"Hey! Comrade Commander, wait a minute! Malashenko, wait a minute! What are you going to do in such a hurry? At least you want to tell me!?"

In public places where other people are present, political commissar comrades rarely address Malashenko by his first name, and most of the time call him comrade division commander. After all, the Red Army, as a regularized army, also has a strict internal organizational structure with clearly defined duties. It would not be good for others to hear the impact of calling the division commanders by their first names all day long.

But now, at this moment, Comrade Political Commissar, who was already extremely anxious, after repeatedly calling Comrade Division Commander to no avail, directly called Malashenko by name in an attempt to make him stop.

And what is our Comrade Lao Ma doing now?

He had just found Varosha, who was leading a team to clean the battlefield and check the collection of equipment. He didn't care about the pursuit and shouting of the political commissar behind him, and ran all the way here.

Ignoring the repeated questioning of the political commissar behind him, Malashenko, who had already found Varosha, gave orders directly to his powerful general.

"Varosha, do you still have the bullets from the combat engineer battalion?"


Malashenko's sudden and nonsensical question confused Varosha. After a brief brain freeze and a return to online status, Varosha thought for a moment and then replied to Malashenko.

"According to your previous order, Comrade Division Commander, the Combat Engineer Battalion did not participate in this battle."

"After the last battle, there were still 35% remaining ammunition, which has not been used and has been kept until now. When we fought this last battle, Battalion Commander Donskoy came to me to complain and came to ask Why did my battalion have no combat mission, but I was blocked because of lack of ammunition. "

Varosha, who had no idea why Malashenko suddenly came to see him, mistook it for a normal inquiry from his division commander, so he answered truthfully and half-jokingly told Malashenko something interesting. details, but Comrade Ma obviously has no intention of laughing.

"Okay, that's enough!"

"Call the combat engineer battalion immediately and assemble urgently! Instead of riding in a tank, find the armored vehicles and trucks at hand that can be used immediately and set off as quickly as possible! If your regiment is not enough, go and find another tank regiment nearby to borrow, and say it is mine. Order, I’ll give you the highest authority! Anyway, get it together as quickly as possible, I’ll give you ten minutes to get the equipment ready to go, there’s a battle to be fought!”


As soon as Malashenko said this, not only the confused Varosha was stunned, but also the political commissar comrades who didn't know what happened were still confused.

"Wait, can you speak politely, comrade division commander! Why did you urgently summon the combat engineer battalion? The combat mission assigned to our division by our superiors has been successfully completed. Or are there any latest orders and combat missions that I, the political commissar, don't know about? ”

Malashenko did not directly reply to Comrade Political Commissar, but signaled Varosha not to ask any more questions, but to quickly execute the order and take action.

It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. Too many unnecessary questions are not the norm for soldiers. Varosha, who knew this well, immediately turned around and left after bidding farewell to his comrade division commander and comrade political commissar.

It was at this time that Malashenko, who was too busy to talk, had the opportunity to tell his comrades one by one the political commissar.

"Time is very tight. I didn't have much time to tell you the details just now."

"Now listen, no one else can know about this matter, not even the Chief of Staff and Lavery. You just need to know and I know. Do you understand?"

Not saying anything but emphasizing the importance and confidentiality first, this was not Malashenko's past behavior style. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was increasingly confused as to why, continued to ask questions while shaking his head slowly.

"What's going on? You tell me! I can feel that this is definitely a big deal, so you should tell me the details. We are not only comrades and partners, but also relatives, right?"


In fact, even now, Malashenko is still thinking about how to tell Comrade Political Commissar the specific situation. This is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

"Comrade Commander is in danger. He did not bring enough guards when he went to inspect the troops this time. The battle in Cherkasy has not been completely finished yet. The fighting on many fronts is not over yet. Not only the Germans but also the local Ukrainians "The gangsters and banditry in Ukraine, as well as the Ukrainian puppet troops who escaped from the control of the Germans and were roaming around, were intertwined and extremely dangerous."

"Look at the map. The liaison officer sent by the Front Army Headquarters said that Comrade Commander went to inspect the combat direction of the 33rd Group Army. Measure it with a ruler and then convert the ratio. The straight-line distance from us is less than 15 kilometers. If it is a mechanized emergency march across the country, If you rush there, you'll be there soon. I will personally lead the team during this operation, and you will be responsible for the rest of the affairs at the division headquarters, as usual."


The amount of information contained in what Malashenko said is too great. It is true that Comrade Political Commissar was able to sort out these words. However, there are many doubtful questions in front of us and hidden in the words that need to be raised one by one.

"Wait a minute, I roughly understand what you mean. Are you planning to lead people to rescue Comrade Commander? Is it okay to think so?"

Malashenko did not explain any more and just nodded slightly in reply, but this aroused even greater doubts among the political commissar comrades.

"Comrade Commander's trip is indeed very dangerous, I have to admit this. But Malashenko, how do you determine that Comrade Commander will be in danger? Have you received any special intelligence? If it is special intelligence You might as well tell me, there may still be a spy lurking in our team who has not yet been discovered, and the authenticity of the intelligence must be analyzed. "


Malashenko knew that Comrade Political Commissar would definitely ask this question. This was his duty and part of the job as the political deputy commander, and it was also a normal inquiry as his partner, old comrade-in-arms and mentor.

However, Malashenko, who has been thinking about it all the time, has not figured out how to say this until now.

"Just think of me as a premonition, a very strong premonition! If I knew that I had this premonition but did nothing, and something bad happened in the end, I would never forgive myself in my life. , I will spend the rest of my life in regret, just like Paul said."


Comrade Comrade Political Commissar has never felt that he has been so speechless in the past as he is today.

Malashenko, who is usually reckless but still cautious and still strives for victory while maintaining stability, seemed to be a different person today. He suddenly said "I have a hunch" and then immediately launched the attack with the most elite heavy infantry in the division. Action, this is incredible!

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