Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1462 It’s fatherly time now

The rate of losses of German tanks was increasing, and the absolute numerical advantage of Soviet tanks was becoming more and more obvious and strongly reflected.

If it were just a numerical advantage, it would be fine. The problem is that the enemy's tanks also have an advantage in quality, at least in terms of protective performance, which is definitely much better than our own.

Those Russian heavy tanks that can be seen everywhere, running around like tigers and sheep, are simply unstoppable.

Some German armored soldiers who reacted quickly pointed their guns at the side armor that should have been very fragile. But the result of one shot was just a loud bang and a dazzling spark caused by the violent collision between the armor-piercing projectile and the armor.

Other than that, there was nothing else. There was no violent tank explosion, and there was no parking scene after the Russian tank was penetrated through the armor.

Those Russian heavy tanks that can even withstand the bombardment of the 75mm main gun at close range with their turrets and hull sides are like ferocious steel monsters crawling out of horror stories, familiars of Satan, indestructible and absolute defense. It’s simply despairing!

"What the hell! What the hell! Why can't you even penetrate the side!? What kind of monster have these Russians created!?"

"Shut up and keep shooting! This time, hit the turret ring. The Russian tractor cannot be invincible! There must be a weakness!"

Seeing that they could not penetrate the armor, the SS began to come up with some weird and crooked ideas, such as shooting at the joint between the turret and the body of the IS6, that is, the turret seat.

When facing the seemingly invincible T34 in 1941, the German army used this method to fire at the turret seat. Although they failed to completely destroy it, they paralyzed one T34 after another and made them lose their combat effectiveness. The direction of the turret The machine was jammed by projectile fragments or deformed by impact, and the turret could no longer be rotated.

Although it is already an ancient method, considering that the design and configuration principles of tanks are basically the same, shooting at the turret seat ring position should still be effective. At least it can give the Russian turret steering gear to the card owner. This is enough enough.

The IS6, which was soaring forward, still stepped on the accelerator and maneuvered towards the side and rear of the German tank at high speed. With the dual-flow traditional tracks and the dual support of the electric turret steering machine, the Panther 2 could barely keep up with the enemy's speed and turret. Pointing can basically aim at the location you want to hit.

The SS gunner who had already loaded the armor-piercing shell into the chamber did not hesitate. After he was sure that he had aimed at the vital part he wanted to target, he immediately pulled the main gun trigger on the crank handle to fire the shell.


The muzzle of the 75mm main gun, which was as slender as a fishing rod, flickered, and the scattered fire expanded and dispersed in the muzzle brake, rushing out from both sides of the chamber to offset most of the firing recoil.

The armor-piercing bullets that escaped were not the commonly used full-caliber capped armor-piercing bullets, but the sub-caliber tungsten-core armor-piercing bullets that the Germans relied on as the supreme artifact and had stronger armor-piercing power against vertical armor.

If it were to hit such a small seat ring where the turret and the car body meet, a full-caliber hooded armor-piercing projectile would most likely be bounced off the spot and would not be able to penetrate at all. The exaggerated configuration of the Russian tank's turret and body are irregular in shape, and the chance of ricochet is quite high and cannot be underestimated.

During the armor-piercing process, it is a kind of sub-caliber tungsten core armor-piercing projectile that squeezes out the tungsten core armor-piercing body from the projectile wrapping state and continues to penetrate the armor mode. It seems that because of the tungsten core armor-piercing body, It is small, and it is easier to do the delicate work of shooting the turret seat ring, and it is not easy to be directly bounced away and make a sound like a full-caliber armor-piercing projectile.

This statement is not groundless. When dealing with the T34 in 1941, this was already the experience summed up by the German armored forces.

Anyway, it is impossible for the Russians to make the turret seat ring into sloped armor. As long as they can accurately hit the joint and send the tungsten core armor-piercing body in, then there is no problem in penetrating the turret seat ring. There is no sub-caliber tungsten core armor-piercing projectile. There is also the possibility of being ricocheted.

At least, it does not exist in theory. The SS gunners were so sure, comforting and convinced in their hearts.

But is this really the case?

Not always.

When the armor-piercing projectile hit the joint between the turret and the car body accurately, the scene that shocked the SS armored soldiers was once again staged.

It’s hard for you to imagine how the Russians created such a weird steel monster. The SS gunner took a closer look after the shell was fired, and then realized that the Russians’ devilish iron bastard had nothing to do with it. There is no "neck", in other words, there is no exposed and clearly visible turret seat.

Because of the angle problem and the fact that his nerves were too tight in combat situations, the SS gunner, who was in a hurry and with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, did not notice this important detail at all.

Until the sub-caliber tungsten core armor-piercing projectile was fired, it was directly bounced off the curved armor on the lower edge of the turret side armor. It hit vertically downwards and hit the upper armor of the sloping car body. The projectile ricocheted again.

When he was once again bounced to nowhere like a three-dimensional pinball, the shocked SS gunner finally realized the seriousness of the problem when his jaw opened almost as big as a hippopotamus.

The turret side armor could not be penetrated, and the hull side armor could not be penetrated. I finally thought of the old method used to deal with the T34 and wanted to repeat the same trick, but who knew that the wise Russians directly improved the design, and this new type Iron Bastard can't even see his neck! The car body is directly under the turret, and there is no exposed turret seat!

Even if there is, it is definitely a tiny gap that can only be seen with the naked eye by a person standing next to the car.

Want to put a cannonball through this finger-width gap?

Are you crazy? This is the Earth's solid armor-piercing projectile, not Anton's particle armor-piercing projectile!

The almost desperate SS armorers tried to fire repeatedly, but could never find the real weakness of this Russian steel monster.

The cruel battlefield leaves equal opportunities to both warring parties. We will never favor any party and deliberately give more opportunities.

This SS Panther 2 has taken advantage of the long reloading time of the IS6 and tried several times to fire and shoot with potentially fatal consequences but ultimately found nothing. In the turn-based game, it is the turn of the IS6's 122 heirloom to roar. .

It’s father time!


The thunderous roar of the 122mm main gun shocked the war-torn land and the surrounding air. The large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles rushing out from the muzzle directly hit the rear engine compartment of the Black Panther 2, injecting it from the side. Enter and trigger the charge to detonate instantly at the core of the power cabin!

After a huge bang, I didn't even have time to see what happened to Black Panther 2's little head. Instead, I saw the blown-out gasoline engine being sent up into the sky first. It was blown directly into the air from the power cabin, like a falling star.

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