Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1537 Broken Village (Part 1)

"Come on! We can't retreat. If we retreat, we will die! The Bolshevik tanks will not let us go! There is no way we can outrun these iron guys!"

"But, what are we going to use to deal with those tanks? We don't even have a decent anti-tank gun. How can we use mortars to hit the Bolshevik tanks?"

The anti-armor weapons of World War II were not the RPG-7 rocket launchers that were popular in later generations. Even the guerrillas were able to popularize them on a large scale.

The anti-tank equipment these days is not only rare and extremely precious, it is a top-grade weapon among infantry weapons and equipment, and most of them are too heavy to carry, such as anti-tank guns and anti-tank guns.

Even to carry a relatively simple anti-tank gun, it needs to be broken into two parts. One person carries the barrel and the other person carries the gun body to make it convenient and easy. In addition, you have to hang several bags full of special bullets for anti-tank guns. , the weight of these things combined cannot be considered easy to carry at all.

Because of this, the entire light infantry lineup, Anton's trip in pursuit of light equipment and simplicity, brought the most powerful firepower to those few small-caliber mortars that could be carried away. Apart from this, there are only machine guns that serve as the mainstay of the infantry squad's firepower. To be honest, I didn't expect to encounter the enemy's tank troops beforehand. Now I am completely blind after confronting this steel monster.

Shouhou, who was eager to stabilize his morale, had no other choice after hearing this. He could only simplify and repeat what Anton had just told him, and first hold on to the poor village.

"There are anti-armor weapons. The leader has already taken people to get them! They are placed behind the village and will be there soon! They are the Germans' new secret weapons. They are so powerful that they can kill Bolshevik tractors with one shot, so give them to me quickly. Fight back and hold the position! If we can't hold it, we will all die, do you understand?"

Thin Monkey's tone when he said this was quite vicious, and he also took out his very cherished Ruger pistol from his waist. He accidentally picked it up from the corpse of a German officer who didn't know how he died. Got it from me.

Skinny Monkey, who had never seen such a delicate small pistol, was immediately fascinated by the precise German craftsmanship. He maintained it carefully, wiped it again and again, and never even fired a few shots at the target. No matter how carefully you take care of it, take care of it, or be reluctant to use it, it is still time to use it to go to the battlefield.

Seeing the vicious look on the face of the thin monkey holding a Luger pistol, the little bandit leader felt that his whole body was instantly chilled from head to toe. He did not dare to neglect, and quickly nodded and bowed in agreement, and then quickly turned around and ran again. Toward the direction from which he came.

"Damn it! You're obviously just here to make some money, and this was all agreed upon in advance. How did it end up like this?"

The thin monkey, cursing and complaining, sped towards the defensive position at the entrance of the village while muttering.

This is not to say that he now wants to join the battle and risk his life with the Red Army, but he is really forced to do nothing. If he does not risk his life, there will be only a dead end, mixed with complaints, worries, and the helplessness of not knowing whether he can defeat the enemy. Confidence.

But even if the bandit leader Shouhou plans to fight the Red Army, will it really make any big difference to the war situation?

That is obviously not possible, and can even be said to be a slim hope.

In the Red Army's charging queue less than 300 meters away from the village entrance, Malashenko, who was at the front of the team, commanded his car. At this moment, he had retracted into the turret, closed the hatch and entered combat mode. .

This T43 medium tank is designed as the main front-line production tank of the Red Army. Compared with Malashenko's IS4 heavy tank prototype command vehicle, the various equipment in the vehicle are indescribably huge. , it can be said to be extremely shabby, just like the difference between a fully equipped Audi A8 and a second-hand Alto.

The gunner's independent wide-angle periscope newly developed by Kotin based on Malashenko's ideas and suggestions does not exist on the T43 medium tank. Iushkin has to use his own high-magnification, narrow-field main gun sight as before. Difficult to find the enemy.

The commander's periscope on Malashenko's side is not much better. There is no upgraded commander's periscope that can rotate 360 ​​degrees for observation and has a wider field of view.

All around Malashenko's eyes were the same small periscopes with independent fixed viewing angles as the original T34. This made Comrade Ma, who was used to the IS4 heavy tank upgrade configuration system, feel extremely uncomfortable.

The only good news is probably that loader Artyom's heavy loading work has been greatly relieved.

The D-5T main gun, which uses 85mm custom shells, no longer has to be loaded twice like the 122 Heirloom of the Red Army heavy tanks, with projectiles and propellants loaded separately. Moreover, the overall weight of the shells is obviously not in the same level and is much lighter. .

Artyom, who is used to loading 122 shells, is now very good at loading these 85mm custom shells. The speed and loading efficiency are as high as Popeye eating spinach.

Often when Ivush King Kong fires a shot, the breech moves backward and spits out the blazing shells. Before he can aim at the next target, Artyom has already pushed a new shell into the chamber. In addition, he also held the next shell that was moved to his feet in his arms, waiting to be loaded at any time. Now Iushkin can give full play to his artillery skills and fire as fast as he can.

"The enemy has no anti-tank guns, Iushkin! Fire freely and shoot down the machine guns first!"

"I know, I'm taking aim! Don't rush me!"


Before the rapid conversation in the car ended, the muzzle of the 85mm main gun outside the car was already shaking violently and spraying out blazing fire.

This abandoned small village that had been bombarded now had few bunkers left for use. The so-called defensive position at the entrance of the village was only a few broken houses and a few low walls that were blown apart by the shells.

This level of basic defense is barely enough to withstand small arms fire, but if you want to withstand the high-explosive projectiles of the tank main gun, it is just a dream. Even the current small-caliber 85mm shells in the Red Army tank guns are the same. .

The violent explosion of fire blasted the low wall made of mud and withered grass into pieces instantly, and large chunks of soil flew into the air, mixed with the remains of human bodies, broken arms, and pieces of flesh and blood.

A strong wind blew, and you could only feel the pungent smell of blood and unburned gunpowder filling the air. The enemy's machine gun bullets and tank shells were still hitting and screaming through the air. Familiar people around you will continue to die every minute and be killed on the spot. Such scenes are enough to make anyone who is not determined to fight feel an abyss of despair.

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