders, each of which is different, but the order "Don't stop until you kill all the Germans" is extremely bloody. Kulbalov feels that he has known Malashenko for so long. , seems to be the first time I heard it.

"I understand, comrade division commander! These Germans will all die here today as spring fertilizer!"

The battle between the elite and the elite is often so cruel, just like the final battle of Prokhorovka in Kursk earlier.

Malashenko, who would rather die than surrender, forced his troops until he had less than one battalion left. I also took a nasty shot from a German and ended up lying flat on the spot and went to the hospital. Even the command post was hit by a German mortar and almost lost everything.

The essence is actually the same as that time, the only difference is that the superior and inferior sides on the battlefield have been reversed.

Another point is that this group of SS soldiers, who are like candles in the wind, are not able to wait for reinforcements like Malashenko did at the beginning. When the situation is over, the only path waiting for them in front is destruction.

"Comrades, for the motherland! Charge! Ula!!!"


A charge without shouting "Ula" is meaningless. Even in the face of the enemy's frantic firepower, we must shout passionate slogans and rush to the road of charge, sending these Faxi gangs off under the overwhelming momentum of the mountain roar and tsunami. This scumbag is completely on the road.

Da da da da——

The SS Panzergrenadier who ducked out from the wreckage of a Panther tank had quick eyesight and quick hands. The submachine gun held in his arms in the waist-firing state fired fiercely and spit out fiery tongues of fire, directly hitting the oncoming soldiers with their hands. The two Red Army soldiers carrying SVT40 semi-automatic rifles with bayonets inside were instantly swept to the ground.

"Sukabule! Destroy the Fascist lackey!!!"

Da da da--

Bang bang bang——

The hail of revenge bullets followed closely, but this SS Panzergrenadier wearing a snow-white winter combat uniform was obviously experienced. He had already expected such a situation and was unwilling to fight. He hurriedly took aim. His enemy had already ducked back behind the tank wreckage before he opened fire.

"Grenade! Throw a grenade and kill that bastard!"

After staying in Russia for a long time, you will naturally understand some key words. Even if you don't speak Russian, you can at least understand how the word "grenade", which is of great significance to infantry, is pronounced in Russian.

Knowing that he had nowhere to hide, the SS Panzer Grenadier leaned against the still-smoldering remains of the Black Panther. He took the first step and drew out the M24 chicken leg grenade pinned to his chest with both hands. He raised his hands to his mouth at the same time, bit the fuse with tightly closed teeth, and pulled the fire on the spot.

The whole process takes less than two seconds, and the movements are extremely fast and impeccable.

But just when the SS Panzergrenadier raised his hands and prepared to throw, an unexpected surprise followed.


The loud noise was not caused by the two M24 grenades, or it was not just the sound caused by the explosion of the two M24 grenades, but was also mixed with the sounds of other more powerful explosives.

A T43 medium tank with smoke still coming out of its muzzle was parked on the side not far away. Malashenko's troops, who led the team into the battlefield from the side, had already arrived. This tank was the first to join in with its high-speed maneuverability. The combat T43 medium tank is one of them.

The 85mm high-explosive grenade that tore the hapless SS Panzergrenadier into pieces in an instant and detonated together with two M24 grenades was precisely the T43 with smoke from the muzzle that caught it at the critical moment. It was launched at that time.

"Damn, it's too close! Fortunately, it didn't hit us!"

"Stop talking nonsense and keep charging! Forward, Ulla!!!"

As long as you're not dead on the battlefield, don't waste time rejoicing. The second you relax your guard because you're lucky may be the time to get back on the road. This is what countless experienced Red Army soldiers have witnessed with their own eyes from their fallen comrades, so there is this cry from the squad leader comrade.

The remains of the Panther, which was directly hit by the 85mm high-explosive bomb, had several armor fragments blown away. The SS Panzer Grenadier who had been rampant just now had disappeared, leaving only some pieces of meat and blood stains. But at least the weapon he used just now, the submachine gun, fell to the ground in a relatively intact state, with only the butt of the gun being blown apart.

Coincidentally, the squad leader of the Red Army also chose the wreckage of the Black Panther as a temporary bunker and a temporary base. As soon as he squatted down, he saw the remains of a submachine gun not far away that had been blown up and then fell to the ground.

"Somi, the Finnish ghost guy, no wonder he acted like that just now. I haven't seen this gun in a while."

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