Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1470 The dull gunshot

"We have decided not to fight anymore and will not be enemies of your Soviet Red Army. Please give us the most basic treatment as prisoners of war in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We are coming out of the tank. Please remember not to open fire. We do not carry any weapons!" "

Malashenko's command vehicle was not far from the remaining command-type King Tiger. In addition, the man shouting in the vehicle also had a loud voice, so half of his body was outside the turret. Comrade, you heard this shouting from the Germans clearly.

What made Malashenko slightly surprised was that the German man's speech was not in German, but in Russian, which sounded like a correct pronunciation and standard pronunciation.

There is actually such a talented person in the Viking division who can speak Russian so fluently. This is what Malashenko did not expect at first.

"Geneva Convention? Why do these bullshit fascist lackeys always talk about this nonsense? We didn't sign this bullshit document at all!"

"Who says it's not? So what if I sign it? They Germans treat prisoners as if they abide by the convention. It's really a double standard."

The brothers Iushkin and Artyom were chatting awkwardly in the car, while Comrade Lao Ma, who was half-body outside the turret, was staring at the King Tiger, paying close attention to its next moves.

After the white flag was withdrawn, the first German to hold a French military salute with his hands in the air climbed out of the turret. His attire did not look like that of a high-ranking official. Malashenko guessed that he was a gunner or a loader.

"Varosha, ask your men to go up and bring the prisoners over. There must be no less than five in total. Bring them all to me."

Malashenko, who clearly knew that the King Tiger was a crew of several people, picked up the transmitter and gave an order to the infantry regiment commander Varosha who owned a command-type Gas Jeep with a radio attached.

Varosha, who knew that the division commander would definitely contact him after the fierce battle, was staying by the command vehicle, took the radio transmitter from his guard and driver, and then replied.

"Understood, Comrade Division Commander, we have already sent people there. I will let my security company handle this matter. There will be no problem."

"Oh, I see."

The call came to an end for the time being. Malashenko saw the soldiers sent by Varosha and quickly approached the German King Tiger. He quickly escorted the first SS armored soldier to get out of the car. got up. The remaining soldiers continued to stand beside the huge King Tiger, waiting for the other Germans to come out of the car.

Soon, the second German got out of the car, but not from the turret, but from the front of the car.

The driver and the electromechanical crew climbed out of the hatch at the front of the car one after another, holding up their hands and surrendering. Malashenko also saw that one of them was somewhat reluctant, and with obvious resistance, he took the Red Army soldier who came up to escort him. He was pushed and he muttered something in a cursing manner.

It is completely predictable what kind of consequences such behavior will lead to. The two Red Army soldiers, one is Bobosha and the other is SVT-40, immediately started to take action without saying a word.

The punches, kicks and gun butts rained down like raindrops. The thin SS armored soldier was quickly knocked to the ground by two tall guardsmen, rolling around like a dead dog. , wailing sounds again and again.

If you commit such a stupid act, you have to consider the consequences clearly. Malashenko does not think that the soldiers under his command have any fault. He can only say that the German guy's eyes probably grew to his buttocks.

After another person climbed out of the turret, Malashenko, who squinted his eyes, began to look a little uncomfortable. Because after the second person climbed out of the turret, there was no sign of the third person coming out. There was still no movement after half a minute.

Malashenko, who was suspicious, once again scanned the four SS soldiers who had already got off the bus, and found that none of the four fit the "big fish" characteristics in his mind. They were all just small fish and shrimps. , the commander with the highest position was missing.

"Damn! Could it be that"


Before Malashenko, who had just secretly hinted that something was wrong, could give an order or take any substantive action, a not-so-big gunshot sounded from inside the King Tiger. It sounded like a match cannon from his childhood. It makes the same dull sound when thrown into a glass bottle.

"Day! There's no chance now, it's so fucking fucked up!"

Malashenko, who was already feeling cold, knew that he was most likely out of luck this time. He had missed the most unpredictable worst-case scenario, and it was too late to think about it now.

As soon as the soldiers closest to the tank heard the gunfire, they quickly climbed up in three steps and then two steps. They stretched their heads towards the turret with the hatch cover opened and took a look. After seeing the scene clearly, they turned around. He turned around and spoke briefly to his comrades under the car to explain the situation.

Soon, the guard company commander who received the order from Varosha quickly ran to Malashenko's command vehicle and gave a military salute to Malashenko, who was still half-length outside the turret and had not gotten out of the car. Then speak up and report.

"Reporting to Comrade Division Commander, only four surrendered SS vehicle crews were captured, and the last one committed suicide by swallowing a gun in the vehicle. The identity was confirmed to be the commander of the vehicle, with the rank of SS First Class Assault Group Leader, and also the commander of the SS Group we encountered. The field commander of this SS unit arrived, and this is the wallet and ID found from him.”

A small cross-body leather bag and an officer's ID card that all German frontline commanders would have were handed over to them by the company commander who had finished the report. Malashenko, who bent down and took the two items, returned them with a military salute. Then he opened the officer's ID card on top and began to review it.

"Alfred Bockmann-Wendel, 33 years old, SS Sturmbannführer 1st Class, commander of the 2nd Armored Regiment of the Viking Division."

"Fuck, what a fucking loss!"

The SS has a different military rank system that is completely independent of the Wehrmacht. The rank of First Assault Group Leader is equivalent to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Wehrmacht. In other words, Malashenko almost caught a lieutenant colonel commander of the armored regiment of the SS Viking Division. Unfortunately, this guy committed suicide by swallowing a gun in his car.

Malashenko, who was speechless while holding the certificate, didn't want to say anything more. He pressed the certificate down and started to rummage through the German guy's small leather bag.

Generally speaking, these are the battlefield maps and important documents, warrants, telegrams and other things carried by the German frontline commanders. After briefly looking through it, Malashenko didn't find anything special. There were just some torn papers and bad maps. He could just leave these things for later, but he didn't have the time right now.

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