Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1477 Young Star

Pfft hahahaha——

Laughter echoed in the small reception room of the front army headquarters. Vatutin couldn't hold back the joke that Zhukov suddenly told.

"Is this what Khrushchev really said? Doesn't he think about why Stalin added "Stalin" to the 1st Guards Tank Division?"

Facing Vatugin's face-to-face laughter, Comrade Lao Zhu could only slowly shake his head and grin helplessly.

"Who knows what is going on in his head. Not only me, Vasilevsky also finds it strange and difficult to understand. It is obviously safer to recommend Malashenko and has a greater chance of meeting Comrade Stalin's wishes. Who knows that he Something was wrong and Comrade Katukov was suddenly taken out."

After getting back to talking and laughing, Vatutin returned to his normal demeanor and slowly spoke to Zhukov with a hint of understanding.

"However, Malashenko is indeed so surprising. Yes, it is a surprise! This is the biggest feeling I have had since I have been with this young man for so long."

Vatugin, who had a look of emotion on his face, obviously hadn't finished speaking yet. After thinking for a moment, he continued to speak to Vatugin. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

"I have never seen such a young grassroots commander and combatant perform so well. You can't even feel from Malashenko that he is a young man in his twenties and under thirty years old."

"His battlefield experience, attitude towards equipment development and unique insights, as well as his flexible application of tactics, as well as his tenacious will and courage to fight to the end when facing the enemy. Well, this is very consistent with a person who tends to be perfect in my mind. "If there is such a perfect grassroots commander, then this person is Malashenko."

Including Vatutin, almost all the top Red Army generals who have had in-depth contact with Malashenko agreed.

Everything about this young man is not what he should be at his age. He is more like a veteran of the Red Army who is in his forties or fifties and has been on the battlefield for a long time.

"However, no one is perfect, and the same goes for Malashenko. Sometimes he prefers to get into trouble, and he must do what he sets his sights on, even if it seems almost impossible or impossible. , he will also try his best to give it a try.”

"The lone army went deep behind the enemy lines in the Cherkasy war zone, turned the Germans upside down, and wiped out a lot of the Germans who came closer to destroy their division. The battle in Cherkasy was in the early stage It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the front and the back in the mid-term. The Germans are being attacked from both sides and are in a state of embarrassment, and they can’t concentrate on one area.”

"The fact that the war is progressing so smoothly has a lot to do with the fact that Malashenko led his troops to contain a large number of German troops. The smooth progress of the frontal war even exceeded previous expectations, regardless of the main direction of attack. The German army was completely wiped out by us before reinforcements arrived."

"Only after I sent the telegram did I know that all the German reinforcements had been intercepted halfway by Malashenko and destroyed in an encounter. I finally saw that no matter how dangerous and difficult the battle was, he could not win it without Marashenko. Shenke doesn’t dare to fight. He only has one division and one brigade and he dares to fight like this. If you give him an army, I think he would dare to fight Poland.”

It is certainly a good thing to be brave and good at fighting, but Vatutin, who gave Malashenko a lot of freedom in tactics, really did not expect that Malashenko could create something in the German guy's belly without his own forced orders. Such a large battle almost completely turned the Germans' rear area upside down.

You must know that this is a large-scale front-level battle at the campaign level. Malashenko can achieve such an effect by adding a division and a brigade in his hands. Vatutin dare not say that Malashenko is absolutely unique, but at least the vast majority of the Red Army's grassroots commanders and fighters are not as courageous as him. Even if an order is given, it is still unknown whether they dare to take the job.

Zhukov, who has already read the battle report summary, and supplemented by Vatutin's explanation just now, has basically understood the entire battle of the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, led by Malashenko, in the Cherkasy Theater from beginning to end. go through.

As far as Zhukov's own feeling is concerned, Malashenko was able to fight the battle so "outrageously". In fact, this matter was not that surprising to Comrade Lao Zhu.

From the border of the motherland to Leningrad, from Leningrad to the city walls of Moscow, and from the city walls of Moscow to Stalingrad, every battle Malashenko fought along the way was basically writing a legend. It doesn't matter where the German is the hardest to chew. In most cases, the German will be beaten into disgrace and run away in embarrassment, or he will be completely wiped out.

There are many Red Army Guards units with good equipment in their hands, but the only one that can fight so beautifully and make the Germans cry out in pain again and again is the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhukov nodded, and then turned to Vatutin and spoke.

"I will truthfully report these situations to Comrade Stalin when I return to Moscow. No honor or commendation should be given to Malashenko and Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division. However, I still need Comrade Stalin's opinion on this. I Neither Vasilevsky nor Vasilevsky can make the decision alone. After all, Comrade Stalin pays close attention to the unit named after him. "

As Malashenko's direct superior, Vatutin originally intended to seek instructions from his superiors and apply for the honors and awards he deserved for his favorite generals and ace troops.

Now that Zhukov had taken the initiative to speak, it was unnecessary for Vatutin to open his mouth again.

After settling a major matter in mind, we can then talk about some detailed tactics and local issues on the battlefield.

"Oh, by the way! One more thing, Comrade Marshal."

Vatutin took out a document from his briefcase on the side table and looked through it for a while. After finding the most important document, Vatutin took it out and handed it to Zhukov.

"Malashenko reorganized the combat mode and team configuration of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division. He mentioned this to me in advance and said that he would conduct a pilot project based on actual combat conditions. Out of my trust in him, I If you allow it, just let him go and do it.”

"Malashenko made a lot of changes to his divisional infantry regiment. The traditional single-shot bolt-action rifles were eliminated and replaced on a large scale. The configuration of medium and short-range submachine guns in the infantry squad was almost half mentioned. The rest of the squad’s light firepower configuration consists of semi-automatic rifles and light machine guns, which has never been seen before in our Red Army’s infantry units.”

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