Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1480 The fewer people know, the better

Vatutin, who received the battle report submitted by Malashenko, studied it carefully for a long time. At first, he was curious about how Malashenko obtained these so-called new assault rifles.

But after Comrade Lao Ma explained the whole process of the incident to Vatutin, Comrade Commander, who thought he had seen enough of the world and the storms, was still frightened by Malashenko's audacity.

"Comrade Marshal, these guns were found by Malashenko himself from a young designer named Kalashnikov, and he was brought to Chelyabinsk and Comrade Kotin's tank factory, where they were used It was originally a batch of weapons produced by testing lathes and equipment used to build tanks.”

“I know this sounds unbelievable or even crazy, but Malashenko really did this, and even dragged Comrade Kotin into the water with him. I don’t know what method he used to persuade Kotin. Comrade Jing.”

"Fortunately, these new assault rifles have extraordinary results and have proven to be a successful weapon. Otherwise, I can't imagine what kind of results are waiting for Malashenko. This guy's courage is simply boundless. "

As Malashenko expected, after knowing the whole process, Vatutin also used "bold" as the core keyword in Malashenko's evaluation.

Bypassing the national small arms competition and directly making guns privately without going through selection and winning, without permission from superiors and without production quotas, they built hundreds of guns, enough to arm an infantry battalion.

Any key factor raised from this alone is enough to put Malashenko in jail. If you make so many guns without permission, you may be beheaded.

Zhukov was also shocked when he heard the news. Comrade Zhu knew that Malashenko, whom he had picked up in one hand, had a personality similar to his own. He dared to say and do all kinds of outrageous things. Make up your mind to do it.

But making hundreds of guns privately is too damn outrageous, right? Compared with this matter, it seemed that even his quarrel with Comrade Stalin was nothing. Zhukov, who suppressed his inner turmoil, spoke again.

"Who else knows about this apart from you and me? Let’s leave aside Malashenko’s side for now. I’m talking about people who are on the same level or higher than us."

The higher the position, the more serious the consequences will be if people know about it. Zhukov is no longer thinking about how to hold Malashenko accountable. It is too late now.

Zhukov's real purpose in saying this was to quickly find out if there were other powerful people who knew about this matter, in case someone who didn't like Malashenko or had no personal relationship with Malashenko was caught. People know that if this is not done, it will be detrimental to Malashenko, and he will be imprisoned.

It's strange to say that even Zhukov himself didn't realize that his first reaction when he heard this was to quickly protect his calf and find a way to handle the aftermath and closing matters for Malashenko to avoid being stabbed. Malashenko, who fell into a big trap, ruined his own future. Zhukov had never been in this state with others.

"Not yet, Comrade Marshal."

"I know that this matter is not trivial, so after receiving the report, I was the only one who read it and did not publicize or spread the news to the outside world. I have always carried the report document with me. My chief of staff and political commissar did not know about it. Currently, they know about it The person with the highest position should be you.”

"Malashenko was promoted by you single-handedly. I think it is most appropriate to tell this matter to Comrade Marshal. It is up to you to decide what to do next."

Vatutin, who had a good impression of Malashenko and had won many battles due to the addition of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, naturally could not harm Malashenko on such a critical event.

As long as he does not do anything extraordinary within the scope of his authority, Vatutin can cover up the matter for the time being for Malashenko.

This matter was no longer something that Vatutin, a front commander, could make the final decision on. This matter had to be handled by someone with a higher position and more powerful hands. After much thought, Vatutin felt that this person was best suited to be Malashenko's "bo le", and Marshal Zhukov was the most suitable. He has been waiting for the opportunity to tell Zhukov face to face until today.

Zhukov, whose heart was in his throat when he learned that the incident had not been spread yet, felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

I wanted to blame and reprimand Malashenko, but when I thought about how this kid could actually use such a bold method to solve a difficult matter that was originally very complicated and complicated, and even impossible, in such a short period of time. Done.

The more I thought about it carefully, the more I felt that Malashenko was really a "talented" Comrade Zhu. In the end, he actually laughed out loud while holding the report handed over by Vatutin in his hand. Since it doesn't matter if you scold or don't scold, it would be more appropriate to simply smile and express your truest state of mind at this moment.

"You are right, Vatutin. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. At least until Comrade Stalin knows about it."

Vatugin's eyes lit up after catching the key words in his words. Vatugin felt that this matter suddenly gained some significance. Vatugin immediately responded to Zhukov.

"Are you going to state this matter to Comrade Stalin face to face? Comrade Marshal."

"Well, I have this plan, and I'm thinking about what to do."

Faced with Vatutin's subconscious inquiry, Zhukov, who had originally planned to do this, admitted it directly without any hesitation.

"If someone else were to explain this matter to Comrade Stalin face to face, I'm worried that it would be a reversal of right and wrong and a personal subjective tendency to disadvantage Malashenko. This matter itself is not a trivial matter. If this happens again, then Our tank heroes of the Red Army may have to go to prison to repent for their crimes.”

"Well, let me tell Comrade Stalin this matter face to face when I return to Moscow. My opinion on this matter is that since it has happened and the result is so good, then the process is no longer important. Let me Go and convince Comrade Stalin. I am still confident about this matter. With such a good result, I believe Comrade Stalin can make the right decision."

"Oh, by the way, Vatutin. Have you seen this new assault rifle with your own eyes? After reading the report you gave me, I am now very impressed by this new weapon that Malashenko has created. interest."

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