Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1544 Anton’s number one confidant

"So, we are going to completely eliminate those Ukrainian bandits now? Is that so?"

When he first heard the news brought by Malashenko, Iushkin, who had already planned to return home, was even a little unbelievable.

Iushkin thought that the group of bandits that had been dealt with was all his strength, because this group of bandits was really large in number and very strong. The average bandits, let alone the size of these three to four hundred people, are far from the same as these Ukrainian traitors.

Various Tsarist-era small arms, native cannons, even homemade shotguns and cut-off rifles used as pistols, and all kinds of strange weapons can be seen.

It turned out that this group of Ukrainian bandits were in good hands. They had all the standard weapons of the Soviet and German armies. Some of them were even very new. At first glance, they looked like they were well-maintained and infrequently used. They probably didn't want to part with them until the critical moment. Many of these guns are even in better condition than the infantry divisions of the Red Army. The condition of the light weapons of the infantry divisions of the Red Army that fight all day long is still relatively bad.

Therefore, such a powerful group of bandits was only part of them, not all of them. When Iushkin heard the news, he was so shocked that he could stuff an egg into his mouth.

"I still can't believe that these Ukrainian bandits are so powerful. You must know that this is under the noses of the Germans and on the territory occupied by the Germans. These Germans seem to be risking their lives when they fight with us. Yes, why do you control these bandits so loosely? Aren’t you afraid that the tiger will cause trouble and end up trapping you?”

Of course, Iushkin was not the only one who was so puzzled. Seryosha and Artyom, who were cleaning and loading guns next to the tank and checking the anti-aircraft machine guns on the roof, also looked puzzled.

At least before I came to Ukraine, I had never heard of any group of bandits that could become so big and powerful. If we were to strictly speaking, their combat effectiveness could almost match that of an ordinary Red Army infantry battalion.

That is to say, there is a technical and equipment shortcoming in not having a towed artillery in hand. If these bandits also have towed artillery, it is really a matter of debate who can defeat an ordinary Red Army infantry battalion. After all, these bandits are indeed powerful in numbers, and these days, having a large number of people still has some advantages on the battlefield.

"I have only seen such a powerful bandit gang in books. It was when the motherland was first founded and the country was full of remnants of white bandits. Many officers of the white bandit army started their own troops and became bandits. I didn't expect that. I can still see this scene after returning to Ukraine today. Why don’t those Germans destroy them? These guys will definitely threaten the rule of the occupied areas, right?”

The two brothers Iushkin and Artyom sang in harmony, holding the same views, while Seryosha sat on the turret and carefully wiped the anti-aircraft machine gun with a rag in his hand, without interrupting, except for our old horse. The comrade looked relaxed and calm, just putting the tank cap on his head and getting ready to board the train. perform

"Maybe you will have the opportunity to see more powerful bandits in the future, but that will not be in our motherland. It will be after the overseas battle to drive the Germans out of the motherland."

"There are more powerful bandits???"

Looking at Malashenko, who had already put on his tank cap and tied the cap rope, boarded the car and entered the turret, Iushkin looked in disbelief, clearly someone who had never seen the world. He couldn't believe that there was something better than this. The Ukrainian bandits are even more powerful of their kind.

"How are you sure? No one knows the situation abroad. The countries occupied by the Germans have been ruled for several years. Will there be more powerful bandits? I don't really believe it."

From a common sense point of view, Iushkin's words do make sense. In an area that has long been occupied and is peaceful and free of large-scale wars, there may not really be large-scale bandits, at least in this era. That seems to be the case for most people.

But Malashenko knew clearly that the exception was the Bobo people whose talents were seeking death. If the Germans didn't deal with them, they might all feel itchy.

At the last moment before the Red Army in history was about to arrive, all armed forces in Poland came out to beat the Germans. The number of people far exceeded the resistance of any fully occupied country in the German-occupied areas. The various bandits and guerrillas have whatever they want. It can be called a carrot meeting.

This group of Bobo people could even engage in a large-scale street battle with the Germans in their own capital. Their strength was evident, but in the end they just tried to commit suicide and made themselves fools.

The larger-scale bandits that Malashenko was referring to were naturally this group of Bobo people, and Iushkin would have a chance to watch them in the future. And Malashenko really doesn't have a good impression of this group of Bobo people who are known as "Europe's stepping stone, the great powers step on them first when they go out".

Whether it is the distant future of the 21st century or looking at the historical past, the Bobo people's ability to commit suicide is unrivaled in Europe and even the world.

A country with a bigger hand is dreaming of a dream of becoming a great power that is wilder than that of Tsarist Russia. There is nothing to sympathize with such a group of people who are constantly seeking death and going back and forth. There must be something hateful about the poor people. They are like this again and again. There is a reason for a country to fall.

Now, Malashenko, who has no time to talk nonsense with Iushkin, has to hurry up.

If the bandit leader named Anton ran away, it would be difficult for Malashenko's repeat customers to explain to Vatutin, who was the "victim". After all, this bastard almost killed Vatutin.

That is to say, at the same time that Malashenko officially set off and led his team on the journey again, Anton, who had just driven back to his old camp, was in a mess, with a look of exhaustion on his face, and lingering fears that are still lingering in his heart. Lasts forever.

"Water, give me a glass of water! I'm so thirsty, hurry up!"

Even though he suffered a defeat and escaped with only a few guards, the confidence and prestige that Brother Anton had accumulated over the years was still there, so as soon as he sat down and started shouting, his subordinates immediately started to scream. Warm water was brought up.

Just one unlucky guy like Shouhou who is used as a spearman by Brother Anton is enough. If there are too many people who secretly hate Brother Anton, it will threaten to shake the foundation of the rule. If not, he might be overturned by his subordinates. Anton, who is careful to make Wannian Ship, certainly understands this.




He drank the water from the quilt in one sip and drank it all. Anton, who felt his heart was still pounding, didn't care too much now. Nothing was more important than his own life, so he had to find a way to escape quickly. Let’s talk about it after we go out.

Thinking of this, Anton naturally thought of a person, it was the fat man who looked like a pork butcher who was speechless by the thin monkey before.

Unlike the thin monkey, the big fat man has always been devoted and unconditionally obedient to Brother Anton. If you ask him to go east, he will never go west. So even though this person is a bit stupid and his head is not as fast as the thin monkey, Anton still prefers to reuse the big fat man. After all, this person is trustworthy and trustworthy. This is the most important principle of employing people without suspicion.

"Go, call Baranikov and ask him to run over here for me! No matter what you are doing now, even if you are shitting, go!"

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