Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1546 Brother Anton, your horse is gone!

Barannikov knew that Anton had always been at odds with Shouhou, but he thought that the relationship between the two was just a minor conflict caused by personality differences. After all, Shouhou's intelligence was obvious to everyone. In the past few times, he was able to escape successfully after being surrounded and suppressed by the Germans. This was all due to Slim Monkey's ideas and plans. Normally, Slim Monkey didn't seem to have anything unusual.

Anton suddenly said that Slender Monkey had been wanting to rebel for more than a year, which instantly stunned Baranikov and made him unable to react.

But if this is true, then Anton's move is too vicious and clever.

He led the team out for an operation and killed all of Shouhou and his loyal subordinates. He also used Shouhou's death to win over people's hearts and gathered all the remaining people under his control. around. Apart from the heavy losses, Barannikov couldn't think of any shortcomings in Anton's move. This was simply too clever.

"Then this is really great, but aren't our losses a bit too great? Especially the losses in human hands, which are difficult to make up for."

Baranikov always speaks his mind directly in front of Anton, and this time is certainly no exception.

"I know what you are thinking, but the loss of manpower this time is actually part of my plan. I must lose these people. It's just that I can't go too far and create an opportunity. I still have to deceive people. mean."

"Winter has just passed, and we don't have much food reserves. Last winter, the Germans and their lackeys were searching for food and materials everywhere, and we didn't get much in the end. We even had to go through middlemen to get money. Buy the grain from the Kraut's lackeys."

"During this evacuation, we are particularly short on food, and there is simply not enough food for so many mouths to consume all the way. If nothing happens, it will be better. As soon as spring comes, we can go out and find ways to get food. These more than 800 people Eating and drinking is no problem.”

"But the reality is that we have to evacuate soon, and there is no time to get food anymore, so we must cut off some unnecessary troops so that we can evacuate quickly and easily without being a drag along the way. You can understand what I say. What do I mean?"

Baranikov, who had been following Anton for so many years, had somewhat improved. His mind was no longer as stupid as when he was in prison. After Anton's relatively detailed explanation, he understood quickly.

"I understand, this is what we should do. If we don't do this, none of us will be able to leave. But, what should we do now? What do you need me to do?"

Baranikov knew that Anton was so anxious to call him over, so there must be something big going on. Instead of waiting for Anton to tell him, he might as well ask first. What Anton said next turned out to be true.

"I'm calling you here to prepare you to lead the team and set off immediately. This evacuation will be more troublesome. I don't know if those Russians will catch up. I originally wanted to lead the team out and find other ways to get rid of Gu. Sonov and his dead dogs had an accident and encountered a small but capable and very important Bolshevik convoy."

"Who knows what is going on in that convoy! Although there are not many troops escorting them, they are very powerful. The guns in their hands are not bolt-action. There are at least semi-automatic weapons and more fully automatic weapons! There must be many escorts in that car. What precious materials, absolutely! And soon a large number of Bolshevik tanks arrived, directly defeating and destroying our people."

"I think we may have provoked this group of Bolsheviks. They have just defeated the Germans. Their morale and fighting spirit are high. They may launch an encirclement and suppression against us soon! They are coming towards us! So we can't delay any longer. It’s time, we must act as soon as possible and get out of here!”

"I have already ordered the evacuation preparations and arranged for people to do it. The main problem now is that we have a lot of things and they are all important and must be taken away. I called you here to tell you that I will make our I will leave the valuables such as jewelry and gold, silver and antiques to you. You are the person I trust most. Take these and meet me at this place. There is someone there who can connect with you. "

"I will give you all the trucks, and your speed will be much faster than the people and horses I bring! Going with me will only slow down your speed. When you get to this place, settle down and wait for me to come over. Then we will be together Cross the border and go to Eastern Europe. I heard that the resistance to the Germans in Poland is very strong. There should be room for us to survive. Let’s settle there first.”

After taking Anton's letter on the ground and taking a look at what was written on it, Baranikov couldn't help but blink in a daze.

"This place is the border, but it's far away from here. Even if I get there with my people, what will you do? If you give me all the trucks, you'll only have cars and horses, and you won't be able to go any faster! Now Ukraine is everywhere They are all at war. Neither the Germans nor the Bolsheviks are easy to mess with. If we meet one of them, we will be finished. Are you really going to do this? "

Facing Baranikov's repeated words, Anton just shook his head with a wry smile.

"What if? Tell me a better way, if you have one."


Barannikov stopped talking and was speechless by Anton's rhetorical question.

Anton is right, you can only do this in the current situation, there is no other better way.

In the final analysis, this group of people is just bandits and not regular troops. If the situation is stable, they can still have fun and enjoy themselves doing business without money. But if the situation changes and encounters a large-scale war in which millions of people are killed at every turn, especially if the Soviet army, which hates bandits like them, will definitely eradicate the banditry once it frees up its hands, it will have the upper hand.

The only thing you can do is to escape. Whether you can escape or not depends entirely on skill, luck, and your luck. It is so sad and cruel as a rootless duckweed.

The silent Baranikov finally nodded in agreement and prepared to do as he was told. Anton stood up from his chair, picked up the armed belt on the table and the holster of his gun, ready to tie it back to his waist, and was about to start. The look of action.

But at this moment, there were suddenly several loud explosions in the camp outside the house. The noise was very loud. It definitely sounded like the explosion of artillery shells rather than the noise caused by grenades!

Anton, who was instantly shocked, had not had time to rush out of the house to see what was going on. The fat Baranikov also followed behind Anton more slowly than Anton, and ran towards the door, but... Some soldiers had already broken into the house and reported loudly to Anton.

"Brother Anton, your horse is gone! The Bolsheviks used the cannon on the tank to blow your horse away!"

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