Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1550: Live to see people, die to see bones

“If I had known it would end like this, I would have saved myself the trouble of taking off my pants and farting.

He put his hands on his hips and watched as the T43 medium tank beside him and the combat engineers of the brigade filed into the camp and began to hand over the weapons of the bandits who had raised their hands to surrender. Occasionally, if they encountered dishonest ones, they would have to raise their rifle butts and shoot them suddenly. A few blows, plus punches and kicks.

Malashenko just felt that these bandits really deserved what they deserved. He didn't even think about stopping them, he just stood there and watched.

"These bastards really have no backbone at all, just three shots! We opened the door and surrendered after three shots. Those strong Italian men captured by the Germans are stronger than these losers, and they are much stronger! At least Italy People will shoot twice in the sky before surrendering, but these cowards will not."

What Iushkin said coincided with Malashenko's thoughts and went hand in hand. This group of bandits with extreme fighting power simply refreshed Iushkin's lower limit of cognition. Iushkin couldn't imagine that a little earlier, this group of people almost killed Commander Vatutin. The stark contrast was too damn strong, wasn't it?

"They're just a bunch of bandits. They're good at bullying the old, weak, sick, and disabled, and robbing homes. The best they can do with guns is to fight in a swarm with Shunfeng. If there's a headwind or a slight decline, well, you've seen it, too. This is the situation, all bandits in the world have this kind of behavior.”

As a native of this information-blocked era, Iushkin didn't know much about the bandits, but Malashenko, who traveled from later generations, knew exactly who these people were.

How much can you expect from a bunch of bastards doing business without capital? Malashenko had already expected such a result when he ordered the firing. As for the previous shouting, it was just out of curiosity and a bit of teasing to try and see the effect. After all, this was the first time Malashenko had faced off against bandits. The reason was that simple, nothing more.

"Okay, it's almost time to clear the place. Let's go see how many big fish we caught among these prisoners."

Malashenko, who was leaning against the gate of the camp and smoking next to the car with Iushkin, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. Malashenko, who did not want to waste time here any more, just wanted to finish the job and leave as soon as possible. Staying here for one more minute is turning time into garbage.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you!"

Like Malashenko, Iushkin also wanted to see for himself what kind of weirdo the leader of this bandit was. The various confusing remarks and strange behaviors from beginning to end are really exciting, and people can't help but be very curious about this bandit leader.

Malashenko and Iushkin came to the pile of prisoners who had just been gathered together, but looking at this posture, it seemed that they had not been able to gather all the prisoners together.

Malashenko could see the soldiers searching all the houses in the camp house by house. From time to time, they could still find one, two or even more bandits trying to hide in a certain house.

It's just that now, no bandits dare to shoot or resist at all costs. If they are caught, they can only admit defeat and blame themselves for their bad luck. They give up on the spot and are dragged from their hiding place like a rat. Drag it outside the house.

"How many houses have not been searched? How many have been arrested so far?"

Faced with Malashenko's question, Varosha, who was specifically responsible for matters related to prisoners and infantry, immediately answered.

"There are not many houses left. After searching the houses in this row, only the few houses at the back have not been searched. Those houses seem to be granaries. I gave the soldiers an order to search the places where people are living first. If they can There is a greater chance of hiding in an inhabited house, and the granary is empty and there is no place to hide. "

"Everyone who has been captured is here. A rough count of the number of people is about three hundred or nearly four hundred. Counting the ones we eliminated before, this group of bandits has a total of seven or eight hundred people, which is more than an ordinary person." There are so many infantry battalions! I have only seen such a large banditry in history books describing the White Bandits. I really didn’t expect Ukraine to be in such a bad state.”

Varosha, who has a relatively comprehensive grasp of the situation, is now quite surprised. After setting foot in Ukraine, an occupied area that has been occupied by Germans for a long time, for the first time, he has seen and heard so much that has refreshed Varosha's outlook. . It is simply unbelievable for ordinary people to imagine how the Germans managed this place to become such a mess.

"Send another group of soldiers to search the houses that have been searched again. We must search carefully to prevent any fish from slipping through the net!"

"Also, which of these bandits is the leader and which one is the boss? Have you tried them?"

The first sentence talks about commands, and the latter sentence throws out the key issues.

In fact, even if Malashenko did not give the order, Varosha had already arranged for another team of soldiers to exchange searches and consider everything carefully. However, the second half of Malashenko's sentence was a bit head-scratching.

"It has been preliminarily reviewed, Comrade Commander. It's a pity that these bandits said they don't know where their leader is. It's just that the number one bandit leader is called Anton. He is in his forties and almost fifty years old. He is of medium to tall height. . The second gang leader, Baranikov, is also missing. He is a big fat man.”

"Before we came in, the two bandit leaders disappeared. No one can tell their specific whereabouts."


Malashenko didn't believe that bandits could still run away and slip out at this time. The bandit camp located on the top of a small slope was not that big. With the detailed map as a guide, Malashenko has deployed troops on every possible escape route. There is a tank on guard at a distance of dozens of meters, and the infantry is even more densely deployed. .

There were only a few troops who entered the camp to disarm and arrest people, and they did not need many troops at all. The main troops still stayed outside to form an airtight encirclement.

Malashenko knew very well that in this situation, even if the bandit leader flew out with wings, he would be shot down on the spot by the anti-aircraft machine gun on the tank. No matter how powerful these two bandit leaders are, there is no way they can slip away from under their noses. If they can't find a trace for the time being, they are definitely still hiding in this camp.

"Search for me! I have to dig three feet into the ground to find these two bandit leaders! They will never escape, they are still in this camp! If you can't find them, just keep searching over and over again, even if you set the place on fire." Cheng Carbon, I want to find their bones!”

Malashenko's vicious words coupled with his ferocious expression were indeed very vivid and a bit wonderful.

Maybe Malashenko himself thought it was nothing, but there were already people in the prisoner team beside him who were so frightened by the harsh words that seemed to be true that their expressions changed.

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